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Fish - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Fish

Can anyone suggest what tropical fish food I buy for blue fish? For example Blue Discus, Blue Badis Badis, Blueish Angelfish, blue shrimp etc etc?

2007-06-07 00:09:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a clear/white Mollie and a black Mollie. A month or so ago her belly started growing so I thought she was pregnant. I put her in a breeding net, but still no babies. Its been awhile and her belly has gotten bigger... Now her back looks arched and her belly looks kind of square at the bottom, but since it has been so long I am wondering if maybe I was wrong and should put her back in with the other fish. Anyone have an advice? I don't know much about fish so please don't be technical!

2007-06-06 21:45:00 · 6 answers · asked by Tomi 1

how do fish breath not oxgien

2007-06-06 21:43:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently bought another albino tiny catfish to go with my other one!! How can i tell if the catfish is having babies and do they lay eggs or give birth?? Thing is when i went to but some more fish i got male guppies to go with males at home as i didnt want babies, i also got this albino catfish from another tank but didnt think to ask the sex. I have a male catfish at home already and now the albino catfish has a black spot on it belly and a shadow in its tummy!! How do i sex it and know if its pregnant or not??

2007-06-06 20:45:21 · 4 answers · asked by LOVELY ME 1

would puffer fish mix with jack dempseys?

2007-06-06 19:10:05 · 4 answers · asked by Brandon M 2

im not sure if its a leopard puffer fish. but its white and black underneath and yellow with black spots on top. i would like to know anything you can tell me. im oblivious to what i should do.

2007-06-06 18:56:02 · 19 answers · asked by Spenncer 1

2007-06-06 18:47:12 · 18 answers · asked by BROWN N 1

I have an Eclipse system 12 that I am setting up as a nano tank. It has 20lbs of live sand in it, along with 6lbs of live rock. I am planning on adding another 6lbs tomorrow. I added bio-zyme to it today (it is the first day that it has been running), and plan to continue every day for 7 days per the instructions. My question is how long till the tank is cycled? Also, when I can start adding invertebrates (like shrimp and hermit crabs)? How long after than can I add fish? I am wanting to have 2 false percula (sp?) clowns, a clown goby, a shrimp or two (depending on what kind I decide to go with), a few feather dusters, and hermit crabs. Is that too much? I know that I cannot add all of them a once, but that I should add the clowns at the same time. I have had experience with salt tanks in the past, but it has been a while and I have never had a tank that small. Thank you for your help.

2007-06-06 18:46:53 · 2 answers · asked by Daisy 2

I'm assuming there are no snails that would make a snack out of my tiny shrimp! :D I'd like to add some mystery snails to their tank

2007-06-06 18:04:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My black moor goldfish jumped out of my net when i was moving it and it feel on my dresser now he has a huge eye and its kinda white. he doesn't want to eat anymore and just swims at the bottom of the tank what should i do? will it heal?

2007-06-06 17:07:25 · 4 answers · asked by macdaddie_87 1

I have had a betta for about a year now and the other day the thing was swimming around on its side and upside down, I thought for sure the thing was going to die, so I said a few kind words went to bed and got up the next morning to find that it had figured out which way was up and was swimming perfectly normal. Anyone else have this happen???

2007-06-06 17:06:45 · 6 answers · asked by boardbetty 3

I have other fish in there and they swim normal...not wobbly. My two molly's shake a little I haven't noticed it before but I have to look closely to really see it. My ph and ammonia levels are safe, filtration is good, and all the other fish seem great.
I just don't know if all molly's are this way or just mine....I would think they had a little stroke...if that's even possible for fish....any help?
Also, my Molly's, guppies, and platy's nip at the tank ornaments and then quickly rub their body over the smooth parts, it looks like their way of cleaning or itching themselves, it's kinda cute...should I be worried about that?
thanks a bunch.

2007-06-06 17:00:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends and I just bought a lobster from walmart to keep as a pet. The people at the store didnt know anything about it since everyone buys t hem to eat. Does anyone know how we can keep it alive? what kind of water we can use? what to feed it? Will it stay alive tonight? we put it in the bathtub with some salt (no iodine) and we fed it chunky ragu spaghetti sauce... thats the best we could do

2007-06-06 16:59:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please The Flies Are Drowning And Are Dissolving I'm Sad I'm
Letting Them In...........

2007-06-06 15:52:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm still rather new to my black mollies, but when I got them home, their poop was a normal yellowish color. Now, I noticed it is more of a neon pinkish orangeish. I feed them tetracolor. But what does the flourescent waste mean? Is it bad or okay?

