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my dog is a 2 year old shih tzu...he's the most loving dog ever...but lately he has been pooping on the carpet again...should I keep him in his pen for the rest of the day...and should I yell bad dog at him...I love my dog but i need a good way for him to stop pooping on the carpet...If anyone knows what to do or has had similar things happen please tell me

2007-01-07 06:25:00 · 4 answers · asked by answers 1 in Pets Dogs

4 answers

Well Id say something has happened to make him feel a little rebellious.They tend to act out if something in their routine changes.Maybe you havent been home as much or theres something upsetting him.Using a rolled up newspaper to swat his behind may help, not to hurt him.Its the sound of the paper that does it.Dont yell.That will only make him more upset and wear you out at the same time. Good luck

2007-01-07 06:40:25 · answer #1 · answered by dynamite136 3 · 0 0

Dogs are smart! Mother Nature teaches them to let you know might be a problem. Normally, a dog does not just change habits for no reason.

Could be a change around the house. Could be medical and needs a fecal done to rule out a problem. We don't always see when dog poops outside and see possible change in stool. Is his stool different in any way?? Keep an eye and nose on situation.

Had a housetrained dog that left me a present by the bed one time! Tapeworms! Kinda glad he did as had so many using the yard would not have known for sure which one had the tapes.

If medically ok then something has upset him or feels not getting enough attention? Would not make a big deal of and just keep reminding him to go outside. May resolve itself with proper attention.

2007-01-07 15:03:42 · answer #2 · answered by pets4lifelady 4 · 0 0

Is he sick? Is he eating anything new or weird? My dog was getting up on the counters when we weren't home (who knew Shih Tzu's could climb??? They can!!!) and when we'd get home he'd have gotten sick all over. Try confining him to a smaller space and see what happens. If that isn't it, he may have separation anxiety or some other nervous disorder.

2007-01-07 14:38:21 · answer #3 · answered by anniewalker 4 · 0 0

Try a puppy pad that might help or try taking him out more

2007-01-07 14:30:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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