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2007-01-07 08:09:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A pit bull terrier is a breed only recognised by the USA kennel club and is banned in many other countries although it is bad ownership and the use in fighting that has given this breed such a terrible image ...resulting from the ban Am staff was invented as a name to cover up the fact that the dog is actually a pit bull due to the banning.A Stafford's bull terrier is a completely different dog ,it is a lot smaller than a pit bull and has a wider head and shorter muzzle .This breed is known as the nanny dog in the UK as it is an excellent family pet despite having a lousy reputation again due to the fact that it has been used in dog fighting.Many staffy crosses have the appearance of the pit bull breed and this is were the confusion comes in and they have also been bread with pit bulls to try avoiding the ban.The only difference between these breeds other than the physical is its owners..some choose to own them as a status symbol or to try and be "hard" others use them to fight and train them to attack anything in sight.I own a staffy cross that looks like a pit bull and believe me he is less likely to attack anything than my mums pair of mini dachshunds!! they can be great loving sociable dogs in the right hands and it is man that causes these dogs all there problems.I also have a collie cross 2 cats and three kids so I hope this makes it clear they can be great pets.

2007-01-07 18:34:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The American Pitt bull Terrier & The American Staffordshire Bull terrier are one and the same dog both around 18" - 21" to the shoulder, were as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is around 14" to the shoulder & with what is going on at the minute I would'nt like to own a large Staffie. As the police have said if it looks like a Pitt Bull it is a Pitt Bull & the dog will be destroyed.

2007-01-08 04:15:16 · answer #3 · answered by Paul W 1 · 0 0

American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier are three different breeds but may look similar. Best research is dogbreedinfo website. That where I read up any dogs breed under AKC or not. It www.dogbreedinfo.com. That the best site that describe the dog, temperment, background etc. Hope this help.

2007-01-07 16:30:14 · answer #4 · answered by legacygirl2002 1 · 0 0

The main difference between a Pit and an Am Staff is the name, even the people that I know that have and show Am Staffs call them pits. The reason is that AKC didn't want to register a Pit bull breed, so they called the American Staffordshire Bull Terriers. The regular Staff (or Staffordshire Bull Terrier) is actually smaller and is built a lot differently than the other two. To me, they look more like a Bulldog (English) than a Pit, and they are smaller.

2007-01-07 15:22:50 · answer #5 · answered by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs 6 · 1 3

To get the proper information you should really read a book called "The Ultimate American Pit Bull Terrier". They is some very interesting facts about this bred. The answer to your question is on pages 49-53.

2007-01-07 15:47:45 · answer #6 · answered by Michele M 1 · 1 0

A pitbull terrier and a Staffordshire terrier are quite different look at photos on Google or Yahoo search and u will see.

2007-01-07 17:04:07 · answer #7 · answered by Shaky 2 · 1 0

The pitbull is the one which has the jaws that lock once that get a hold and were originally bred for fighting The dogs were thrown in a pit and obviously the winner was the one that ripped the other apart

2007-01-07 15:18:20 · answer #8 · answered by Miss RoZy 4 · 0 6

two main differences. one being the type of person who would own them. the pit is usually a sign of badness for people who choose to mistreat them and make them aggressive. don't worry they will move onto another breed to do this to here soon since we are banning all pits, and these types of people just move onto the newest and biggest and baddest dog of the day next. second. a staffie is recognized by akc and a pit is not.

2007-01-07 15:19:33 · answer #9 · answered by cagney 6 · 1 3

Pitbulls are banned Staffies are not.

2007-01-07 16:23:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The thing about 'lock jaw' is NOT true, its a myth. They don't get lock jaw it doesn't happen!!!!

2007-01-08 08:13:33 · answer #11 · answered by Tray 2 · 0 0

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