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Fish - June 2007

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Please help, my red-capped oranda goldfish keeps sitting on the bottom of the tank, even when the other two (one browny goldfish, seems very compatible with severe conditions, and an orange fantail) swim around as per usual. sometimes they all sit at the bottom, ive checked pH, added water ager and the water is at room temperature, though its quite cold now. What could it be???

2007-06-07 11:04:29 · 4 answers · asked by -Нџήтея’ѕ Ғє£ǿηу- 3

I have had a betta before but he was in a 2 gallon bowl, unfortuntaly he jumped out and passed away due to drying out. Back to my question, i am currently thinking of purchasing a male betta and have a 5 gallon mini bow sitting empty in the basement, it has a side hanging filter (a wisper series) and i would add a heater. Would my betta be better off in the tank i just described (the mini bow) or posibily a smaller tank or bowl?

2007-06-07 10:58:47 · 19 answers · asked by ShadowCrested 2

I have this metal halide setup for an aquarium. It's 2x250 watts. I was wondeirng how much would it cost a month on the electric bill to run these lights for 2 or 3 hours a day with my 4x54 watts tek lights on my 180 gallon aquarium.

2007-06-07 10:53:02 · 2 answers · asked by supaflyz 2

the other day i noiced white spots on the fin (tail)
and then it struck me that it was ich :(

i saw it starting to grow on the body
ive been increasing heat in the tank.

im going away for two weeks in 13 days

how can i treat this????????

2007-06-07 10:48:19 · 2 answers · asked by FishyQuestions 2

4 neon tetras
1 angelfish
1 dwarf emerald gourami
3 swordtails
2 green and gold catfish
& 1 clown pleco

2007-06-07 10:23:48 · 10 answers · asked by jacey a 2

I have a 1.5 gallon tank with a male Betta in it, and it has a filter, and an air pump. I have some small stones that are on the bottom. In the instructions it said to change the filter cartridge once every two weeks. Is this enough to keep the tank clean? If its not, how often should I do a water change?

2007-06-07 10:13:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have a 55 gal with 9 bronze cory cats, 5 zebra danios, 3 glass catfish and 1 asian striped catfish. What are some fish I can add to add color? Tried male guppies and the glass cats attacked and ate their tails...but they hadn't been eating and are now eating well. The zebras were nipping the guppies also. Going to be getting a Penguin 350 and a Fluval 305 tonight so should have good filtration. Since I am taking the old filter out and adding two unestablished ones should I wait to add more fish? Cant run two HOB filters because its acrylic and not enough of an opening. Planning on seeding the new filters. Would love to see some color in my tanks soon. Thanks for any help

2007-06-07 09:46:20 · 5 answers · asked by me 2

right i have a bubblefish,the black ones with big eyes think their proper names Blackmoors,anyway i have to ov these,one is older than the other.the older one Was black when i had him but over a period of 5/6 weeks he,s literally gone gold,he,s lively,no white marks,and dosn,t look poorly.What i want to no is why has he turned gold?or do they do this anyway?not sure,if anyone has this kind ov fish or knows why this might have happened please help

2007-06-07 09:40:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

do the males and females have to be similar or can you breed any female with any male?

2007-06-07 09:37:19 · 3 answers · asked by tyra s 2

I recently adopted 2 gold fish. However, one looks more like a koi. Anyway, the Koi must have jumped out of the tank yesterday. He wasn't moving, but after being placed back in the tank, he has started swimming and eating.. his white tail fin is turning brown on the edges and his once silky smooth scales appear to have dried out or become rough. Do you have any advice? He is small, 3" and in a 20 gal tank.. Really worried.

2007-06-07 09:10:53 · 5 answers · asked by Laura S 1

I have 2 males n 2 girls. The red male made a bubble nest, so i put the thicker female fish in( she looks darker n she did get fat), but when there 2gether in the tank he swim by her then swim away then its like he hits her, but then she just kept still and he stated back fixing the nest. so do they wana mate or what

2007-06-07 09:04:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to carpet my aquarium

2007-06-07 08:22:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want a girl! What am I looking for? Or not looking for? lol

2007-06-07 07:45:02 · 8 answers · asked by Sushi 1

My comet goldfish, whom I have had for 4 1/2 years is sick & I'm afraid I might lose him.I know he has internal parasites,which I'm treating him for,& have been for awhile.
His tail & fins are turning blackish,& have been for a couple of weeks.
He started to act unenergetic about 4 weeks ago,but then recovered for a few days about two weeks ago.He started acting this way right after I did a complete water change.For most fish I would say thats the cause,but Alfred,my fish,has had complete water changes many times without any trouble. In fact, I think he enjoys it.
After a few weeks sitting on the bottom all day,he started floating vertically on the top and sucking air.I aerated his water for him,& right after he went belly up.He flipped back over after a few seconds & went verticle again.Afterwards he acted a bit more perky for half a minute than returned to the usual verticle.
He also lost a few scales,I don't know if this is related.
Any ideas what's the matter with him?A Cure?

2007-06-07 07:43:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last week I posted that I had toxic levels of nitrates in my tank and it was recommended that I do a water change until the levels are ok. I changed 40% of the water last night. I used the gravel vacuum so I know I stirred up a lot of bacteria. Should I wait this out and let the bacteria settle or should I do 25% water changes every few days? I have 3 fish in a 45 gallon tank. Thank you

2007-06-07 07:37:14 · 3 answers · asked by treyswifey2006 2

I've had a freshwater snail, not sure the exact name, the shell is a pale yellow. It's in a 10 Gallon Tank with a few other fish, had it for about 3 years. Noticed over the past couple of days, it just lays on the bottom of the tank, it can go on the glass, but then it falls down, it's not all the way closed, but it's not active like it was. When it's on the bottom, it tends to lean to one side, almost like it can't move itself back to normal position.
The shell is a little damaged in a few spots from falling, actually heard it hit the rocks one day-OUCH!
What might be happening to it? Is is possible that it's dying?
Thanks to anyone who can help me, I appreciate it.

2007-06-07 07:24:51 · 2 answers · asked by Karly 1

Please explain the relationships between them. I need to know where to buy these items. I have aquarium salt so if it is either rock salt or sea salt i figured i wouldn't buy it so that's why I I asked if aquarium salt is the same. Could i find it in a walmart or target?

2007-06-07 06:56:39 · 4 answers · asked by AudreySmiles 3

Do i and should i filter out tap water before mixing with instant ocean for a saltwater tank? If i do, how do i do so? Thanks

2007-06-07 06:48:33 · 4 answers · asked by icomeanons 2

also need to know the right temp the fish needs to go in?

2007-06-07 05:34:22 · 16 answers · asked by Laurie S 1

We have installed a pond in our garden last month and at first, a few fish have been left a few cm away from the pond, with some sort of claw (i think) markings in the mornings. Since then, we have been closing the pond every night with a hard and heavy plastic lid but now fish are disapearing in the morning!
I was told it might have been a herion but i have never seen one in my neighbourhood and i have no idea what the creature could be and how to stop it. It really confuses me, as it seems impossible for any creature to have had lifted the lid and put it back however some of the fish might have been taken very sneakily during the day when the lid is not on.
Also, recently i have found that one of my gloves was burried overnight in the soil..
Please help!

2007-06-07 05:22:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is the first time we've tried breeding, so we're learning as we go along. The male ["Blue 2"] and female ["Red"] seemed to be getting along famously when introduced into the same tank--they ate together, flared/swam together, and the bubble nest and striping were complete.

They seemed to be practicing/getting into the right position for an embrace at the end of the work day yesterday. [Yes, they're office bettas!] Upon inspection this morning, Red [the female] has tattered fins, Blue 2 [the male] is fine--but the bubble nest is gone!

Please help!

2007-06-07 04:45:22 · 5 answers · asked by Sandy 1


2007-06-07 04:37:47 · 5 answers · asked by krn_dix 1

I have a 29 gallon tank, with plenty of hiding places and plants.

2007-06-07 04:10:37 · 8 answers · asked by Tunish305 3

i have a 75 gal fish tank with more than adaquate filtration but whatever i do i can`t get the water compleyly cloud free.anyone have any good ideas?

2007-06-07 03:33:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a 2 month old 75 gallon auarium, and the amonia and the nitrites are fine... but the nitrates are way too high! How do we get it back down??? We are on well water at our house, and not sure if the nitrates are coming from the well-water? or if they're from the tank itsef. And we are not overfeeding the fish! we feed them 1 time a day, and they consume it all in about a minute. hardly any of the food falls to the bottom. We have a clown knife, and he gets that stuff.

Please help???

Any suggestions would be great, too.

2007-06-07 03:01:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I currently have a 55 gallon tank. 70 lbs of live sand 55 lbs of live rock tank. Tank has been up and running for about 2 months with no fish. I have the Bak-Pak2 Skimmer Reef Ready, Fluval 305, 48" Metal Halide and Actinic lights 10k all together 760w. I just want to start out with a decent good looking reef tank. Any suggestions on what to start out with and what fish are compatible to be in a reef tank. I am no expert on fishes but I have owned some freshwater tanks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2007-06-07 02:54:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it ok to leave my tank with the light off overnight?

It is a small 2.5gallon tank. The java moss are getting too much light, they are turning brown and some parts have become transparent. Will my fish be ok if i leave the light off? i was thinking about doing this a few nights a week...

2007-06-07 02:01:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to know mine are red and blue

2007-06-07 01:45:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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