To those of you who have little to no educated on the APBT breed. Let me teach you something. Temperament tests DO NOT LIE. In a recent study, where 122 breeds were tested, done by the American Temperament Testing Society, Pit Bulls achieved a passing rate of 83.9%. Beagles passing rate is 78.2% and your lovely family dog, the Golden Retriever was still below the Pit Bull at 83.2%. Can't argue with facts, can you? Don't believe me. I post my source. Where are your sources? Need some more schooling? The Pit Bull (APBT) was bred for DOG aggression, not HUMAN aggression. The attacks on humans are the fault of irresponsible owners. The fact of the matter is in the past 20 years we have seen some sad examples of poorly bred and badly treated dogs that are byproducts of irresponsible breeders and cruel and abusive homes. These improperly raised and poorley socialized creatures can show temperments far removed from that of the authentic Pit Bull. Do not believe that all dogs attack? They do. Any dog can attack and they will. This misconseption that some of you have can be dangerous and even deadly. Did you know that a child in the United States is over 100 times more likely to be killed by his or her parent or caretaker than by a dog? Even more surprising is that approximately 50 infants die each year from broken baby cribs, and 250 newborns die at the hands of their parents or guardians. In comparison, two infants, on average, die a year from dog attacks. Pit bull and pit mixes account for 21 percent of all human fatalities, while mixed breed dogs account for 16 percent and other nonspecified breeds, 15 percent. So many things factor into dog attacks. NOT JUST THE BREED. Factors include inherited and learned behaviors, genetics, breeding, temperament, surgical sterilization, environmental stresses, owner responsibility, victim behavior, size and age, timing, and the physical condition and the size of dog.
So Please, before commenting on a subject, learn your facts and do your research. If youdon't, all you have are uneducated opinons and the world has enough of them.
2007-01-07 14:52:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
# 1 you should get educated on this breed before you judge this breed
#2 ever heard the saying try it you might like it , give this breed a chance
#3 dont judge blindly if you've never owned a pit you dont know anything about them
#4 the press should report all attacks from all breeds then people like king tootincommon will realize that this breed is being targeted and that theyre not even in the top 5 in the nation for attacks
2007-01-07 07:34:24
answer #2
answered by sassy 3
no he's scared of his own reality and so has to pick on something that is defenseless. he has low self esteem. and i'm guessing owns a ill tempered small dog that is intact, loaded with fleas and heartworms and hasn't been vaccinated or checked by a vet in years. because he spends all his free time trying to pick on others and not take proper care of his own dog. plus the trailer he lives in (no offense to anyone, most trailers, but not his are nicer than my home anymore) doesn't allow dogs in the park over 10lbs.
2007-01-07 07:26:33
answer #3
answered by cagney 6
I actually have a three month previous and a Doberman Pincher puppy. they are super at the same time! The puppy chews throughout us and doesnt touch her slightly! it is definitely fairly stunning. whilst she starts off crying he will circulate over to her and lick her until she stops (we use sanitizing wipes on each occasion we found out he's carried out it) as quickly as she stops he walks away. I dont think of it relies upon on what breed of dogs you get yet greater on the dogs itself. see the way it acts around the newborn. and in case you do elect to get a pitbull only be certain you get it from a competent breeder! good success!
2016-10-30 06:37:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No he is not a baby. He speaks the truth . My vet will not handle pit bulls and he made the statement to me that they are like a loaded gun waiting to go off . they are an animal with animal instincts and anybody knows you cannot fight that . Let me ask you all . How would you feel if your 4 or 5 yr old got their face ripped off by your own pit bull that never attacked anything in their life before ? (since this is the theme every pit bull owner seems to say) All it takes is one time folks for that dog to go off and bing your kid or you or another family pet is dead then what do you say ? i think you all should reconsider your decision to belittle somebody who is looking out for himself and his family.
2007-01-07 13:41:37
answer #5
answered by Kate T. 7
.he goes by what the media tells him there are people like that all over the world. they believe everything their told by the media. its not his fault he just needs to be properly educated on the breed.
2007-01-07 07:23:11
answer #6
answered by cmann70726 3
Uneducated and ignorant about APBT`s. So is another one named witter.
2007-01-07 10:06:05
answer #7
answered by Fightingpit 5
I don't think he's scared of pitbulls, I think he has some valid points. Look at apartments. Many of them have restrictions on what breed of dog you may own. Any list of restricted breed contains Pit bulls, and Chow Chows. Any idea why? Because they are NOTORIOUS for being overly aggressive when idiots own them and don't train them properly. I've personally witnessed pitbulls attack and shred another dog, and I've been attacked by a pitbull while walking my dog. Fortunately for that dog and it's owner, she pulled it away before any serious damage was done to my dog, and before I could get my hand on something big to swing at it. Face the facts, for every "sweet" pitbull story, there is at least one horror story. The facts don't lie.
2007-01-07 07:25:11
answer #8
answered by sheerugg 2
He just doesn't know any better. Frankly, I think my pittie should be more scared of him, then he should be of her.
2007-01-07 07:22:45
answer #9
answered by renodogmom 5