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Fish - June 2007

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my oranda has been put aside into a quarentine tank (plastic container floating in fishtank) to avoid contamination with other fish, i think it may have sceptimecia or slimes disease, though the fins arent striked red. Could i add normal sea-salt or is there a special fish salt that i have to add?

2007-06-08 19:16:27 · 2 answers · asked by -Нџήтея’ѕ Ғє£ǿηу- 3

I see some fertile clear/yellowish ones. What do I do with the white ones?

2007-06-08 18:57:48 · 5 answers · asked by Magical name 3

i have a whisper power dual filtration system and there is a knob right in the middle and when i turn it it either makes water overflow over the middle or make sthe water level go down is this normal and shoul di keep it so the filter makes a steady waterfall but not over flowing top?

2007-06-08 18:36:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My loaches have a mild amount of ich i have to look closeley in order to see the white spots but its only the loaches and im assuming that its cuz they dont have scales.
im leaving for vacation in about two weeks i have people wholl come and take care of my pets while im gone
im so worried that the loaches will get sicker
ive been increasing heat in the tank
but 1. my heater doesnt exceed over around 86 degrees and 2. im afraid that itll hurt the other fish :( (2 gold barbs and one bloodfin)

please help!

2007-06-08 18:35:24 · 2 answers · asked by FishyQuestions 2

My friend was trying to describe her fish to me over the phone, I said I thought, from the description it was a guppy, but it doesnt have the right fin/tail.

It sort of looks like a common goldfish, but she said it wasnt.


2007-06-08 18:18:09 · 6 answers · asked by The Warden 3

Well, my problem is that my plants are dying.
Yesterday I pulled all of the ones that looked like they were dying out. I have a Bacopa, two small grassy types (maybe chain swords?), a fluffy light green plant that resembles a Cabomba but I forgot the name of it. I also have some weird plants that have a long, ridged stem and has long, thin bright green leaves at the top. It kind of looks like a palm tree. I also have some sort of crypt, I think. It has ridged leaves that stem from the base of the plant.
Some weird growths appeared, including blackish fuzz around the edges of the (swords?), wispy pale stuff that I could suck the ends off with my gravel cleaner, and greenish looking "hairy" stuff on the (crypt?)
The leaves on the Bacopa and the "palm tree" were literally dissolving- losing color and falling off.
My temp. is between 78 and 80, I have med. gravel as a substrate, and I think I have decent lighting- it's a flourescent bulb I believe that's on for about 10 hours. Help!

2007-06-08 17:39:59 · 4 answers · asked by Pleiades 2

Can I keep a few african dwarf frogs in a 30 gallon tank with 2 oranda goldfish? Will the goldfish eat the frogs? Will the water be suitable for both?

2007-06-08 17:36:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 17:21:44 · 5 answers · asked by X-1 1

my filter on my 10 gallon tank stopped today for no apparent reason, but then started working again, it acted like the propeller thingy was hung up b/c when i pulled it out and set it back in it worked. its done this before, but usuually only when i unplug my filter during maintanence. should i replace it, or watch to see if it does it again?
its a ten gallon salt tank fish only with live rock. filter is an aqua tech 5-15. if i should replace it will it mess with the good bacteria already esablished, or could i replace it with a new one just like it and put the same cartridge from the old filter in it and be okay? it has 20lbs live sand, 5 lbs live rock so far, and all live water. please help i dont want my fish to die! and how many crabs and snails for a clean up crew on ten gallon?

also my fish store said that my tank was cycled so i added two small clownfish. i set itup for a week with all the live rock, water, and sand and all my test were 0, ph 8.2, salinity 30, temp78

2007-06-08 17:00:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two of our three platy fish suddenly developed a skin condition where these small, white tube-looking growths were coming out of their skin. They sort of branch out like tree branches, no bigger than 1/4". Anyone know what this is called? Could it be some sort of external parasite?

2007-06-08 16:41:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

There was this singing big mouth bass online (yes like the ones sold in stores). he sang take me to the river, and then a bucket of water got dumped on him, we will we will rock you, and rocks got thrown at him. Does anyone remember what he was called..i think he had a specific name..or does anyone know where i can find it?

2007-06-08 16:31:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it sick??there someting in his body, lots of tiny bubbles.he's not eating for one and a half day.he always hide on the house decor....i gave him live food and his regular food,pellets but still it doesn't wanna eat....?

