my vet says 4 months
2007-01-07 07:10:53
answer #1
answered by kat 6
Vets have different opions on the appropriate age. You'll find many that will spay a puppy or kitten by the age of 8 weeks. Others prefer to wait until the age 6 months (mainly for female dogs) to allow their reproductive organs to mature in the belief that this lessens their chances of developing chronic urinary tract infections in the future.
2007-01-07 15:37:42
answer #2
answered by x39er 1
6 months old is the normal age a puppy gets spayed. You can take him to the vet and they will tell you for sure when your puppy is ready to be spayed.
2007-01-07 19:32:33
answer #3
answered by aussieshepherdlover1 1
It depends on your vet some vets like to wait until after there first season and some prefer to do it before, ask the vet now because there is no definite age when a girl dog (I assume we are talking female) will come into season it could be as early as 3 month or as late as x years I had one with a first season at 3 yrs. The vet will not want to operate to close to a season. Hope this helps
2007-01-07 15:33:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You need to talk to your vet - some will spay a puppy as young as yours is, others prefer them to be closer to 6 months. Best to get it done before her first heat, though.
2007-01-07 15:13:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You spay a female dog at 5-6 months according to your vet's advice.
You castrate a male dog at 6-7 months for maximum effect - again depending on your vets advice.
2007-01-08 04:11:55
answer #6
answered by PetLover 4
Wait until after the first season unless the vet adises different for health reasons. usually around 8 months
2007-01-07 15:23:12
answer #7
answered by Miss RoZy 4
your puppy must be a least 6 months old for boy. before her season or while after for a she.
had both done in the past
2007-01-07 15:17:29
answer #8
answered by remmie 1
many vets will do it at the age of 6 months old but i suggest waiting until she is 18 months to 2 years so the hormones will tell her to stop growing(height wise) then her chest will fill out.
2007-01-07 15:15:11
answer #9
answered by mia 2
Vets like male dogs to be 6 months and a female after her first season.
2007-01-07 15:12:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous