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Fish - April 2007

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as this is going to put a whole in my pocket i want to under go a abortion on my 15 day preganant fish. can someone give me the steps to do this abortion please?

2007-04-14 06:48:38 · 8 answers · asked by Mikey 2

Is it ok if i put the redtails with irridescent sharks?

2007-04-14 06:45:23 · 5 answers · asked by William L 1

Okay, i am the new owner of 4 black mollies (1 male and 3 females) and i am just ensuring that my tank contents are suitable.
In my tank, i currently have:
-A plant which is planted in the corner (It is intended that it will eventually grown and cover the surface of the water.)
- A Rock sculpture with a few holes for fish to swim in
- A small artifitial plant for display purposes
- A small fish statue which is also mainly for display.
I intend to breed my mollies so i also have a breeding net. Are these surroundings suitable to house my new fish? :)

2007-04-14 06:37:37 · 6 answers · asked by Fraser :] 2

were setting up our 60 gallon tank, and i was wondering if i could put my 2 male betta fish in along with other peacefull fish

2007-04-14 06:37:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know if he's dying or going into a dormat stage.

2007-04-14 06:32:04 · 10 answers · asked by TrackBeast93 3

Those formula/chemical that is sold at pet store that can make the cloudy water in the aquarium turn clear, will they be dangerous to fish?

2007-04-14 06:24:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am about to add some fish to my 10 gal aquarium. (white clouds and shrimp) Anyways, I was wondering, when I use the gravel vac will I need to take out all of the fish to clean it? I don't want to get them sucked up because they're little. (This has happened to me before, but the fish was caught in time). So anyways, what do I do?

2007-04-14 06:24:00 · 8 answers · asked by PinkPuff 2

2007-04-14 06:21:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are little, and they grow to be about 2 inches. They have stripes on the side of them. They are tan-ish. They live in murky ditch water, and we think they feed off of either the plants, algea, or little orginisms in the water.
Do you have any other idea of what they could be?

2007-04-14 06:05:24 · 18 answers · asked by rayrocks13579 1

I found a snail in my tank which came in on one of my live plants, unfortunately I didn't get it out before it laid eggs. I noticed a couple dozen itsy-bitsy baby snails today & I figure there are more than that. i intend to try and capture with the lettuce leaf trick but was wondering if my fish would dine on them as well.

2007-04-14 06:04:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, i bought my mollies today as i felt that it could be possible to breed these fish to breathe some new life into my fish tank. However, i also have a Gourami which is around one year old now.
I have noticed a few times this afternoon, the Mollies have been hiding from the Gourami and quickly darting away whenever it goes near them.
Is this normal behaviour or should i be worried?

2007-04-14 05:47:24 · 6 answers · asked by Fraser :] 2

2007-04-14 05:46:09 · 7 answers · asked by Joe B 1

i have just bought a syamese fighting fish and 3 platy's (2 females + 1 male) i already had 1 male guppy 4 tetras and 2 bottom feeders. my male guppy hasnt seen anything female 4 about a month he is loving having the female platy's. can they interbreed??he seems really excited and starts like dancing when near to them and his middle fin sticks up when he is round them ???? what is happening is this them breeding ?? my male platy doesnt seem interested in the females?? everything is mixed up plz will you try and answer all my questions ?? thanx

2007-04-14 05:26:23 · 2 answers · asked by ♥ Wild-@-Heart ♥ 4

i just bought a rubber lipped pleco and i cant seem to find ANY info about him on the internet. I put a potatoe slice in there yesturday because i heard suckerfish like vegetables but just in case, is there any veggies perferred to be put in there? Over all, i just need all the info i can get. Your help will be appreciated!

2007-04-14 05:18:56 · 5 answers · asked by Alex 2

2007-04-14 04:50:26 · 4 answers · asked by Joe B 2

I have a 55 gallon tank, and its only been set up for about 6 weeks. Since then, I've lost numerous fish. The past 2 weeks my fish looked sick, but a friend who is successful with a 65 gallon tank said they looked fine. The white fuzz I thought I saw got worse and worse, and soon the fish were covered with it. I then found out they had Ick. I went out and bought medicine, and have been treating it for 3 days now. In the past couple days I've lost both my baby plecasamus, and 3-4 goldfish, and still my fish are covered in the stuff. I've taken the charcoal out of my filter, checked the PH level, done a water change 3 days ago....and still my fish just sit on the bottom of the tank and don't come up to eat. They look horrible. Why isn't the medicine working? It's turning my water blue, and I'm measuring the medicine right. I thought this was "easy" to get rid of... Please help!

2007-04-14 04:38:44 · 9 answers · asked by teddikisses 2

my fish is usually very active. I just cleaned her bowl today and used two drops of water purifier (as directed on the package). I made sure the new water was the same temperature as the old water. When I put my fish in the fresh water, it stopped moving around and stood straight up on its tail fin. It juyt stayed like that. It is usually very active. Any fish experts out there? I'm really worried. Please help soon; my fish could die any minute.

2007-04-14 04:36:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

question #1when i change the water and my bettafish has a hard time breething for a few minets his gills go out and his mouth opens up as wide as it can an he stays at the top
question#2 haw do i keep heat in his tank it is cold on my house also i was reeding that if you put a cover on it keeps it hot so whaut should i use for a cover i dont have one question#3 whaut dose fin rot look like can you give me some pictures

2007-04-14 04:01:48 · 6 answers · asked by saass a 1

Would this be fin-rot or is it just because I have a big amount of Current in my tank?

