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With over 1000 breeds of dog to choose from why would any sane person choose a dog that has the highest rate of sending people and pets to the hospital by far? Please dont answer, "because they are so nice and sweet". All other dog breeds can be nice and sweet too. But this is the only breed that was bred for killing. That means they were bred to be aggressive with powerful jaws. Sure they can be sweet most of the time but they also have the GENES for fighting which is what they were BRED for! They turn on their own owners even. I watch and read the news, and it happens all the time. What angers me is that they very often kill or maim other dogs. Most insurance companies wont even insure your house if you have a pit bull because they have lost tons of money in law suits. Life is hard enough. So WHY do people buy this kind of dog? These dogs are still being bred for dog fighting in the ghettos.

2007-01-07 06:56:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

19 answers

There is no denying the fact that pitbulls are the preferred breed of drug dealers and other criminals.

2007-01-07 07:05:21 · answer #1 · answered by Feathery 6 · 1 4

The pit bull is a type of dog bred for fighting, not a specific breed. Responsibly bred and owned, the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier -- often referred to as pit bulls -- are not fighting dogs.
The breeds that the CDC considers to pose the highest risks are pit bulls, rottweilers, German shepherds, huskies, Alaskan malamutes, Doberman pinschers, chows, Great Danes, Saint Bernards, and Akitas.

Notice a pattern here? They are all large dogs. Why? Because most dog bites that occur from the smaller dogs (chi's, min pin's, dachsunds, pekinese, cocker spaniel's, etc.) are not reported because they usually don't cause severe enough injuries to be brought into the ER where a dog bite MUST be reported. Small dogs just don't have the size and strength like a pit to do the same damage. Pits have a HUGE mouth in which to grab a good chunk of a person and cause a lot of damage.

A history on pits: Most "pit bulls" are not aggressive by nature. They tend to be gentle, playful and loving. However, there are those that have been bred and trained to be aggressive. Even then, they are more aggressive toward other animals, not people.
Often, aggressive "pit bulls" have been abused and/or neglected. These are the ones that are VERY dangerous.

2007-01-07 07:16:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"Pit Bull" is just a vague term that encompasses a number of dog breeds, primarily, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier.

There are over twenty breeds of dog commonly mistaken as a Pit Bull... the Presa Canario, Dogo Argentino and Cane Corso are all very close in appearance to the untrained eye. Those with even less education can even mistake Boxers, Bulldogs, or ANY stocky, muscular dogs to be Pit Bulls.

Studies have shown that most people can not pick out an American Pit Bull Terrier from a series of photographs in the comfort of their own home, let alone in the middle of an attack.

All an attack victim or newspaper reporter has to do is claim the dog in question is a Pit Bull, and the damage is done. I've seen newspaper articles with headlines screaming PIT BULL ATTACK, that actually CONTAIN a photo of the dog... and the dog looks NOTHING like a Pit Bull.

Just a bit of insight regarding why the attack ratios are so skewed against Pit Bulls.

You can read more about it here, and see photographs of dogs that have been mistaken for Pit Bulls in news stories:

And you can try the "Find The Pit Bull" test yourself here:

2007-01-07 07:05:27 · answer #3 · answered by xxandra 5 · 3 0

1)If you look back into most breeds lineage they were used for some form of blood thirsty battle. The Pitt isn't able to be singled out there. English Bulldogs were bull-baiters. 2)ANY dog is capable of an attack. The raising, training, and socialization they are brought up with has more effect than the breed. Is a Pitt the only breed you've ever heard of on the news involved in an attack? They are responsible for approx. 1/3 of all bites reported which leaves another 2/3. In October of 2000 a 6 week old baby was mauled to death by the family Pomeranian. Now there's a dangerous breed. 3)Where do you get that there are 2000 breeds to choose from? 4)The right owners choose a Pitt because they are loyal, obedient, intelligent, affectionate, and healthy dogs. Banddog Dread, a Pitt, currently holds the record for most working titles ever recieved by any breed. Pitts have recieved a bad name because of inhumane, cruel people that choose to own and breed them for all the wrong reasons. They are great dogs in the hands of responsible, dedicated, loving owners. The behaviors we hear of in the news are because of bad people and in no way, shape, or form does the fault lie with the breed. People like yourself form an opinion based little on fact and more on the media. You choose not to look at a responsible owner's example of the breed and instead look toward a cruel moron's example. The dog suffers in all this. What dog would choose to be bitten, bleed, and die? People don't give them a choice. I believe all Pitts should be adopted through responsible agencies that will dig into every bit of the person's life to ensure a good home for the Pitt where it will be a family member. This breed needs to be protected from people, not the other way around.

