My moonlight gourami jumped out of the tank 2 days ago. The kids left the lid open, when I discovered him lying on the floor he was barely damp. I placed him back in the tank, and he was swimming ok, but yesterday I noticed an odd shaped patch of white on one side, just above his midline from the back of his head to his tail... he was pretty spooked but still eating well. I also noticed it's feelers began to split. This morning he was full blown fuzzy, I diagnosed saddleback columnarus, He is in isolation, water temp @ 74 f with an airline running full blast. Currently I am treating with copper & formalin. Will this be enough or should I head out to the LFS for some maracyn? Also do I need to treat the rest of the tank? The other fish seem fine, they have no outward symptoms the water chem is ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 10. They have not endured the stress of being on the floor for several minutes. I call the gourami Rasputin... Any help here would be hot.
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