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Cats - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

I got a kitten on Friday from an advert in the local newspaper, who the guy said is about 10 weeks old. This kitten is from a farm and is not used to contact. Not sure when he was separated from his mother? My problem is that he's not litter trained. I have been very patient since Friday and have restricted him to the hall and bathroom only for when we are not in and at night. He is doing well and so far not too many accidents. However last night he managed to open my bedroom door and came onto the bed. I let him stay since he had been so good in his litter tray the whole day, but the early hours I woke to him scraping and he had pee'd all over the bed! How long can I expect him to take to litter train properly? I just don't trust him not to pee on my rug or bed, and the meowing at night is heartbreaking. Also, he has had diarrhoea since he came which I am hoping is just the stress of moving and change of diet. What should a kitten be eating? I feed him dry kitten food & kitten milk.

2007-08-28 11:10:54 · 3 answers · asked by hannahsmum4 1

would it be illegal to set the trap for the cat, as long as I humanely dispatched it when caught?

2007-08-28 10:45:03 · 12 answers · asked by david p 1

OK. So i saw this himalayan kitten at the pet stores and i fell in love with it!!! I have a dog, and my dads allergic to cats, so my mom said no. IVE OFFERED EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF! From paying for it myself to bribing her with stuff! What should i do?!

2007-08-28 10:19:19 · 7 answers · asked by Leah 2

and start cleaning the back of his head like crazy. He knows it taste bad. Is there a better way to apply it?

2007-08-28 10:11:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had my cat for 10 years now. Over the course of the last year, she has decided that it is good idea to poo NOT INSIDE the little box, but just right OUTSIDE of it. Frankly, its starting to piss me off now LOL. The box is clean and scooped so thats not it, and she has never urinated outside of the box. I dont get it, but everyday, there is a new "load" for me to pick up outside the box. I would try to scold her, but i never seem to "catch her in the act".
Any pointers?

2007-08-28 09:43:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

is there any way to find out if my cat is pregnant without having to take her to the vets?! any suggestions would be really helpfull

2007-08-28 08:57:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat is a 3 year old spayed female. She only has it on her chin.

2007-08-28 08:04:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got an 8 week old kitten and I just wanted to know if it is normal to get one that young. Of course I am taking good care of him, I just want to know that he will be ok. Also I have to start leaving him alone during the day while I go to work. Is there anything I can do to make him more comfortable...his food, litter and a few toys are going to be in the bedroom with him during the day.
Finally should I let him hide out under the bed...he's so little I get scared because I can't reach him, but i just want to make sure he will be fine under there.

2007-08-28 07:54:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the Soft Paws and Soft Claws websites and I think they came in the same colors, which confused me. I'm also wondering if cats can climb things like trees and scratching posts while wearing them and if anybody's had trouble getting them on their cat and if anybody's had any trouble at all with them. Serious answers from people that have tried them only, please.

2007-08-28 07:36:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feed my cat whiskas dry and wet food. but when i try to give her kitty treats (temptations) or friskies wet food, she ends up puking for the day!! i dont know why this happens. any ideas? any other cat treats i can try to feed her.

2007-08-28 07:34:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in a property which has a back garden surrounded by a 5.5 foot high back fence.

I have a three month old ragdoll and have been told they are better suited to the indoor life. I was wondering whether you feel it appropriate (or inappropriate) she be allowed out the back for increasing periods of time during the day, starting with daily supervision for the first month.

Is it possible a ragdoll cat could jump a 5 + foot high fence?

All opinions welcomed.

2007-08-28 07:22:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous




These are pictures of my cat Bakery. She is 10 years old and she is adopted. She ran away from her home and was found on top of a bakery so she was named bakery. Her owners thought it would be best for her to not come back with them because they had other cat that did not like bakery. We had a sicko cat that atacked us so we put her to sleep and the vet said that we would like bakery so we said OK. We love her and have had her for a year. She first peed on the carpet and had to rip it up and get new floring. $800. now she vomits up her food and we got a new deep cartpet cleaner. $200. We get speical food and and hairball remidy but nothing. My mom regrets geting the cat but She is SO sweet. She paws at your face when she wants to be peted. So does any body now how to cure this...PLEASE! Thank you!!

2007-08-28 07:16:46 · 6 answers · asked by Lilliputian 2

I just got a new kitten today (boy) and brought him home. I have another cat about 7 mo. old (girl) and she's a little defensive of him. I knew that is was going to take time for them to get used to each other and I want to find the best way to make sure they have a good relationship together.I already have different food dishes in different areas, but i can't afford a separate litter box at the moment. I am keeping a good eye on them and giving them attention but not too much. What more should I do?

2007-08-28 07:01:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What should i name my kitten. He's gray.

2007-08-28 06:52:18 · 7 answers · asked by sbabisz123 1

After I went to school yesterday, my mom and brother said she is acting fine. When I come home. She didn't play with me. And she can't get her neck straight. When can't eat and ever time she drink water it goes into her nose. And keep sitting on knee no matter where she goes

I feed her wheat gluten with seaweed everyday for months. But she seem okay and love it.
I got 2 new treat from Wal-Mart last Sunday. And gave her 12 for each

This is the litter she use. She eat it sometimes made of 100%Diatomaceous earth

2007-08-28 06:45:47 · 20 answers · asked by sakisuheung 2

we recently got a 9 week old kitten named cy, and of his many habits the one we are trying to break him of is chewing on metal. he will try to chew on rings, earrings, necklaces anything that is near him and is of shiny metal.