2007-06-06 15:40:22 · 3 answers · asked by Sapphire 2

I have this new reef ready aquarium. It comes with a sump, pump, a few powerheads, a protein skimmer, lights, filter, heater, and crush corals. At first I wanted to turn it into a freshwater tank with a few frontosa, but all of the other equiptment will be wasted. Can you guys tell me what else im missing other than salt and live rocks. I dont know how much salt to put in it. Also can you guys tell me what is the annual cost of running a saltwater fish tank. I'm planning to make it a fish only aquarium with a few pounds of live rock and live sand. I prefer to have one or 2 lion fish only.

2007-06-06 15:12:46 · 2 answers · asked by supaflyz 2

Ok so I have an African Dwarf frog in my tank. I am pretty sure they breathe oxygen so I was think could I evovle my frog? I know that for it to live it must not dry out so I would like to prove it with moisture other then just a tank of water. I also know that when you are in water you are lighter and so the frog may have a hard time because it has weaker muscles that work under water and not on land. I think that if I slowly make it have less water then it will possibly adapt. What are your thouhts on this? Is there anything I have over looked?

2007-06-06 15:09:29 · 5 answers · asked by Ms.Animal 2

First off, I will be honest. I have been neglecting my oscar slightly recently. I feed him maybe once a week, although, This has been the case for years, and he has done fine. I have been slacking in the water changeouts. About a week ago, "moldy/foamish" looking stuff began to form around decayed food in the corner. I thought nothing of it, and prepared to change out the water the next day. The next day I was unable to change it due to an emergency work call , all day yesterday, the fisgh was laying on his side, near dead, with a white fungus/mold all over him, and his fins appeard to be "rotting" away. We did a 10 gallow change out(out of 30 gallons) last night, and another 10 gallon last night, in hopes it would help, and as of now, there is still minimal signs of life among the fish.

Please help

2007-06-06 14:47:13 · 10 answers · asked by mhbgd 1

I think the eages around my neon tetras tail are turning brown, what is it?

2007-06-06 14:12:38 · 7 answers · asked by Donna C 2

Well, as the question states, I have a male Silver Mollie Fish with a red mouth. Right below his mouth is a big red spot. He doesn't look in pain and is eating reguarly. If it is a scratch, what sould I do? if it's something more serios than a scratch, also, WHAT SHOULD I DO???

I have a 2.5 gallon PLASTIC hospital tank, but i don't want to chance using it. All the fish I've put in there have died, including th mother to my sick mollie. :( I think it's due to a whitish film that forms over the top of the water and comes out of the filter. iv'e cleaned it over and over again, but the white film comes back. What causes this? I can't use my hospital tank until this is fixed. I wonder if it has something to do with it being plastic....


2007-06-06 13:56:46 · 3 answers · asked by becky_sue101 2

I discovered about a week ago that my fish has fungus. I started treating him with a fungus eliminator last Friday, and it's one that you use every 4 days, so he's gotten 2 treatments so far. About how long does it take for the fungus to clear up? The fish itself has been acting better, he's eating again and has been more active but the fungus doesn't look like it's really gone down at all.

2007-06-06 13:54:16 · 1 answers · asked by heaven_angels 3

all fish do is swim around in a bowl filled with water!

2007-06-06 12:58:04 · 19 answers · asked by shurtugal001 1

I have him in the tank now and wanted to know should he be fed right away or wait a day for him to get use to his new surroundings. And also what is the best food for him. This is my first puffer and want to know what is best to keep his beak filed down!! Thanks in advance!!

2007-06-06 12:54:47 · 2 answers · asked by sctrooper2795 2

My work has an average size fishtank with 6 fish. Two of which constantly lie on the bottom doing nothing at all. The rest are fine, swimming around and stuff looking happy...

2007-06-06 12:50:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i felt guilty with having him live in a 1/2 gallon bowl so i went to get him a bigger one. but now i'm wondering if i should give him a companion since he's all by himself. i really hope he'll live well and long.

2007-06-06 12:46:36 · 21 answers · asked by gurl1love 1

the fish is lost almost all of its color and its been like 2 hours and its barely gotten any back.

the fish is in a 1 gallon bowl with a small filter.

its name is chubycheeks and it is the only fish

2007-06-06 12:46:15 · 6 answers · asked by Daniel L 1

I just need to know if I have to use aquarium gravel in my tank
Can I just put in coloured stones etc I know it is easier to bury plants in the gravel but apart from that is there any other reason I have to use gravel thanks

2007-06-06 11:48:32 · 9 answers · asked by doggirl 1

I was just wandering if I need to have a lid on a 30 gallon fish tank with lionheads in it? Will they jump out?

2007-06-06 11:43:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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