2016-05-23 03:53:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first off the pitbull was not bred to kill they were bred to fight which i'm 100 percent against fighting this breed this breed is a very loyal breed they have also been used as hog dogs i dont know why you seem to be so quick to judge this breed but let me give you a little insite on this ok rots were bred to attack and german shepards any dog will attack if provoked aven a chihuaha which bites more than any breed i know i happens to be that right now the pitbull is a target thats why you only hear about their attacks on the news you dont hear about any other breeds which should also be publicized all you idiots need to lay off the pitbull i raise and breed this pitbull breed and all mine are sold to familys and guess what i've never had a complaint about any of my dogs or the pups i sell i let every buyer know about this breed and i let them know that this isnt your normal everyday dog and how to put them thru obidence training by the way it not the pits its the owners i have 12 pitbulls and i also have 3 kids you cant find a better breed than the pitbull by the way people like you are why i raise pitbulls, to sell to people who want to give this breed a chance by the way do your research the pitbull isnt even in the top 5 as far as attacks my husband was also against the pitbull until 1992 when he owned his first pitbull now he wont own any other breed of dog

2007-01-07 07:20:35 · answer #5 · answered by sassy 3 · 1 1

Actually, pit bull attacks are blown way out of proportion. There are several different breeds of dogs are considered "pitbulls"...americian pitbull terrier (of course), staffordshire terriers, american staffordshire terriers, bull terrier, dogos, alpha bluebloods and american bulldogs are a few breeds that many people consider to be pitbulls. Then you have dogs that aren't pitbulls but are mistaken for a pitbull by people who are not dog savvy, which include breeds such as boxers, jack russel terriers, rottweilers, chows and even labador retrievers. Also, many mixed breed dogs with or without any pitbull in them are labeled pitbulls. So you have over ten breeds of dogs (and mixes), most of which are fairly popular breeds, that people are calling pitbulls...this alone will screw up any statistics, and make it seem as if more attacks were from pitbulls. Then you have the media which tries to make stories as sensational as possible...if a basset hound chased a kid riding his bike and knocked him over, nobody would hear a word about it. BUT, if a dog labeled a pit bull did the EXACT same thing, it would be the lead story on the 6 pm news as "pitbull mauls child". Pitbulls unfortunately have gotten a very bad reputation that is not really deserved. For every one human aggressive pitbull there are fifty pitbulls that are service dogs, therapy dogs, and police work dogs....and there are thousands of great pitbulls which are pets as well.

2007-01-07 07:25:16 · answer #6 · answered by dee 4 · 1 1

What are your sources for this information? Television? Newspapers? Do some actual research and then come to a conclusion. People base their opinions on what the media reports and that's really sad. Haven't you ever heard the term sensationalized?

Any breed can be dangerous if the owner is irresponsible. It's not the dog's fault, it's the owner's.

2007-01-07 07:14:48 · answer #7 · answered by suede_blueyes 3 · 1 0

Not the only dog bred for killing! Terriers are bred for killing...sight hounds are bred for killing. Huskies, and terriers in general are dog aggressive and are known to kill or maim other dogs. Nice try, but get your facts straight. All dogs are capable of biting or killing eachother, and people...that's why not every moron should have one. Do you not think that Rottweilers and Mastiffs also have very powerful jaws? You watch too much propaganda...where do you get the idea that pitts are bred for fighting in GHETTOS? How about in the basements of rich drug dealers, you idiot?

2007-01-07 07:06:23 · answer #8 · answered by Redawg J 4 · 4 1

It is me or is everyone here want to pick on pitbulls day? I am trying to answer questions about pets, but most of them are about pitbulls which can be rather tiring for all us answering it. Pitbulls from what I read are breed to fight bulls you know cows. Pit BULL male cows which are bulls. They were never breed to fight and attack other dogs, people. AKC there are sporting and hunting dogs, these dogs are breed to killed animals, is any of them aggressive? I suppose they are aggressive to attack wild animals, but I never heard them attacking people because of their instinct. I don't know lot about sporting, hunting dogs, but as far as I know any breeds under AKC or not can be very well manner dog it up to how they are raise, trained.

2007-01-07 09:04:55 · answer #9 · answered by legacygirl2002 1 · 1 1

honestly it has more to do with the owner than the breed. If the owner is knowledgeable and takes the proper steps to be the dominant one then the dog will be balanced.

I see more "small breed" with worse temperaments than pitbulls, but because they are small people make excuses for them. But the big dogs get the bad name because of their size and power.

The fact is, these attacks happen because of stupid owners who allow their dogs to become aggressive and not do anything about it.

I didn't buy a pitbull, but we rescued a stray one about 6 months ago and introduced it into our pack of 3 dogs. At first yes it was aggressive but I quickly got her trained and they all live in perfect harmony now.

Now about the people who breed them for fighting, well screw them, they are terrible people, but you cant hold an entire breed responsible for the actions of bad breeders. When you raid dogs and poke them with sticks, weather they are pitbulls, golden retrievers or small breads, you create the aggressiveness.

2007-01-07 07:12:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Thats what they were breed for you #$(@&#$(^@#(&$ pit bulls can be some of the nicest dogs in the world its the owners who jack them up. Dont judge some from there hist ory of breed it would belike judging Germans because they are in the same heritage as hitler and they tried destroy all the jews in the world its people like you who piss me off. They were only breed for killing because of there looks (mostly). Maybe instead of reading about them you should learn about them your self maybe spend some time around them instead of judging them by what other people say @$#$#

2007-01-07 07:48:06 · answer #11 · answered by angie 2 · 1 1

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