It's all in the owner! If the dog is treated nice and friendly, then it will be. If its abused, then it'll be aggressive. But I lnow there are the few that have turned all of the sudden. Can't explain that.
2007-01-07 07:37:29
answer #1
answered by ? 2
Because some are it just depends on the dogs personality, how it has been treated and trained and breed. Every dog bites but because rottweilers and pittbulls are big dogs they can do allot of damage!!!!
2007-01-07 07:39:10
answer #2
answered by bex 2
Why are they considered mean fighting dogs? Because they can be mean fighting dogs. Pits were literally bred to be fighting dogs (hence the name in a dog fighting pit). Rottweilers were bred to protect people as guard dogs, like the fila and other mastiffs...A Rottweiler could literally tear your head off. This is why people are afraid of them.
2007-01-07 07:43:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I do not know about Rottweilers but Pit bulls were originally breed as a war dog. They are naturally aggressive and usually need to be the NO 1 Dog. These dogs are a very protective breed. Usually a one owner dog. It is inhumane to fight a dog but some pits find the need to be aggressive. Some people take advantage of there protectiveness and aggression and turn them insane to please there own mental problems.
2007-01-07 07:43:23
answer #4
answered by richochet1972 1
because any dog that has been widely owned by ignorant people and allowed to breed more unwanted puppies to be given to more ignorant people, who let those pups breed, well you see where i'm goin with this. human's as a whole will not hold themselves accountable for their actions. and until the smarter side of society and it's dwindeling in numbers stands up and takes a stand and holds irresponsible pets owners accountable for their dog's (or their property's as dogs are defined by law) accountable and criminally they will just keep moving onto new dogs and new breeds to fear. i work in a low income area and 10 years ago it was the rottie, now it's the pit. growing up it was the dobie. well and i'm sad to say what puppy i see coming in now for parvo treatments, which is a good way to see what the new dog for the uneducated is (and no not everyone who's dog has had parvo is uneducated i'm making a general statement here, don't email me) is the mastiff and boxer. such a shame, such nice dogs. but in a few years we will be on here blaming these breeds for killing kids and eating faces and pits will be forgotten.
2007-01-07 07:40:58
answer #5
answered by cagney 6
Rottweillers are very good dogs generally but you cannot say the same for pit bulls.
That said pitbulls are the number one breed for attacking and killing humans and rottweillers are the second.
Facts are facts your just not willing to accept them. Don't get me wrong though - I would own a Rottweiller in a heart beat. I say that because when socialised well these dogs are great. Also they are very good at obedience training. Pit bulls however are very dog aggressive and are dangerous.
2007-01-07 08:14:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It all depends on the way the dogs were brought up. If you have an overpopulated amount of them they have to fight for food and become mean. Police dogs are not mean they just have to be able to know when there is trouble. Guard dogs can sometimes be mean b/c they were tought to be mean and bark and bite. It all depends on the living enviroment they were raised in.
2007-01-07 07:39:57
answer #7
answered by Billy Bob Joe Bob 1
IT s because they can train them that way because they are strong and muscular and aggressive and your right they are some of the nicest dogs in the world. I'm still trying to get that through my aunts head
2007-01-07 07:36:12
answer #8
answered by angie 2
It how u raise and trained them. If you treat them with love and kindness, most likely they will return that to you. It bother me when people say that all dogs like pitbull, rottiwieler, doberman, staffordshire etc should be banned. Well let me say this. It the same with people. We are all different color of racist. Some racist are mean etc. Well they should be banned. Well no we live in freedom of United State Of Amercia. All color have right to live here regardless if you are white, black, hispanic, asian etc. There freedom of religon. I am christian, I may not agree with some other religon but how would u like it if some one say other religon should be banned? All relgion are welcome here in USA. Religon, color of people, dog breeds none of them should be banned. If you want to banned something agaisnt law, then banned guns too many are use for stupied reason. Banned illegal drugs, banned pollutions, banned wars that harmed innocent people, banned abortion etc.
2007-01-07 08:23:38
answer #9
answered by legacygirl2002 1
There not mean unless u make them that way.There some of the nicest dogs.but if you dont train them right or neglect them, then they might turn.People only hear about them dogs turning cuz there the strong dogs.
2007-01-07 14:41:40
answer #10
answered by ashley s 2