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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

alright im going to court against this guy for rape what exactly will go down. im 15 hes 18. helpp.

2006-12-20 09:32:31 · 4 answers · asked by babi_gurl1669 1

I told my Attorney to continue my case and he refused my request and went to court anyway. It is a bankrupcy case. Now he has put me in jeoparty of losing my house/and having a larger mortgage. He also screams at me over the phone. He have been assigned to my case by the court. (pro bono). He cause be more trouble than helping.

2006-12-20 09:13:29 · 13 answers · asked by sue q 1

Are there any unusual forms of death penalty in your state? I heard that Utah still has the shooting gallery, is this true?

2006-12-20 09:13:00 · 4 answers · asked by Ronnie M 2

which states that a person must yeild the right of way to pedistrians... or something along those lines... Thanks!

2006-12-20 09:09:11 · 1 answers · asked by thankgodformaryjane 4

I was changing my sheets and....well...we've all seen tags on our pillows that say " Under penalty of law this tag not to be removed except by the consumer". Does anyone know the history behind this law? Just curious...

2006-12-20 09:07:42 · 7 answers · asked by Nels 7

i am 16 years old, male, i want to live with my stepdad, he wants this also, but my mother wont let me or sign any papers, what do i need to take this to court? she has not abused me or negleted me, i just dont want to live with her any more. and what do i need to do to get Emancipated

2006-12-20 09:06:00 · 3 answers · asked by brazil4life2006 2

im just tired of having to go to court over what i have in my yard behind my garage (i;e)cars and auto parts and firewood

2006-12-20 09:04:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend that smoke pot sometime and she believe it not as same as harsh drug because it almost like smoking cig and drinking beer and she said it shouldn't be illegal because it make you relax when you are stress or enjoy. I don't know what to say because I don't judge her but I am afriad that she might get busted one day but she been smoking for 15 years off and on but never got caught. I want to know how many of you say that it should be legal and law are not fair about that or should it be illegal. What are pro and cons. I don't know much about it but I am curious what it is like and it shouldn't be illegal because cig and beer, acohol is like drug. but tell me about your story about it.

2006-12-20 09:01:18 · 23 answers · asked by jessibee2 1

2006-12-20 09:00:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night I cooked 2 pieces of prepackaged meat. My husband had one piece and me and my 2 toddlers shared the second piece. As my husband was in the middle of eating the last of his sandwich he said "oww..what is that?" and pulled a piece of metal out of his mouth that was embedded in the meat. First thing he said is "lawsuit" mainly because it's METAL that was obviously in the meat before or during packaging. I said don't worry about it, but he said a piece of metal that size (a little larger than 1/4 inch) could cause damange in your digestive tract...especially since we have 2 small children. So what type of lawyer would he seek to handle a case like this?

2006-12-20 08:51:20 · 12 answers · asked by october g 3

access to a thorough sex education program or access to birth control wants to apply for welfare and WIC to feed the baby...you turn on her? Her and her baby are now scum who is riding the system...or maybe you don't want the funds there in the first place for her. It seems to me that if you are Pro-life you should be Pro-welfare and Pro-free medical insurance for children... however, most, it would seem are not. Are you pro-life and pro-welfare?

2006-12-20 08:46:55 · 13 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

I went to traffic court yesterday and was amazed at how lenient the judge seemed to be for the first dozen people who plead guilty with serious offenses. Yet when I plead not guilty and presented my case honestly she threw me out. She said I could appeal it, but I'm a school teacher and can't afford the time to do this all again.

My question is: she seemed much more lenient with people who had good records like mine (previously) and were like wreckless driving or severely speeding (over 15) who had said they plead guilty yet pulled up their DMV record or took initiative to do the driving course. Not all of them did that, and with all of them she reduced the fine or took away the negative points altogether and forgave them.

Should I have plead guilty and lied to myself when I believed myself to be not guilty? This is a matter of conscience, and I'm not sure what I should have done. I could care less about the monetary fine, I just didn't want the four negative points. :(

2006-12-20 08:45:06 · 5 answers · asked by Adje J 3

i have people climbing over my fence and taking pictures of whats is in my yard behind my privacy fence and have to go to court over it constantly now is that invasion of privacy or just blatent harrassment

2006-12-20 08:38:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could I tell the judge, 'for national security' I can't tell you anything?

Could I tell the judge you can't have my computer 'It;s TOP SECRET'?

Then why is the Government getting away with it?
Who are they accountable too?
Shouldn't there be a non biased party to police the police?

2006-12-20 08:36:49 · 12 answers · asked by lovefights 3

also the age of consent and age of emancipation?

2006-12-20 08:35:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

We could hide it in moonpies or bottles of Jack Daniels...

2006-12-20 08:34:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

allowed to use poison in cigarettes and get away with it,
even the cigarettes sold on the black market are considered poisonus and we are warned against buying them
i know non-smokers will say dont smoke but thats not my question

2006-12-20 08:18:31 · 6 answers · asked by cazmo 4

Like if you are robbed in new york city where they don't allow guns. If you had a gun then you could protect yourself.

2006-12-20 07:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by Sueann 1

In North Carolina, or where you live?

2006-12-20 07:45:37 · 9 answers · asked by Mr. Right 4

My home has recently been broken into twice in the last 2 weeks but nothing was taken. The first time it happened the only reason I knew was because my dog was outside and the 2nd time it happened while I was acually at home. My one vehicle is broke down and sitting at work and so I'm sure that who ever it was thought I was gone because my car was not there. The thing of it is I think it's acually my neighbor because other people have said that they have caught her in their house. I want to try and video tape her (assuming it's her) but need some advice on an inexpensive way to do it. Who ever it is comes through the patio door and all I need to do is put a marble in the door so that if the door is opened the marble will be moved and I know someones been in my house. I initially looked at buying some type of motion activated camera but can not afford that - Please does anyone have any ideas on how I can catch this person

2006-12-20 07:33:23 · 4 answers · asked by Lucky 1

In New Jersey, Colorado and possibly other states, they have banned smoking statewide in restaraunts and bars and other public places, but casinos are exempt from this. Why?

Do you think this is fair, or should a smoking ban be applied to everyone.

2006-12-20 07:31:13 · 9 answers · asked by MthrNatures_Son 4


I have had court papers stating that I owe the original amount of the suit and "judgement interest".

First, what is judgement interest?

Second, can judgement interest be negotiated down if I got a lawyer?

Any legal advice here would be helpful.


2006-12-20 07:27:18 · 4 answers · asked by gzam415 2

Considering that they ARE often less likely to make good employees for example.

2006-12-20 07:05:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was bitten by a dog (pitbull mix) while minding my own business and walking in the sidewalk. Dog just came out of work loft in owner's leash but was still able to bite my inner left thihg. Got tetanus shot (which has caused me to have sore muscles for the last 2 days) and am on antibiotic. Can I sue? Should I just contact a lawyer???

2006-12-20 07:05:30 · 9 answers · asked by Abegon 2

I keep gettting into bad sitution when check too many books!

2006-12-20 06:54:11 · 5 answers · asked by r_teplitz 2

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