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Dogs - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

The dog loves it, I/We have a blast, Everyone we pass seems ammused. The old lady is putting together a website promoting "Doggie sidecars "(hollithesidecardog.com) and is getting a lot of negative feedback?Are we the only ones who enjoy (or would enjoy) taking our dog riding?

2007-01-07 07:37:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there any way to identify if my ***** has mated early on? Today she was fertile but we did not see anything going on as we left her at the males home for a couple of hours. When we came back she was no longer threatened by him, but he was still loking very frisky. Do you think they mated? Also we will be taking her back tomorrow, any tips?!!!

2007-01-07 07:35:44 · 8 answers · asked by Maria 1

My six month old puppy loves fruit - apples, banana, grapes, dry figs and he also adores chestnuts.
Is it ok to give him fruit? Which ones are best and which ones are should be avoided?

2007-01-07 07:34:40 · 51 answers · asked by Maria 4

6 year old cat I jsut got. I hand feed, it willl not drink even from running water... It sleeps in my bed, uses kitty litter and that's it! What do I do? It was in vert owner said 3 weekss ago for shots etc.

2007-01-07 07:34:25 · 6 answers · asked by Samonosuke 1

why do people use pittbulls and rottweilers as really mean fighting dogs? my brothers friend has a rottweiler and shes the nicest dog in the world.

2007-01-07 07:32:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am Doing a sciene project to see if dogs like music!
and i wanted to get your side of opionion!

2007-01-07 07:25:49 · 31 answers · asked by Blue 1

I have a 7 year old black lab male, hasn't been neutered. He's constantly drinking a lot of water, I let him out to go to the bathroom a lot and he's never had problems going in the house. Recently he's been having accidents, but in a weird way. Three times in the past few months I've fed him and he eats his dinner and then just stands there and proceeds to urinate. Now because he's fully male he usually lifts his leg, but this is almost like he can't control it and doesn't know what's happening. I'm gonna take him to the vet, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

2007-01-07 07:16:51 · 14 answers · asked by kristen 4

2007-01-07 07:16:50 · 9 answers · asked by Redawg J 4

I have an 11 month old boxer and if i leave in alone in the house for more than a few minutes he decides to eat everything in site. Hes completely ruined my sofa, door frame and even chewed a huge hole through the plaster on my wall. I have tried leaving things for him to chew. he got loads of toys and hes a spoilt brat when im home. i walk him regularly. Me and my partner have even rowed over it. I have got a crate for him but feel awful leavin him in it!!!! Please help!!!

2007-01-07 07:16:38 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the best things about standard poodles? How are there temperment and personalities? Do they do well indoors with outdoor excersise?

2007-01-07 07:13:49 · 4 answers · asked by river 2

I just adopted this really sweet cute spotted dog. The problem is he eats anything; he's eaten two pairs of my shoes, a pair of eyeglasses, and even the new dog house I bought for him. Is this normal behavior in dogs? If not, can he be trained gently to stop this? Or should I just learn to live with it?

2007-01-07 07:13:37 · 5 answers · asked by Chiquita B 2

my puppy is 11 weeks old

2007-01-07 07:07:59 · 23 answers · asked by bubos 2

i heard that i whanted a rottweiler puppy :) Lol i have beenreading about these dogz for about a year now and i really whant one can any budy give me some websites where i can get a rottweiler puppy in toronto and also if you ar selling any rottis in toronto plz tell me and i need small puppys nothing bigger then 1year old and i need the website with the rottweiler 4 sale on that page thxs

2007-01-07 07:03:52 · 10 answers · asked by Diamond P 2

why so much about pits? why are people so happy to jump on the media bandwagon? when i was growing up it was dobermans that were bad. next it was the rottweiler. now it's the pit. when are we going to look to the owners to own up to the responsibility of taking the heat for what their dog does? show me any dog tied to a tree or thrown out in the backyard, or wearing a neiman marcus collar in a purse and i'll show you an aggressive dog. people take the time to research the breed, and train them. stop being lazy and making somone else accountable for human actions. it says a lot about society when we hold a dog fully accountable, and nothing to the human.

in the 1950's the pit type of breed was considered to be the ultimate family pet. it topped the list as labs do now. the dog in the little rascals was none other than a pit! and all of those kids lived being around all the different dogs used for this part. why? because that dog was handeled by knowledgeable and capable hands.

2007-01-07 07:03:28 · 10 answers · asked by cagney 6

I live in NYC queens

2007-01-07 06:59:44 · 8 answers · asked by PILOT 1

With over 1000 breeds of dog to choose from why would any sane person choose a dog that has the highest rate of sending people and pets to the hospital by far? Please dont answer, "because they are so nice and sweet". All other dog breeds can be nice and sweet too. But this is the only breed that was bred for killing. That means they were bred to be aggressive with powerful jaws. Sure they can be sweet most of the time but they also have the GENES for fighting which is what they were BRED for! They turn on their own owners even. I watch and read the news, and it happens all the time. What angers me is that they very often kill or maim other dogs. Most insurance companies wont even insure your house if you have a pit bull because they have lost tons of money in law suits. Life is hard enough. So WHY do people buy this kind of dog? These dogs are still being bred for dog fighting in the ghettos.

2007-01-07 06:56:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-07 06:53:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-07 06:48:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dog is losing hair all around his back and collar. The doctor said he has a Thyroid problem and he has been taking medicine for about 1 year now and his hair still hasn't grown back here is a link to the picture:


how can I help his hair grow back???

2007-01-07 06:41:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My small chihuahua, the puppy that we kept, is now 11 weeks and weighs 1.50 lbs. I checked a weight chart and it said that as an adult, she will be 3.50 lbs.

Her mother is 9 lbs, and her father is 6 lbs. Is it that the puppy is skinny (because she loves running and playing outside) or is she really going to be that tiny?

2007-01-07 06:39:10 · 16 answers · asked by visualkei_rundream 1

2007-01-07 06:35:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have my first chihuahua puppy and cant decide on her name, and i know i am getting my second puppy very soon. Can anyone help me pick out a good pair of names for them? One is female and the other male. I was thinking 2 names that go together would be cute ..like..."Peeka" & "Boo" -or- "Nacho" & "Salsa"
Anymore suggestions? Thanks alot!

2007-01-07 06:31:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

so how old is she in dog years?

2007-01-07 06:29:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 9 month old American Pitbull Terrier. I have had her since last June or maybe July. Anyway, she constantly digs holes in my back yard. How do I get her to stop digging holes in my yard? I appreciate your help.

2007-01-07 06:26:37 · 10 answers · asked by Katherine S 2

my dog is a 2 year old shih tzu...he's the most loving dog ever...but lately he has been pooping on the carpet again...should I keep him in his pen for the rest of the day...and should I yell bad dog at him...I love my dog but i need a good way for him to stop pooping on the carpet...If anyone knows what to do or has had similar things happen please tell me

2007-01-07 06:25:00 · 4 answers · asked by answers 1

I have a dobe/german shep mix and she itches so bad, I have tried everything, ahe just itches right on the top of her tail and pulls the hair out. Also I need to know of anything that helps with shedding, I cant shave her because other than looking ridiculous there is a chance her hair will never grow back.

2007-01-07 06:20:10 · 18 answers · asked by Katrina R 2

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