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Cats - August 2007

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They did this to my 8 month old kitten today when they removed her stitches (she got spayed). My kitten was scared to come out of her kennel , so the vet grabbed her by her neck and pulled her out! It looked like he was hurting her. Is this normal? Is it painful for the cat? When she came home, I noticed small clumps of hair falling off her.

2007-08-21 14:20:07 · 16 answers · asked by Iridescence 5

Today we adopted a cat from the humane society. She's on hold for us at the moment until we get everything situated, but we will be picking her up tomorrow.

We were told she had fleas and was treated, which wasn't a problem, but she was treated today. She was given a chemical bath and Frontline, but our concern is that she will still have the fleas tomorrow. We saw her biting at her tail and scratching several times. We have two dogs and another cat at home to consider, and we don't want any of our other pets to get fleas. The workers said that the medication works within 24 hours, but we're still concerned.

Would you be concerned, if in my position?
Has anyone used Frontline? Were the affects immediate?

thank you so much :)

2007-08-21 13:54:43 · 4 answers · asked by missy. 3

I went to the vet for my cat about his flea problem and they gave me a pill called capstar i need to know what it is and what it's side effects are?

2007-08-21 13:26:14 · 4 answers · asked by Sean C 1

2007-08-21 13:13:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat, chipmunk, is a four year old male. He is going for his neuter surgery tomorrow morning. I have a problem here trying to understand the form that my vet gave to me. The surgery costs 100.00

It suggested me to add, Health Check (blood work) $44.00, Blood Pressure $18, and Fluid IV $58, or Fluid SC for $45.

My vet procedure is just feline Castrate for removing the testicles in my cat's rear.

So do you all suggest me to add those things and what's your opinion? Confused and dazed with informations been given to me.

My cat surgery is at 8:45 am tomorrow morning. Hope everyone help me on time.


2007-08-21 13:08:37 · 9 answers · asked by Stanley T 2

my 5 month old male kitten is using a bed for a litter box. i have washed and clean up linen and sprayed but still using bed. litter box is always clean so not sure why he is doing this.. any suggestions?

2007-08-21 12:26:05 · 7 answers · asked by lostnalone 1

A pregnant cat (we think she's feral) has moved into my family's garden. About a month ago, she had 3 kittens. We're thinking of adopting one, but keeping it as an "outside" cat. Owners of outside cats, what vaccnations do you give.your cat, how do you feed it, and just overall care? Please help!

2007-08-21 12:22:59 · 9 answers · asked by ♥TheBeatlesBiggestFan♥ 5

We have a very old cat that is about 17 or 18 and pees all over our house. It is extremely skinny and we pay A LOT of money to medicate her thyroid problem and we have to put medicine in her ear twice a day. My parents are fed up with her peeing on the floor because she does it a lot. It smells up the house. She's not as alert as she used to be. If you're about to step on her she doesn't even move. I don't want them to put her down because she's been such a nice pet and she's very cute despite her age. I suggested keeping her outside and making her an outdoor pet but i live in vermont where it snows and gets very cold so she couldn't live outside in the winter. do think it is wrong of my parents and what would you do in this situation?

2007-08-21 12:21:21 · 22 answers · asked by Jess 3

Please help me! My cat is really high up on the tree and he's very afraid to climb down, he knows how to climb up though. He has been up there for 3 days. Please help! I need real ideas! How can I get him down?Thank you soo much!

2007-08-21 12:16:42 · 7 answers · asked by Alena 5

I found my cat as a stray. She was this dirty, bony kitten who purred nonstop when she was held. I fell in love with her and I made a promise that I would never let anything bad happen to her.

She was very sick at first and she almost died, but now she is healthy. Even though I know that she is healthy, I still think about how sad it will be when she dies. Sometimes it almost hurts to love her because I know that one day I will actually lose her. I came so close to losing her before and I don't ever want that to happen. :(

Do you have those feelings about your pet? How do you handle them?

2007-08-21 10:23:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

When she sees other cats hanging around, she attaches her body and tail to the ground, while tail is around her left side of body. In short, it seems that she tries to minimize her body so that the others can't see. Is this a normal reaction when cats see other ones or implies some certain feelings and attitudes?

2007-08-21 09:30:24 · 7 answers · asked by wodkx2000 2

he meows few times very loud and then he sits the the tub and waits there unitl i am done showering.

2007-08-21 08:34:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay.. I know this has been asked many times. But we can't afford a vet. Unless we start begging for money. The kittens are about six weeks old, both has runny eyes but we stopped that with neosporin. They also had Diarrhea, but that has been taken care of with yogurt. Now they both seem to be quite congested, but they still play, eat and drink (a lot), cuddle, sleep, ect. Very sweet little kittys.

We've tried steaming the bathroom, using vix and just now letting eat some chicken broth. We give them plenty of love, which seems to also help them when they're not feeling well. They don't cough or anything either. Plus we got them from a barn from our aunt. We've been treating them for mites, and it that's started clearing up. They don't appear to have worms, and if they do we'll also be able to treat that.

Does anyone know of a home remedy, pill, herb, or even hand healing technique we could use? Like I said.. we can't afford the vet..

2007-08-21 08:32:44 · 5 answers · asked by Blood 1

to let me hold her. when she was a kitten she loved to be held, now shes hesitant.she doesnt like being picked up either nowadays.
are there any methods to help with this?

