why so much about pits? why are people so happy to jump on the media bandwagon? when i was growing up it was dobermans that were bad. next it was the rottweiler. now it's the pit. when are we going to look to the owners to own up to the responsibility of taking the heat for what their dog does? show me any dog tied to a tree or thrown out in the backyard, or wearing a neiman marcus collar in a purse and i'll show you an aggressive dog. people take the time to research the breed, and train them. stop being lazy and making somone else accountable for human actions. it says a lot about society when we hold a dog fully accountable, and nothing to the human.
in the 1950's the pit type of breed was considered to be the ultimate family pet. it topped the list as labs do now. the dog in the little rascals was none other than a pit! and all of those kids lived being around all the different dogs used for this part. why? because that dog was handeled by knowledgeable and capable hands.
10 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
no king tootin, your name and statements say it all about your ignorance. do you believe everything you hear on the news? the news reports are designed for simple minded viewers for ratings. my news in kc will report a pit bull attack in another country, but not the lab that did the same thing earlier that day in our area. why? because you don't want to hear it's the lab doin it too, because then us human's will have to take some responsobility for our own actions for once. what color trailer do you have if i may ask?
07:16:31 ·
update #1
i find it important to add this.... i don't own a pit, and wouldn't because i do not care for terrier temperment nomatter the size. it could be a westie or a pit. i do not mesh well enough with their temperments and their ways enough to haveone. i have educated myself on this topic though. i am tired of us humans not willing to be held accountable, and for others for being such followers and just jumping half ****** and going all out on partial or misleading information and not seeking the truth for outselves and taking responsibility for educating ourselves.
08:07:49 ·
update #2
Thank you for a very thought filled topic! We in rescue see it all. All the breeds, mixes, behaviour, etc.
You are so correct about the profiling of breeds over the years. The only dog that ever actually jumped me and tried to bite was a Jack Russell mix at the rescue! We get in dogs of every breed, mix that have been made "crazy" by mistreatment and abuse. The bully breeds are the least of the trouble makers at our rescue.
2007-01-07 07:10:15
answer #1
answered by pets4lifelady 4
I think some people jump to conculsion before they realize what the real fact here. I used to think pits, doberman, staffordshire, american staffordshire are all mean, aggressive, will kill people. Well I read on internet and find out that it not true. Also my experience is I been around rottweiler, doberman, pitbulls they are sweet heart and not what people say about them. People forget sometime that dogs are generation from wolves. Dogs are pack animals that live in pack as well as wolves. There alpaha male, alpaha female that run the whole pack, everyone else fall behind the alphaha male, female because they are first and only have the right to have puppies. Now as far as these breeds that attack people. U need to find out the whole story. Example a child was attack by pitbull. Let see ask if the child was wandering around the street by him or her self, no parents are watching the child. The child decided to go onto someone's property which happen to have the dog there. The dog attack when it only trying to protect the property and the owners. Why is the kid walking on their own and on someone's property without the owner's permisson, without parent watching the kid? Two: owner maybe forgot to lock their gate by accidently, the dog got out and wandering around the street. It the owner's fault but we are all people and all of us make mistakes none of us are perfect although we wish we are. 3: these breeds are taken for granted and are beat up and being abusive, in return they can be killer and attack u. EXAMPLE: my mom's next door own three pitbulls. My witness the kids who live there throw rocks, kick the dogs, beat them up. I am suprise that the dogs didn't turn on them. I feel sorry for the dogs, they never will learn how to be love by a person, although the parents see their kids beat up the dogs, do nothing to stop them. 4: people who usually in gangs, drug addict use these dogs in dog fight to make money which is illegal. Yes dogs fight only if they need to not because they are force to. If you want to see real fighting go and watch boxing or WWE wrestling. Remember Mike Tyson bite off the other boxer's ear, there bloods? Well go and watch boxing. WWE and Boxing are legal and enjoyed by many people. I know this may seem long, but I have to explain things. I never own one, I wouldn't mind. It just we already own two dogs, that enough for now.
2007-01-07 08:44:21
answer #2
answered by legacygirl2002 1
I agree completely.
I find it ironic that the recepient of the world's first partial face transplant was mauled by her pet Labrador Retriever.
Labs are currently the most popular breed of dog in America, a position, as you noted, previously held by the Pit Bull.
Personally, I grew up around Rottweilers. Any of our Rotts would have laid down their life for me. Every dog I've ever been attacked or threatened by was either a Shih-Tzu, Chihuahua or Fox Terrier. In my experiences, small "toy" dogs exhibit far more agression, but people don't percieve them as a threat because they can't do as much damage.
While we're at it, maybe we should go ahead and get rid of cars as well... do you know how many people die in auto accidents every year? And bees. Bees are responsible for a lot of allergy-related stinging deaths. We should probably try to get rid of those too.
2007-01-07 07:19:27
answer #3
answered by xxandra 5
Well courtney o, I must be one of those "stupid people".
The reality is that the breed was developed for fighting (biting), and all the BS in the world is not going to change that.
Just like a Retriever has a predisposition to retrieve, A Pitbull has a predisposition to bite.
I do agree however that people take advantage of their predisposition and train them to bite.
And yes, normally they are about the sweetest dog around,,,,, right up to the moment they take half your face off.
2007-01-07 07:46:42
answer #4
answered by tom l 6
because people are stupid i have the same problem with my family i tell them i like pit bulls they basically say that they are the worst dog in the world because of there reputation and there not they can be the sweetest in the world i should know i have a mix even though they are clumsy
2007-01-07 07:34:05
answer #5
answered by angie 2
i was scared of rottweilers and pit pullz but then i read alot about them and know im fine i guess peple just hear thingz and Bamn they think thatz going 2 happen 2 them :)
2007-01-07 07:06:37
answer #6
answered by Diamond P 2
Wow, she's not ignorant. YOU'RE ignorant. And if you are so freaking concerned about pit bulls, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't take up space ranting about something nobody cares about! Thank you -_-;;
2007-01-07 07:10:50
answer #7
answered by Lei Lei 3
i havent really tought bout it but now tat u asked its a good point
2007-01-07 07:08:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you make a good point
2007-01-07 07:07:47
answer #9
answered by kat 6
we all do
2007-01-07 07:05:15
answer #10
answered by Baby 6