2007-06-08 15:49:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have so many guppies they have outgrown my tank. I have 60 adults and 60 new babies...

I have been trying to find a reliable way to advertise them for sale. Any advice would be great. Thanks!

2007-06-08 15:47:54 · 14 answers · asked by babyj248 4

I feel awful and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I had two fish that looked exactly alike except their coloring was different. First the brown one was swimming funny, he was constipated and died. I tried feeding them less food, thinking I was overdoing it. A couple months later, the orange one did the same thing. He had what looked like a darkish mass in his belly and he was swimming funny, all listless, and one day he was dead.

My last three fish are a cory catfish, female betta (very placid), and a guppy. This morning, I fed the fish and the guppy looks all bloated, has what looks like a dark mass in his belly, a string of feces coming out and he's just kinda hovering around and acting all listless. Cory and Betta are fine.

I feed them once a day. The "pinch" thing is stupid because I can pick up quite a bit of food with 2 fingers, I wish I knew exact measurements. Anyway, I only give them a "teeny bit." I give them Tetley's flake food.

What am I doing wrong?

2007-06-08 15:43:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My algae eater, is becoming really destructive in my tank (10gal.) perhaps he's getting too big for it? He's about 5 inches long, looks huge in the tank.We've had him for about a year, and he seems fine, other than the fact that I'm noticing more and more, than he is knocking things over in the tank, plants are coming up out of the gravel,etc. When I can actually catch him out from his hiding spot, I notice that its the way he's swimming off, very vigirously, he's knocked over a treasure chest a minute ago, two plants are floating, and a pretty heavy pirate ship decor, has been moved. Why is he doing this all of a sudden?

2007-06-08 15:23:49 · 12 answers · asked by The Warden 3

2007-06-08 15:22:55 · 6 answers · asked by spike_1920 1

i recently sold my fish to get other ones and wen i took them out my plants started to die could that be the problem because the plants cost alot and i dont want them to die i also changed the light to a better one and this all happend more then 6 weeks ago. then on my jave fern black spots started to apper and then my vall. plants started to turn transperent and die and my anubias started to turn yello and wilt. can someone please help me i have done research throughout this time but just dont no wat to do to fix it ? i dont have any fish yet but am going to purches some tetras my tank is 40 gallons and freshwater can someone please help me

could it be me removing the fish ?

2007-06-08 14:53:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 14:45:58 · 7 answers · asked by Shorty 1

Can u mix a Female Betta&a male Betta in the same fish tank?But if babys happen I move the male?

2007-06-08 14:42:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

abies but for some reason they wont give birth!!??!! And don't tell me that they're getting eaten too fas because i have even separated the really fat females!!!?? And there is this adult sword tail female that is always fat but won't give birth!?!? I am so frustrated!!!And please DON'T give me stupid answers!!!!!!

2007-06-08 14:34:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nitrate= 20 ppm
Nitrite= .5 ppm
Hardness= 300 ppm
Alkalinity= 300 ppm
pH-Freshwater= 7.8-8.4 (alkaline)

What should each be at and how do I get them to that level?

2007-06-08 14:33:25 · 4 answers · asked by Katie 2

2007-06-08 14:31:47 · 5 answers · asked by UR 2

it i spretty clear now but it is still a lil cloudy and i am doing a water change sunday will that help?

2007-06-08 14:31:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

New koi, brought home and noticed a redness and slight swelling on one gill. Looks like a battlewound or ulcer but I want to make sure that it isn't a parasite or fungas. Want to treat if necessary. Please help

2007-06-08 14:27:40 · 3 answers · asked by Animal lover 1

have babies and eggs or only the same type.

2007-06-08 14:18:30 · 3 answers · asked by troy 2

The fish is male, three years old, 5" long. My sister has all kinds of products for it, but I don't know what to do while she is gone. I know you will probably tell me that he is going to die, but what at all can I do? My sister is gone with my parents to get a bigger fish tank so he will have more oxygen, but won't be back for a couple of hours. Anything I can do now?

2007-06-08 13:54:50 · 10 answers · asked by Katie 2

2007-06-08 13:52:56 · 11 answers · asked by UR 2

Do you have experience? How to do it? How long before you can see them breed?

2007-06-08 12:16:55 · 17 answers · asked by mystery t 4

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