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Pregnancy & Parenting - 30 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

since the day before yesterday..she has gas.. but when it's time for her to poop she cries and walks up my belly.. she sweats.. can i give her juice or something ...cause the nurse didn't help much...

2007-05-30 03:34:37 · 20 answers · asked by *S*T*E*P*H* * 1 in Newborn & Baby

is there life on another planet?? if thereis what would thier names be??? this is a serious question. lol not really- im just bored but stil!!! please no inapropriate answers!!!!

2007-05-30 03:33:12 · 4 answers · asked by **Lizz** ♥ 2 in Baby Names

today im going to take a blood test, but i dont know if there is one special to know if im pregnant or one general that can tell me it at all

2007-05-30 03:29:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

How can my hormones get balance, my periods are so irregular, this month it was 48 days, I was put on clomid last month, this is my second month on it, i took it on day 3, my body isn't ovulating, its getting so hard for me because my fiance' wants a baby, and am scared he'll go somewhere else to make it, am only 20 and was trying Sept 06. Can someone please help me by telling me how can I improve my chances of conceiving this month

2007-05-30 03:28:55 · 2 answers · asked by Mom of 2 w/ PCOS 6 in Trying to Conceive

i usually have periods of 28 to 30 days but last month i was so stressed that i delayed my period for 5 days, now my period its late 5 days too.. im scared i didnt have sex i just fooled around completely dressed, that was last month so i already have my period after that but im scared of why it was late, and why its late this month if havent been streseed until now

2007-05-30 03:27:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Okay so I know later on in pregnancy some people do it. I am only 5 1/2 months along, isn't it too early? Could it be anything else? This is gross, I am stuck at work and smell like urine! Any ideas's

2007-05-30 03:25:04 · 15 answers · asked by Maroo 3 in Pregnancy

I am feeling sick a lot. but i have taking 3 test all show - ! could the stress be causeing me to feel this way! i don't want to be pregnant. I use the pill and condoms when needed. what should i do?

2007-05-30 03:24:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i had intercourse in those 14 days and now my breasts are sore. what are the chances of being pregnant. I have no other pregnancy symptoms

2007-05-30 03:22:01 · 7 answers · asked by charl 1 in Pregnancy

My little boy is 3 and a half, he has always been the same since he was born, but just recently he has started refusing to go to the toilet because he says it hurts. I have given him fruit and even tried syrup of figs, but he is complaning his tummy hurts and refusing to go again, any suggestions...?

2007-05-30 03:18:37 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

the attitude has got to go. She is arguing with everyone. She gets so angry that when in a fight with someone (our immediate family) that she does not love them. We don't know how to respond to this. It is getting so bad that noone wants to spend time with her. I have never spanked my kids but I am getting closer to it with her. I am on short term disability been home for the last 2 months and getting ready to go back to work next week. I am looking forward to it so I don't have to spend as much time with her. How aful is that. Please give your advice. How can I make things better with her.

2007-05-30 03:17:25 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I have a daughter that just turned 1. She has alway cried alot (90% of the day) and seems to never be happy. She hits, kicks, and yells. One minute she will play and be nice then out of no where through a fit and tantrum. She screms none stop in the car. Doesn't and never has liked people. She hits herself and bangs her head and pulls her hair all the time. she also does funny things with her eyes, they go in weird directions, and at times it looks like she is just gazing through you when she actually looks at you! I was wondering if there is something wrong with her. When she was @ 5 month we had also asked her doctor about seizures, because she would make funny breathing noises. And ones again she has always been like this just adding more to it as time goes on.

2007-05-30 03:13:08 · 18 answers · asked by destjaz 2 in Newborn & Baby

im 4 months pregnant and school starts june 12 .. ?

2007-05-30 03:09:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 25 years old & have dreamed all my life of someday being a Loving wife and mom. I finally found a very sweet man who Loves me very much & wants me to be his wife.
I have no children yet but he has 3 from a previous marriage ages 15,11 and 3. I Love the kids with all my heart & they Love me too. My fiance is 39 & does not have a good relationship with his x wife who he was married to for 15 years.They BOTH are in my opinion horrible parents. They don't hit the children but emotionally & even physically neglect them.
-Letting the 3 year old stay up until 11:00pm+ with no structured bedtime & letting her sleep until when ever she wakes up-11am+.
- Giving the 3 year old soda in her slippy cup & feeding her chips & other food with little to no nutritional value FOR MEALS
- Using foul language in front of them & putting them in the middle of arguments they are having.
This behavior is not ok with me & I have told him how i feel but when im not there I KNOW it continues

2007-05-30 03:08:48 · 13 answers · asked by redhotdancer4life 3 in Parenting


2007-05-30 03:07:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

personally i feed my son as much as he wants when he wants and it's worked out well, he's only 10 weeks old and sleeps for at least 10 hours straight throughout the night without any feed, he usually needs feeding around every three hours during the day

2007-05-30 03:07:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

any suggestions on how to calm him down?

