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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

I am 21 years old and mom to a great son named eddie. I got married last year to a man i met in my parenting class who is 28 years old and has a 13 year old daughter named claire. My husbands daughter did not live with him when we first got married and even met she lived with her mom. But unfortunatley her mom was arrested for drug use and possesion with intent to sell i believe. Ever since she has lived with us and been nothing but a problem. My husband only really paid child support and saw her maybe once a month now he is in Iraq. I have tried to bond with her trying to do things with her but she just hates me. I tried contacting the prison to ask why her mom has not called and it is because the woman chooses not too!i wrote a letter to arrange meetings between my step daughter and her mom and she declined.How to tell my step daughter this?she thinks this is all me and my fault?

2006-09-19 09:40:12 · 14 answers · asked by mindy h 1

m'kay he is a 5'10, 17 yr. old male. i'll admit he used to be fit yet over the summer he slacked off & wit the help of his diet of sweets, binges, lack of exercise, occasional gluttony etc. etc. he put on around 55lbs. -sighs-

he now weighs around 217+ lbs. (he went from the 55th to the 96th percentile for his weight!) & if he keeps gaining like he has i dunno what to do. the only weird thing is 31in. jeans used to fall off of him. now i bought him a 36 or 38 in. belt & it wont even fit around him completely! he also pronounced lovehandles, back rolls, has stretch marks on his upper thighs & side of his bulging belly (that is starting to hang) he almost have moobs & i can go on & on.

so in your opinion is he fat, just right or underweight?

he's currently @ a boarding school & i'm worried to death he'll come home bigger than ever!! what shall we do??

2006-09-19 08:51:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 21 years old and mom to a great son named eddie. I got married last year to a man i met in my parenting class who is 28 years old and has a 13 year old daughter named claire. My husbands daughter did not live with him when we first got married and even met she lived with her mom. But unfortunatley her mom was arrested for drug use and possesion with intent to sell i believe. Ever since she has lived with us and been nothing but a problem. My husband only really paid child support and saw her maybe once a month now he is in Iraq. I have tried to bond with her trying to do things with her but she just hates me. More over i found a pregnancy test under her bed while cleaning? I suspected she was up to something but my husband just ignored me saying she was just in puppy love with her bf. How do i confront her????????

2006-09-19 08:47:47 · 13 answers · asked by mindy h 1

My cousin julie asked about having melanie her daughter live with me and my parents for a while?I dont now what the exact problem is? child serves called yesterday for me to speak to them. I now my cousins bf is an ex drug addict and have seen him smack her daughter for a accident. I am 18 yrs old and have baby say her daughter since she as born delayed my 4 yr college for a year to help her out so i am in a community college as a transfer student. so would you ask you parents about your cousins daughter coming to live with them and you?

2006-09-19 08:20:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to just invite some family over to celebrate my daughter's birthday. But my family is nagging about a birthday party. Do you think she is too young for a birthday party? I dont know any other children to invite her age.

2006-09-19 08:19:46 · 27 answers · asked by Jackeeeee 3

Ive been watching super nanny lately and the time out corner actually does really good sometimes. But I want something more concrete like an award system for my child.

2006-09-19 08:16:57 · 18 answers · asked by Jackeeeee 3

me and my son argue all the time is this the teenage yrs....but later on he feels sorry and so do i ..is this what teenagers do???or what.

2006-09-19 08:05:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I try everything from physical punishment, to psychological "torture" ( what my wife calls it) but he wont change. Anyone know where I can get a tool to change him? Shock therapy?

2006-09-19 07:56:17 · 35 answers · asked by tkocp07 1


2006-09-19 07:53:05 · 19 answers · asked by harris r 1

What factors would cause a 5 year old boy and girl to bully his or her peers in Kindergarden? I'm trying ti understand this, because right now, I'm boiling mad. I left a message for the vice principal, and the heifer hasn't called me back yet. I've spoken to the teacher about 4 times. Everyday, my son comes home with a story about this boy, "Matthew" and this female delinquent "Mary Elaine". Kindergarden. Tell me why? My son will not hit. I want him to fight back though, but it seems not to be in his nature. Do parents of these hellian spawn think this $hit is cute? Kids have DIED from being assaulted by bullies at school http://www.bullyonline.org/schoolbully/cases.htm and after reading up about these things, I want so bad to cause bodily harm to the parents to see how they enjoy it. I have to restrain myself from saying something smart when I see these little bitches at his class. Yes, I am fed up. What the hell is wrong with these frickin' bad assed little kids?