2007-04-14 02:52:47 · 8 answers · asked by Chris 5


Getting some conflicting things said about undergravel filters.

Here's my setup and anyone thats tried it please post postive and negitive aspects of what im about to do.

This will be a 20gallon Saltwater Fish and 10 pounds of Fiji Liverock cured twice (no livesand) only aquarium. Dead Coral decoration 6inches by 6 inches. Dead Coral Sand Marine Substrate (this is more corase than sand, not sure why they call it sand) Instant ocean sea salt. 100 wat heater and regular tank Fluorescent hood.

Undergravel filter with 2 reverse Venturi powerheads 270gph each with flow control. A hang off the back powerfilter (400gph Skilter) with built in protien skimmer w/ 2 carbon filter carts and added room to add carbon / zeolite bags and additional bactiral growth medium. And ive set up the Skilter filter and the output of water can somewhat be adjusted.

I plan on putting in 2 or 3 tankraised clowns and a gobie, maby a cleaning shrip. (After 2 or 3 months)

Thanks for the tips

2007-04-13 19:49:51 · 6 answers · asked by Cammy 2

I'm getting ready to get a 55gl Fish tank, my fish really need it.
But my question is about using the Undergravel Filters.
I know I need 2 get 2 of them, but do I also need to get the Underwater pumps? Will these work with the regular pumps that will be on the outside. or do the Underwater pumps make it where the Outside pumps are able to grab what been filtered from the bottom. Also, was reading on the box, you should run them every 2 wks. can't they run all the time?
I hope I asked the question the right way.
Wasn't too sure how to ask.

2007-04-13 19:31:53 · 3 answers · asked by iwish40 3

I have a betta fish.

2007-04-13 18:23:24 · 13 answers · asked by babyinthecorner9 1

K this is whats going on! I have these tiny round bugs in my 10gal tank! The 10gal has my Danio fry in it. And I was doing my regular weekly 50% water change and this week I was removing the marbles. And WOW there was hundreds if not thousands of them!!! Ive seen them befor but not this bad! Are they Dangerous? can they hurt me or even my baby danio's? What are they and what can I do to get rid of them? or can i get rid of them?
Are they good or bad for my tank? Im scarred that they can hurt me or even crawl up my arms LOL Can they? Anyways thanks for your help!

2007-04-13 18:11:14 · 6 answers · asked by Roni Lynn 2

I have about 20 button polyps, a mushroom polyp, and a sebae anemone that need the light to feed off of. How long do I have to leave the light fixture on for? I have a 20 gallon tank, with a 130 watt power compact fixture. I am also not crazy into fish like they're my life, so please if you can, give me a reasonable time limit instead of some crazy people who want to leave it on all the time. Thank you for your help.

2007-04-13 17:28:51 · 3 answers · asked by Carsource77 1

original post here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AruGhF5M4q9w2.MvhyqpC8zsy6IX?qid=20070408065842AAVTZud

ok follow up here, finally figured out it was tail rot, i removed carbon filter, treated with API T.C. Tetracycline. i was told the water would turn yellow and that would be all, it turned VERY DEEP red. you could barely see thru it and it felt 'thicker'. also there was this really nasty film of 'muck' on top.(my 4yr old told me the tank was disgusting, ok, it was bad :-) ) i have done the last 25% water change in the directions for treatment. the water is still of course red, not as red but still very red, i added stress coat and aquarium salt. fish seem to be doing very well now

here is my actual ? tho. at what point should i put in the new activated carbon pack? i dont wanna put it in and have problems with it. plus they are a little pricey to just have to throw away. also should i do anything more about the color or will it work itself out?
Thanks all

2007-04-13 17:17:09 · 3 answers · asked by Welly 2

I bought a p puffer and putting him in my 10 gal. guppy tank will he3 be ok in there till I can upgrade next jan.

2007-04-13 16:45:14 · 4 answers · asked by vmeade 1

Since a big storm we had here in December - the power went out for 3 days-the temp in the tank went from 75 to 55 and when the power came back on went up to 83degrees. ever since then, one of my 7 inch long ciclids has been at the top of the tank.
She is still alive but if she swims down to the bottom she POPS right back to the top like she has air in her. I want to put her out of her misery -- but how do I do this without her suffering and me grossing out!??

2007-04-13 16:44:12 · 11 answers · asked by kayasluv 1

We were talked into a few goldfish today and once we got home we realized the tank won't be ready for 24-hours. Can the goldfish survive in the plastic bag for 24-hours? What do we do with them until the thank is ready!

2007-04-13 16:32:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been up and running for over 3 weeks now, which is a new record for me. The betta is all alone, and I assume the tank has cycled, or at least enough to add a few fish... I was thinking a trio of platies, one male, two females. A local shop sells one type of fish for 99¢ each the first hour of business Saturday morning. This week, it is red wag platies. Sometimes it is neon tetras, sometimes black tetras. Generally something that goes for $1.49 each to $1.99 each. Last week it was Giant Danios, which I knew wouldn't work out in this tank. Thanks for your opinions.

2007-04-13 16:22:31 · 6 answers · asked by Mrs. Tammy Knows Better 2

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