2007-05-30 03:05:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I was told i have a tilted uterus at my 8 week apt. They did a vaginal ultrasound and i saw the baby and it had a good heartbeat. Will the tilted uterus make it difficult for the doctor to hear the heartbeat at my 12 week apt. which is in 5 days? Also should i be able to feel my uterus yet? I know I have a bump on my belly that i didn't used to have is that the uterus? I am feeling my belly below the bellybutton but don't really feel anything.

2007-05-30 03:02:05 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah B 1 in Pregnancy

My doctor perscibe clomid 50mg to me, told me to start taking them on day 3 of my period, how many days after the last pill are you suppose to ovulate?

2007-05-30 03:00:09 · 10 answers · asked by Mom of 2 w/ PCOS 6 in Trying to Conceive

My mom said it took her stomach 6 months after she had me and my brother to go back down to it's normal pre pregnancy size! 6 MONTHS!!! No way........I'm wondering, this is my first baby and I'm not so overly huge that I feel like a lardo and I've only gained 20 pounds at 34 weeks. My question is, when does your stomach return to normal after the baby is born? I don't want a bowl of jelly for 6 months!

2007-05-30 02:57:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my 4 month old comfort nurses a lot. i mean a lot. and she expects it, demands it and it is unacceptable to her to not let her nurse when she wants, which is......a l.o.t. am i setting myself up for a problem? how do i stop this? is this wrong to do?

2007-05-30 02:52:10 · 15 answers · asked by learnin_toluvme 3 in Newborn & Baby

I'm not prego or anything. Just wondering.

2007-05-30 02:41:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

is there any education i can start for my 6 month pld baby boy so that he wtll learn ?

2007-05-30 02:39:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

My daughter is 2 1/2, and has used the potty a few times. She was really excited about it at first, then a few months ago, she lost interest. Every time we talked about it - discussed putting on big girl pants, sitting on the potty, etc. - her response was always "No mom, I'll go on the potty when I'm three."

That was no big deal for me, I just figured I'd wait - but now her daycare that she goes to part time says that if she's fully potty trained by July that she can move up to the preschool room, which is a huge tuition break - incentive for us!!

My question is, I know the harder you push, the more they resist - but we could really use the tuition break right now. I've tried all the tips - she's picked out her own undies, she has the sticker chart, we've tried M&M rewards - everything I can think of. She's capable of using the potty, she just plain doesn't want to.

Anything else I can try to get this done ASAP? Thanks!

2007-05-30 02:38:37 · 8 answers · asked by fuffernut 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

She was 14 years old and got raped by her dad. We have been together for about 8 months and she just now told me. What do you think i should/should not do?

Any personal experiences?

2007-05-30 02:33:18 · 18 answers · asked by gandg 1 in Adolescent

Has anyone else felt these types of movements? I still feel him moving like that this morning, but just every once and a while. I'm 40 weeks now.

2007-05-30 02:25:25 · 5 answers · asked by lysistrata411 6 in Pregnancy

to a little tap on the hand when he is doing something wrong. As a social worker, i have told many of my clients that it is not abuse or illegal to spank their children, at least for now. And I would stress the importance in establishing authority with their children in order to maintain control. I get out raged with i see people lobbying for parents to stop spanking their children. Do you think they are trying to take away our rights as parents? Do you think spanking is breeding criminals, or lack their of? I think about my little old maw maw telling me before i had my son to start popping his hand very early and that would establish my authority in the beginning and this has seemed to work because he is such a well behaved little boy. How thin of a line is there between discipline and abuse? I don't think it is as thin as most people now do, but i would like to hear what you think.

2007-05-30 02:24:54 · 30 answers · asked by micah z 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

boy & girls names please..thanks-

2007-05-30 02:23:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

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