2007-08-21 08:28:03 · 6 answers · asked by SP. 2

My husband and i have two cats. One female who is 2 or 3 and one male who is 3 or 4. They are both fixed. Our male cat is peeing in the corner of the doorway to our bathroom all the time and he won't stop! We keep their litter boxes seperate and as clean as possible and we spray deterant in the spot he uses but it is still happening. What is the DEAL? They also both vomit more than normal. Sometimes it is right after they eat, they only eat one type of food, dry food for sensitive stomachs, they won't eat anything else. Is there something wrong with both of our cats?

2007-08-21 08:03:07 · 11 answers · asked by amanduh_17 1

I recently got a kitten (2 1/2 weeks ago) and she's still hiding under things. She lets me pet her and hold her and she'll come out to play when I'm sitting down, but the minute I stand up or walk around she bolts for cover. But as soon as I cut the lights off and get in the bed she's jumping up on the bed attacking my feet and snuggling.

I kept her in my room most of the time, but now that I've opened the door to introduce her to the rest of the house, she won't leave. She just stays under my computer desk or bed hiding. When I take her out of the room she gets terrified and bolts to go hide under something or runs back into my room as soon as I put her down.

What can I do to make her stop being so hidey and scared of everything? It's really starting to annoy me...

2007-08-21 07:09:47 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. E 2


i dont know to much about cats.
so im wondering...
is the "cat world" like the "dog world"?
are there a whole bunch of cat breeders who think there cat is special cuz its tiny?
is there any akc things for cats?
would you rather buy a mixed breed cat or a purebred?

2007-08-21 06:40:23 · 10 answers · asked by HU4L<3 3

I've tried saying "no", squirting her with water, taking her off the furniture and rewarding her only when not on it...none of it has worked! She's basically immune to water and has no issue getting squirted! She's starting to cause real damage on my bedspread and couches, at least "Soft Paws" has helped with clawing (I don't want to declaw her)...Someone please help!

2007-08-21 06:24:28 · 12 answers · asked by Whatchu Finkin...Pub? 2

I haven't cut them before, but his back nails are really long. Also, isn't there something to put on the nail in case you trim to low and it bleeds?

2007-08-21 06:20:46 · 11 answers · asked by Valerie S 3

My cats diet, has been a very small dish of milk in the morning, with 3 of those soft treats, some soft food for lunch and a feeding tower of dry food any time he wants it. he has two clean litter boxs, and he knows ware both of them are.

Seems he will poop in his box, and yet he will poop on the carpet in various rooms too. We tried adjusting what food stuffs he eats, but he still does it. Are cats the type that would do that, like a way to get back at us, for some thing we won't do, that he wants us to? Is that maybe a sign of some thing serious? Would some of the tainted pet food cause that if he was eating some, and we didn't know it??

2007-08-21 06:20:28 · 37 answers · asked by duster 6

it is a female kitten and for the first couple of days she was very playful. I have had to tap her nose (lightly) a few times for her being bad and i also gave her a bath yesterday and now all she does is try to find somewhere to hide and sleep. Is this natural or is she scared of me?

2007-08-21 05:53:33 · 9 answers · asked by lgeorge76 1

I know that we are supposed to go to the vet to get our cats booster shots every year. Over here, it is MANDATORY that we get a yearly rabies shot. But what about the other shots? Is it really necessary to give our cats a booster shot every year, ESPECIALLY if our cats live indoors? I have always been up to date with all my cat's shots, but lately I have been wondering if it is even necessary. What do you guys think?

2007-08-21 05:49:49 · 14 answers · asked by moon&stars 3

We are moving out of state to pursue job oppurtunities and have been unable to find a rental that will allow our two cats. We will be purchasing a home in six months once we have our new jobs settled, but we need to have our cats cared for until then. Are there any organizations that provide temporary foster care for owners in the eastern North Carolina area? All of our friends and family are either allergic to cats or have too many pets already. We don't want to put them up for adoption, but are running out of options. They are older cats (13 and 14) and I'm afraid they wouldn't be adopted through an agency because of their age. Does anyone have any ideas or information?

2007-08-21 04:22:28 · 3 answers · asked by kypkanon 1

My cat will be really calm one minute and then all of a sudden hes running around the house chasing something thats not there and then he starts howling at it. Is there something wrong with him or what is going on that hes doing this?

Thanks a bunch.

2007-08-21 04:15:50 · 24 answers · asked by ♥♫§weetTart§amantha♫♥ 5

my cat is loose too much wait she to skinny!! and we dont know how to help her! we took her to the vet and they said they didnt find anything wrong with her they gave her a shot to eat more but shes still not doing any better! shes also starting to get very weak & she'll fall off of fernature without being able to stop herself and she cant jump very good anymore ether! *also shes only a year old*

2007-08-21 03:54:25 · 12 answers · asked by kelmo25 1

i was thinking of
But i dont know weather these are good names or not. thanx

2007-08-21 03:53:28 · 15 answers · asked by martin 1

My mom's friend has a 5 month male kitten and he needs a name. The cat is gray with stripes.

Any suggestions.

2007-08-21 03:43:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

well usually i go to work all day and all night usually my daughters would watch my 2 cats but one of them is leaving for collage and the other is too young and will go to school soon.the last time i hired a cat sitter she tried to nearly kill my cat.what can i do?i need help.

2007-08-21 03:18:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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