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Fish - June 2007

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I've had my tank for more than a month and it cycled completely before I added any fish. I originally had issues with ammonia because I added too much food to get the cycle going. Now, the ammonia has shown at 0 ppm and I test it daily. It's been that way for 2 weeks now. My nitrites spiked then returned to 0 as well. However, for about the past week nitrites have been spiking again > 1 ppm. Ammonia is still at 0 ppm, and Nitrates steadily climb. I've done 25% water changes to keep my fish healthy, but nitrites still increase way too quickly. What can I do? I tested the tank today and here are the specs: Ammonia 0 ppm; Nitrite 1.5 ppm; Nitrate 40 ppm. I've used Hagen Cycle to aid in the cycling.

2007-06-08 12:06:59 · 4 answers · asked by mr_lover220 1

I have 2 brim in a 55 gal. tank and I went out there and noticed that they had this white stuff on them. The bigger brim only has a little bit on him but the little brim is covered. What is it?

2007-06-08 12:03:14 · 5 answers · asked by Michael 2

I'm very new to breeding but know all the rules and necessary requirements, such as proper conditioning and raising of the fry. I don't need lessons, because I've read many books but maybe some special tips with experienced folk would help. The female I have has a fairly white body with some lavender (pale purple) iridescence on the body but the fins are completely covered with this color. She has black eyes, and there's no noticeable particular fin type, like double tail. I would like to breed her with a pure deep red veil tail male that I have, but I'm not sure if her lavender would be masked by his red. He's not a cherry red but a deep dark red and has red eyes. I have other males, but I can tell that these two like each other a lot through their interactions through the glass. Would they be appropriate or should I choose a different male?

2007-06-08 11:44:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are white at this point. I don't know how long they have been there. I just looked at the tank this morning and there they were.

2007-06-08 11:12:26 · 4 answers · asked by Magical name 3

I know, 7 years in fishkeeping... but no saltwater yet...lol

How do you place the coral on the live rock?
What about mushrooms? How do you place those on the sand or rock?

2007-06-08 10:39:46 · 5 answers · asked by TokioHotelLuver 2

how much salt for brackish fish like puffers in a 10 gallon aquarium?

2007-06-08 10:24:32 · 4 answers · asked by Brandon M 2

Our cold water fish tank containing a goldfish and several fantails recently was infected with argulus lice. We treated the fish with salt baths and pottasium permanganate. We also put them in a fresh tank during treatment and treated their old tank. I think that the treatment has been sucsessful as it has been 2 weeks since we put then back in their old tank and there has been no flicking or rubbing. Two of the fish however have marks which were present when the infection was ongoing but have not cleared up particularly. The goldfish has a dark mark on one gill about 5 mm diameter which has got darker in the last week it also has a little dark streaking in the tail although a tear that developed during the infection has healed up very well. The fantail had a darker patch near it`s dorsal fin which now has a couple of small marks similar to those on the goldfish but smaller. All the marks look like scabs healing but I`m not sure. Could it be stress as the filter recovers?

2007-06-08 10:10:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are fish actually supposed to eat these things?

I bought some today because the lady at the pet shop said that all of the fish would like them, I put them in our aquarium and the goldfish tried like two and hasn't touched them, the frog thing has eaten a bunch and the albino rainbow shark hasn't eaten any.

What's the deal here?

2007-06-08 10:02:33 · 11 answers · asked by Doodle 2

I am looking a getting into a small 12 gallon saltwater tank. Petsco has a gr8 starter...http://www.petco.com/product/13544/Marineland-Instant-Ocean-Saltwater-Aquarium-Kit.aspx#details

are saltwater tanks hard to set up, keep up keep clean etc.

am i making a mistake in buy this??

2007-06-08 10:01:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will a Lionfish eat other fish in my tank and do I have to feed it stuff like other fish?