2006-09-19 07:37:22 · 19 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4

I noticed that most babies do, if they are sucking on a pacifier, bottle, or breast.

Their chin quivers a few times and then they take 3 or 4 sucks.


2006-09-19 07:33:30 · 5 answers · asked by AuroraBorealis 4

How do you feel about parents that buy clothes for children as gifts if the child is not into the fashion yet ? It's almost like this sort of "gift" is not a gift at all..it's a necessity. I'm talking about the average child with average interests in the average middle class family.

I remember as a child (Under 10), I would get clothing for birthdays and holidays and I look back and think that clothing would have to be purchased anyway but parents try to disguise clothing as a Christmas present. Thats not what I wanted!

2006-09-19 07:18:27 · 9 answers · asked by KathyS 7

Hi i am 18 almost 19 and baby sit my cousin matt 8 yrs and second cousin melanie 5yrs i only baby sit my cousin matt 2 or 3 three times a week and i get paid about 8 to 10 dollars an hour. But my little cousin melanie i see almost everyday to babysit and do not get paid anything. Her mom Juilie is my first cousin and we grew up together she is is two years older than me and latley has been partying a lot she has her associates degree but still chooses to work as a bar tender. I now she does not pay rent she lives with her bf who is not the father of her child. Child services called me yesterday to talk about her?

2006-09-19 06:56:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

why does my dad shout and scream at me ALL of the time over tiny little pathetic things in the past until I punch him in the face, then after this he immediatly stops and tries to be nice to me non stop until the next day?

2006-09-19 06:37:54 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

what's the hottest toys for infants, toddler boys and an 8 yr old girl??? What's the best that they never seem to get sick off???

2006-09-19 06:33:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen parents with children severe disabilities planning to have more kids. I would just think that would be soo difficult. Who will take care of the kids as the enter adulthood? Especially if the parents ever become ill.

2006-09-19 06:23:34 · 26 answers · asked by momof2borninmarch 3

Yes POOPS! It poops these little brown nuggets and it comes with pooper scooper! Can U believe that?!

2006-09-19 06:03:03 · 18 answers · asked by Jenny M 2

I am 18 years old and in college my first year and i often baby sit for my younger cousins ages 10, 8, 6 months and 5. That would be 3 boys and a girl. I often am not geting paid either and with all of them at once it can be rather tiering. It is not all the time all 4 cousins at once but alot of the time it is. It can also be embarrasing to be seen with all of them in public To movies or something people tend to stare or ask if the one of them is mine. Plus they do not listen sometimes and fight alot amongst each other. How do i politley tell my aunts who i love and who used to babysit me that this is getting to be a bit much?I feel like they are kind of taking advantage of me.

2006-09-19 05:59:23 · 26 answers · asked by Elanor p 1

Last night, I was sitting in my chair in the living room and my son came down the stairs and said in a strange, slow voice, (and I don't want to use his sister's real name so I'll call her "Jenny") Hey Dad... Jenny's rose is in bloom..." I said, "Huh?!" And he just turned his head and looked at me over his sunglasses for a second and walked off.

What the ****!?!

2006-09-19 05:53:17 · 25 answers · asked by Dialup, Avatar, Jones! 2

For beating up a little classroom bully known for pushing your kid around and hitting him?

I told my boy, even if he gets in trouble with the teacher for whooping this kids @ss, he wouldn't be in trouble with mommy and daddy, and we were going to do all of the things I mentioned to celebrate. Is this a bad idea? I'm trying to get the boy to grow some balls and stand up to these little 5-6 year old punks in his kindergarden class. Any other suggestions? I've truly had it with the caliber of classmates he has here.

2006-09-19 05:30:48 · 31 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4

With the S I D S thing afraid of having her sleep on her belly, is there any good method of keep a toddler from rolling over in their sleep.