2007-08-28 06:45:29 · 5 answers · asked by crazypagan 1

On Sunday, 2 days ago, my pet cat bit and scratched my forearm. When it happened, i just sorta washed it off with soap because we didnt have peroxide water, and i didnt think it was too bad since it was my cat. my mom said it might get infected because i didnt clean it right [i'm 14 btw].
i have 2 bite marks, and one of them was reallyyy close or actually on my vein thats in my arm, and it has a blue bruise around it. the other one is close to a vein as well, and it has a brownish, tanish bruise around it as well. yesterday that bruise was just red. the wounds are red, but it doesnt look like theres swelling. i cant really tell. theres also a dull, sorta pain just going thru my whole arm, and above my elbow whenever i bend it [no bruise there], i dont kno if that has anything to do with the bite tho... what do i do?
***i think my mom is bringing me to the doctor if it gets worse. maybe earlier.

2007-08-28 06:37:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to get a young female kitten, less than 6 months. How often would a kitten between 3-6 months need to see the vet within its first year, if the kitty is already neutered and has most or all the vaccinations it needs? (I'm planning on adopting). If it isn't neutered or vaccinated, typically how much would they cost, how long would they take, and how many visits to the vet would it need to get all those treatments taken care of?
After that, how often do I need to keep taking it back to the vet for regular check ups? What vaccines need to be repeatedly given, and how frequently? Thank you in advance! This would be a first cat for me, if you can't tell.

2007-08-28 06:35:47 · 5 answers · asked by Julia 2

What should i name my new kitten. He's a boy and hes all gray. What is good name.

2007-08-28 06:16:18 · 12 answers · asked by sbabisz123 1

My cat is half Siamese and OMG she can meow, which is cool sometimes, like when you talk to her she talks back or when you come home she greets you, but sometimes she just screams...I mean SCREAMS...especially when she wants something. I have never had or seen a cat as demanding as my half Siamese. I love her weirdness and I'm not trying to totally change her personality, but is there any way I can stop or deter her from being so demanding and screaming at the top of her lungs? It can really give you a headache!

2007-08-28 06:14:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it sound ok to put them in the spare bedroom with their food and water and litter boxes? I hate to leave them in there all the time, but I can't have the loud meowing that kittens do either. I'm gone most of the day and they might walk around the apartment meowing loudly all day, which would be a problem with my neighbors. They are very timid and shy yet, so they hang out in the spare bedroom anyway. I rarely see them! They are 12 weeks old. I want to socialize with them so they don't stay timid, or maybe thats just normal for 12 weekers. Any info would help. I guess primarily if it sounds ok to leave them in the spare bedroom most of the time and when would be a good time frame to take them out and explore the apartmnet more to get used to it. Thanks

2007-08-28 05:49:13 · 7 answers · asked by yalepa99 1

My 9-year old female tortie (longhair) has had matted fur since I can remember. Even when I brush her regularly it is still matted! I call her my rasta-fari hippy cat because it always looks like she has dreadlocks.
I brush and cut out the big "dreads" and she lets me pull out the smaller ones. But when I have to cut them out she has patches of fur that make her look.... well, unnatural.
Does anyone have any good suggestions for getting rid of her dreads?
....I have two other cats, neither of which have this problem....

2007-08-28 04:11:45 · 12 answers · asked by brojo17 2

Ok, so my cat, Kitkat, is VERY pregnant and just a couple of minutes ago she was in my house looking for a place to have her kittens....but she is not allowed to have them in the house since we have a dog and all. Anyways, what kind of place should I set up for her outside. I already have a cupboard outside with some towels and newspaper in it. Should I put anything else in it? Or do something else? (by the way, this is my cats 2nd litter, the other time she had them in the cupboard too but kept trying to move them into the house) & how much longer do you think until she has the kittens?

2007-08-28 04:06:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 7 yr old persian-siamese mix neutered male cat that is usually very well behaved. But for the last several weeks he's been having urine accidents all over our house. This is very unlike him. Nothing has changed within our home to make him upset, and his "box" is changed on a regular basis... Is it possible that he could have a UTI (urinary tract infection)? Or could something else be going on??? He is overweight; last time he was weighed he was 17 pounds, and he's been vomiting more than usual (with and without hairballs) about every other day. Our vet doesn't seem concerned...
Thank you for any answers you can give.

2007-08-28 03:48:42 · 10 answers · asked by valima33 2

What do I do. I called Animal contol and there is nothing they can do since it is a stray. The kittens just started walking around the yard & the mother cat kicks my pugs but daily. She jumps on her back and hisses, very mean. I need to get rid of these cats but am afraid I will get bitten by the mama. What should I do? Oh yes, my daughter wants a kitten. Can it be tamed since they are strays?

2007-08-28 03:09:01 · 15 answers · asked by escape 3

when you bring your cat into the vet and she/he sends you to the cardiologist or to get a test from another doctor or clinc, does that doctor or clinic than pay your vet for the referral?

2007-08-28 02:56:28 · 3 answers · asked by wayne 3

Hi all, I've just bought a cat harness for my 6 month old Maine Coon and am looking forward to introducing her ot the garden this way (as she's never been out before). Has anyone else used this method? If so how did your cat react and what's the best way of doing this without getting torn to shreds? Thank u!

2007-08-28 02:48:45 · 8 answers · asked by Dee R 1


I found a stray cat on my deck how can i find out if it has fleas?

2007-08-28 02:47:11 · 7 answers · asked by mullentaylor 1

My cat gave me a bit of a meow last time I tried.

2007-08-28 02:45:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help my 10yr old male cat developed diabeties. He gets two shots a day, but we can not get under control, we are working with his vet on a weekly basis. The problem is he has decided to stop using his litter box. He goes in front of door, just urine. We thought we had licked the problem by confining him at night, but this morning we found he had soiled the rug again. He has clean litter we change it every day. It has gotten to be such a problem, we may have to put him down which would break my heart.

2007-08-28 01:50:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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