2007-06-08 09:40:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had my 30 gallon aquarium for 2 mths now & I have 2 channel catfish,1 mollie,1 danio & 2 fish I don't know the names of but one is silver & 1 is pink.I haven't had any problems since I got the tank but one week ago I bought a pleco(algae-eater)I noticed two days ago that my 2 catfish were not as active as normal & one of them would hide in the corner & not move.I have been observing them closely & yesterday 2 things happened, it seemed like overnight it developed white spots over it's ENTIRE body 2nd thing is I realized the pleco was dead.Of course I got rid of him.I didn't know what else to do.I changed 20% of the water & vacuumed the gravel & went to the pet store to see what I needed.They only suggested taking the infected catfish out in a seperate bowl & treating the tank with ick away.After taking him out he only lived an hour.What else can be done 2 save the rest of my fish as I know ick is contagious.The other catfish doesn't have white spots but acts different,isolation.

2007-06-08 09:29:50 · 7 answers · asked by Jay 2

I went to the fish store yesterday, and bought four fish. I did some research and found out that all the fish I have are not s posed to have a large amount of open space in the tank. I don't have time to go back to the pet store and get items for the tank, so I was wondering if there are any items you can find outside or inside that make easy house or such for fish. Also, I have a pregnant fish due soon( a silver molly) and I read about putting marbles in the bottom of the tank for the eggs. I only have like 9 marbles, and i don't have enough for the fish. What is another thing i can do to save at least 20 babies from not being eaten? and what r some things i can put in my fish tank?

2007-06-08 08:22:13 · 11 answers · asked by ~♥~♫~Jess~♫~♥~ 2

I am a new fish owner and didn't realize she was pregnant, just thought she was fat! After doing some research I realized she was in fact pregnant. I moved her into a large crystal bowl this morning using water out of the 100 gallon tank. She had her babies shortly afterwards. I'm going to buy a smaller tank this evening. How do I treat the water in the new tank to allow her and the babies to go in right away? I would appreciate any feedback, thanks! =)

2007-06-08 08:13:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is something wrong with my fish it has a clear coating over one of its eves im afraid it might die. help me!Do you know how I can help it. I have two fish they are like little neon fish a blue one and a pink one and they both have it.

2007-06-08 07:56:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 29 gallon tank.
What should i get.
-2 convict cichlids, male and a female, they breed and have fry that i can raise.


-A tank full of malaiwan/African cichlids, ranging from
Electric Blue Cichlid
Electric Yellow Cichlid
Kenyi Cichlid
Demasoni Cichlid
Peackock Cichlid
Jewel Cichlid
A variety of cool cichlids.

What should i get?

Opinions, comments or answers well appreciated.

2007-06-08 07:50:03 · 9 answers · asked by Tunish305 3






I tried my best to take macro shots.. and if you can't tell the yellow sac-like thing near my pleco's mouth also has a black dot in each sac.

I'm not sure if this is where plecos store the eggs or if this is some kind of mouth rot. Any help would be appreciated and how to remedy it.

Tank stats:

- 20gal tank
- 1 sm. goldfish, 1 feeder fish, 3 sm. plecos
- airline bubbles and AC70 filter

2007-06-08 07:31:49 · 4 answers · asked by alfa 1

Is it safe to order goldfish of the internet?
Will they get to me alive?
Is it stressful for them?
Are they better quality then pet store goldfish? How much does it cost to ship them?

2007-06-08 07:26:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi all, I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank: with 1 jurupari (3-4'') and a green spotted puffer (1-2 inches). I would like to add a German blue ram mating pair and possibly a black ghost knife and a kribensis pair. Any thoughts on this? I have a ton of filtration (two Whispher 60 hang on back filters working together).

2007-06-08 07:22:06 · 4 answers · asked by stallion150nc 1

Ok, I have had a beta fish for about 2 months now. A friend's beta
had babies, and he sent a note home for us to know. The babies were born over Thanksgiving, and I am pretty sure mine is full-grown. I am having trouble finding it's gender. I recently checked out 2 books on fish. They only showed one picture of a female and it was just a fry. The rest of the pictures were males and I looked at my fish and the ones in the book, and they are so much bigger finned then mine. I don't know if it is a male or a female, and if it's a girl, I can add it with my other tank. What I want to do is print a life size cut out of a female betta fish. I will cut it out and tape it to a pop sickel stick. I will move it up and down to see my fishes reaction. I read that if a male sees a female, it will start to biuld a bubble nest and flair up it's finns. So , I will se what it does to try and find the sex of it. so do any of u have life size pics of a female beta? post the link if u do!thanks !