2006-09-19 05:23:09 · 15 answers · asked by just askin 1

For reference to my current question please read:


I asked a question not too long ago about my son who is constantly grabbing for things in stores and just being a “normal” seven month old. I put the question up to a vote because there were a lot of great answers and I couldn’t decide. Today I went back to the question and couldn’t believe which one was voted as best! It’s not that I’m mad at voters, I am just curious as to why is this considered the best answer to some people? If it is then why shouldn’t I say no to my child even at seven months? When do kids “grow up” enough to be disciplined and told “no” for unacceptable behavior? I am just so shocked! Thank you for your response!

2006-09-19 05:19:58 · 17 answers · asked by .vato. 6

I know someone who won't sleep in her own bed. She enjoys the couch much more. How will we get her to sleep in her own bed? People call her a baby but she sleeps on the couch just fine. She'll sleep in her bed occasionally, but without the T.V on she can't seem to get to sleep. Her room has a T.V, but not cable. How can we get her to sleep in her own bed?

2006-09-19 05:00:12 · 8 answers · asked by Another Obsessed Fan ♥ES 2

He is demanding to know (I don't know why) and I don't know what to tell him. Would there still be visible scarring from 17 years ago.

BTW, as he turned away from me and walked off, I heard him mumble something like "not going in the way I came out."

2006-09-19 04:48:52 · 18 answers · asked by Dialup, Avatar, Jones! 2

I have a Nephew and he never learns a thing when we punish him. we set him on the stairs but i knew that never works. Plus my little sister also punished alongside with him and they just chat and play around. I think my ideal of best punishment method would be empty rooms and they stay there for 10 minutes. What about you?

2006-09-19 04:24:47 · 23 answers · asked by mystic_lonewolf22 5

For the last 2 weeks my 6 yr old daughter has been fighting us on getting up for school. She claims she is tired and wants to stay in bed. School starts at 7:45 and I get her up at 6 Am. Her sister gets up with out a problem. This morning she refused to get out of bed. We have tried everything to get her out of bed. She has lost watching her TV to her cheerleading and she still continues to do this!! She is in bed at 7 and won't fall alsleep till about 9. sits in bed and plays and talks to herself. I am at a total lose on what to do! She plays outside and it doesn't seem to wear her out! Any ideas on what to do to get her to go to sleep when she goes to bed?

2006-09-19 04:23:12 · 18 answers · asked by kolowski4 3

He has always been great with his nap and night time routine, but for the last week he fights it! I can be flexible a little on the routine, but he shows all signs of being sleepy and ready for his nap/bedtime, but when I go forth the process and lay him down he get upset and yells at me. At first the problem was teething, but thats done and now that he can stand and walk around in his crib he wants to get out and play or just hang out with mommy. I'm an attachment parenting style mommy, so "crying it out" is out of the question, but I've tried every thing else and I'm feeling frustrated and exhausted. any advice or experiance stories?

2006-09-19 04:16:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my almost 14 month old baby is finally teething. she woke up last night every hr. i couldnt give her origel or tylenol cuz u have to wait 4 hrs between. im clueless on what to do, shes so old that she really is upset. she swats at her mouth and puckers her lips so they dont touch her gums and she keeps moving her tongue around. I really need to know how to make her feel better, i feel so bad for her i cryed with her at one point last night. ohh and no i wont use wisky so dont give that answer. thanx

2006-09-19 04:14:59 · 16 answers · asked by cudybug 3

For example: Say you are in the supermarket, and your6 year old kid is whining over a toy he wants. However, he already picked out something else and he agreed to pick only one thing. Now the whining has escalated into a fit, and you tell him firmly in a raised voice to shape up or get ready for a spanking. Kid shapes up immediately. However, a few women walk past you muttering about child abuse under their breath and glare at you.

If you agree this scenario is child abuse, what should a parent do? In this case, leaving the store is not an option because you are picking up weekly grocery and won't have time to do it later, and it's for necessities: diapers for the baby, food for the house, toilet tissue, lunch prep... etc

Very interested in hearing why someone would consider correcting a child in this manner ( firm talk, option to end the behavior, or the option of a swat on the bottom) is abuse. Kid was not spanked at all. He opted to chill out.

2006-09-19 04:09:20 · 37 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4

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