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Is there any way to identify if my ***** has mated early on? Today she was fertile but we did not see anything going on as we left her at the males home for a couple of hours. When we came back she was no longer threatened by him, but he was still loking very frisky. Do you think they mated? Also we will be taking her back tomorrow, any tips?!!!

2007-01-07 07:35:44 · 8 answers · asked by Maria 1 in Pets Dogs

8 answers

u know what there are some real idiots out there not u maria its them 2 dickheads who answerd befor me do u think they are supervised in the wild and if she is breeding her dogs im sure they are good enough to be breed and in answer to ur question maria its is a very good possibilty they mated but what i would do is suppervise on the second mating to make sure

good luck

2007-01-07 08:10:01 · answer #1 · answered by claire a 1 · 0 1

And yet another back yard breeder asking idiotic questions! Yes, they mated. By all means, bring her back tomorrow. Hopefully there'll be even more unwanted puppies produced! Why are you leaving these dogs unsupervised. You obviously know nothing at all about breeding or you'd know how easily one of them could be seriously injured!

2007-01-07 07:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Get her spayed

Why cause more deaths in this world of overpopulation in dogs. You obviously have no idea what you are doing when breeding or you wouldn't be asking here. This is sick. You need to do more reasearch when you breed. I highly doubt you have a dog that is quality breeding material

Backyard breeder?

2007-01-07 07:43:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

when my ***** was mated she had a lot of slime on her back it was saliva around her neck area and this is how we knew dont know if this helps did you want her to be mated or not if not take her to the vets and they can give her something to stop her getting with pup

2007-01-07 07:39:48 · answer #4 · answered by julie t 5 · 0 2

Ask an experienced person, breeder, or vet.

2007-01-07 07:36:53 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth 2 · 0 0

check her ovaries at vet

2007-01-07 07:37:26 · answer #6 · answered by Samonosuke 1 · 0 1

Do you mean your b*i*t*c*h?

Good old Yahoo!

2007-01-07 07:40:39 · answer #7 · answered by migdalski 7 · 0 1

Your what???

2007-01-07 08:04:02 · answer #8 · answered by Nini 5 · 0 0

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