Please explain this. I challenge you to provide FACTUAL links and credible sources and material. I CHALLENGE you. Otherwise, I and the rest of the Yahoo! Answers users that frequent the baby and parenting sector will have assurance that YOU are indeed full of more hot air than an Iraqi desert in August. Please, prove me wrong...but before you do, consider this...
My baby daughter (recently breastfed for only 6 months, now exclusively on formula) crawls to me as soon as I step out of the shower and plants slobbery kisses all over my wet legs and feet. She whines until I cradle her. Then she speaks to me in "our language" which we invented when she was only a few months old consisting of breathy vowels and repetetive "oooh, and babooo and ah-woooo" and even a ma-maaaa-wooo wooo-maaaaa maa" here and there. My husband and her have a similar bond, just different, and she LOVES how he feeds her and plays with her. Hmmm, your feedback to refute this is welcome. Coward.
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