2007-06-08 07:06:44 · 6 answers · asked by ~♥~♫~Jess~♫~♥~ 2

Salutations, I have a 300 gallon fish tank with a plethera of Goldfish, some of which have grown to be the size of my hand. The goldfish are very healthy and have alot of fishmeat on them. I bet I could get some mean fillets from a few of them, other than lemon and garlic, what other ingredients would bring out the exquisite taste of these tropical fish. And are they better deep fried or baked, goldfish lovers, please share your previous experiences with me, thanks, and bon appetite

2007-06-08 06:49:56 · 8 answers · asked by raffy b baby 2

I am going to describe it the best I can...
When I first put my comet golfish in to their new pond and they were still unfamiliar with me and aclimating, I noticed something I'd never seen before whilst doing a water change; they got scared and all five of then lined up side by side as tight as they could from head to tail, head to tail and so forth- like a little vaccuum package. I am certain this is a defense mechanism, I am just wondering if anyone has seen this behavior? Please don't send replies saying I'm scaring my fish, as that was months ago and I literally have my "kids" eating out of my hand now and I am a very experience aquatic hobbiest. Just curious about this one time behavior. Appriciate all input.. Thanks !

2007-06-08 06:16:44 · 5 answers · asked by HiRene 1

I currently have 2 electric yellows, 2 aeri blues and a chinese algae eater in my 55 gallon tank. I'd like to get at least another pair of cichlids, but what others will leave peacefully and in the same water conditions as my africans? What about rams? Please make some suggestions that I can look into. Thanks.

2007-06-08 04:15:44 · 7 answers · asked by floridasun5 3

we have 2 common shiners in our fish tank and i was wondering if there is any way to tell what sex they are. if we do have a male/female should we remove them from the tank if they lay eggs?

2007-06-08 04:11:00 · 3 answers · asked by kathi_rodgers 1


Help! One of my tetras is looking pale and is hiding in the plants instead of schooling with his pals. He appeared to be fine last night. We are cycling a new 10 gallon tank. How can I help him?

2007-06-08 04:07:07 · 5 answers · asked by pyjamarama 2

Assuming that was not the state it was in when bought.

2007-06-08 03:15:14 · 2 answers · asked by Wish 4

well i finally got my beta's together and they got eggs and the eggs must have hatched sometime during the night. The problem is that those little suckers keep falling out of the nest!!! he hasn't even finished blowing them back in the bubble when they fall again...plus...the floor is littered with baby bettas but the male is constantly busy with those in the nest which in my guess are not more than 20 if that...that he can't get to the ones at the bottom!!! is this normal???? Oh! and thanks all u beta breeding experts for all the advice of getting me this far. I love the betta talk sight. it says they keep falling but this looks like TOO much. How long can a baby beta live not being in a bubble cause it seems those on the floors are goners and there are more on the floor than in the nest!!! Help!!

2007-06-08 02:24:16 · 4 answers · asked by Heidear 1

hi my 2 guppies have been hiding for 2 days are they giving birth anytime soon and if they are when they hide for a couple of hours then come out they have gravid spots 1 of them has given birth 2 times and the other 1 time.......

2007-06-08 02:18:18 · 5 answers · asked by Orhan K 2

My betta fish are mating rite now, what do i do now/next????

2007-06-08 02:14:32 · 4 answers · asked by diamond319 2

i heard vitamin c is good for them, can i give them mandarins cause ive got some here now :P what else can i give them besides boiled peas?

2007-06-08 00:28:50 · 18 answers · asked by -Нџήтея’ѕ Ғє£ǿηу- 3

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