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Cats - August 2007

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There was a cat outside my work place today with messed up fur, and some substance on it's face. The cat couldn't open his eyes because they were sealed shut. I called the APL to have them pick it up, they came by but apparently didn't see the cat and left. By the time I discovered the cat had just moved and wasn't taken by the APL, it was after 5, and every animal shelter that could help was closed. I am so worried about the cat. What can I do? I want to call APL back tomorrow if the cat is still alive. What could I have done differently?

2007-08-22 14:02:22 · 19 answers · asked by cookiesforkim 1

My cat and I moved into a house w/ roomates a few months ago from an "only-us" apt. One of my roomates has a F cat (neutered) but that did not present a problem @ all. My roomate now, all of the sudden, claims she's allergic to cats, so I have to keep mine locked in my bedroom at all times and I work 2 jobs, so I'm hardly home...Funny enough, a couple of weeks ago, my roomate brought in a stray kitten to the house for a couple of nighs before taking it to her dad's. Once it came into my bedroom for a brief moment. For the past week or so, I noticed a big pee stain on my matress and a strong smell in the bedroom, so strong that it would give me a headache. I thought my roomate had brought in the kitten again and it was peeing on my bed. However, last night, when I came home, there was a fresh spot on my mattress & the only one in the room was my cat. I cannot figure out what is wrong with my cat - if she's upset or ill... I wonder if after we move out (will be soon), she will continue.

2007-08-22 11:30:13 · 6 answers · asked by ♥O.F.F.B.E.A.T. 2

i had to take my sisters kitten and dropit off down the road by some houses becaus we couldent afford another pet shes bin asking where he went all day i feel like crap how do i cope with my guilt=[!

2007-08-22 11:19:55 · 9 answers · asked by kaia2228 1

2007-08-22 10:40:35 · 11 answers · asked by stevenzepke 1

My cats name is Fizzle...don't even really know where i got it from..just fit him. A crazy name for a crazy cat.

2007-08-22 10:33:27 · 30 answers · asked by Faiths Momma 1

I have had a cat for a nearly a year. At first it was rather cute but then a couple of months ago it just started to become a real pain. Scratching the furniture and peeing all over the place.

Yesterday, I watched it as it peed into my panty drawer and finally had it.

I had to take it to the vet and get rid of it. Just could not handle it anymore.

Today, I am a little emotional about the whole thing and torn if I did the right thing...

Ladies have you ever had to get rid of an animal cos you just can't take it anymore?

Sorry guys but I really don't need to hear how much you hate your girls cat

2007-08-22 09:27:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've stumbled across some info on it, and it seems to make sense if you think about it. I don't know anybody who does it at home willingly. Any thoughts? I should add that they're all indoor cats

2007-08-22 08:52:12 · 7 answers · asked by scout out 4

Ok, I'm back, Pumpkin now gages until throws up and wastes the medicine. He won't eat peanut butter, nor butter, nor can cat food, nor premuim tuna... I'm giving him a break because he choked so hard to throw it up his has a sore throat now. lol
I'm at my wits end. He needs the L-Lysine everyday and what about hairball medicine... Persians are a lot of work. Can anyone help me?

2007-08-22 08:43:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have tried to use different cat litter, also have put her a tissue with her urine init in her litter tray. Nothing works she still uses my floor. PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-08-22 08:35:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never owned a cat before. I've always had dogs. I got this cat as a 6 week old kitten. He's a Siamese. After he uses the litter box he washes his paws off in the dogs water bowls. Often at night he washes them in my glass of water that I leave by my bedside. I thought cats didn't like water.

2007-08-22 07:50:53 · 19 answers · asked by haileygirldb2002 2

I just found out tracks of mice at my apartment.. I'm scared to death and besides the traps and stuff I've been getting I keep looking at rat sh*t everywhere EWWWWWWW!!! I have like 5 people so far to get a cat. I don't like cats but I hate mice more...I know I can get use to a cat but ONLY if they do what people say they do (keep mice away). Do anybody know if cats do for real scare mice away??? PLEASE HELP!!!!

2007-08-22 06:56:20 · 38 answers · asked by latinagir2002 2

the computer, keyboard, and mouse. How do I get her to stop? It's very cute, but it is annoying when it takes five minutes to type a simple question like this. She stans in front of the computer so you can't see it, and steps on all the keys on the keyboard.

This is actually her typing:oiii]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj----

I did put the spaces in there.

2007-08-22 06:33:20 · 6 answers · asked by Emily A 3

Hello all, I just moved to a very nice apartment, and also very affordable. Problem, the people living before had cats. I tried to get rid of the odour, to no avail. I went to the pet store, and they told me there is nothing you can do. Any suggestions?

2007-08-22 06:05:40 · 13 answers · asked by saab 1

I have a 8 week old kitten ( i asked a question about kitten food yesterday if you rember). Anyway she was on the couch with me and she slipped off! She seems okay, but she did sound like she was crying. Do i need to get my mom to take her to the vet? The couch isnt that tall and she fell on a squichy rug.

2007-08-22 06:02:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our female recently began looking and feeling pregnant. Our male cat is fixed so we assumed that it had to have happened one day when she was accidentally let outside for a few hours. Well we had been stressing out trying to figure out what to do with a litter of kittens, then yesterday she suddenly does not have her "tummy" anymore, and it appears she had vomitted all over the place. We immediatly began searching for a litter of kittens but there isnt any. She has had one previous litter and her stomach had felt the exact same so we assumed she was pregnant, but now we dont know what to think. Could she have been just sick? Or is it possible that she was pregnant but something happened?

2007-08-22 05:56:54 · 4 answers · asked by Angela 2

i got a kitten a week ago and i think my cat hates her. the first few times they met i held the kitten while the cat was on the floor so the cat could get used to the smell/sight of the kitten then after a couple of days they met on the floor, and the cat just hissed at the kitten and the kitten backs away and lies down. but my sister told me that she accidentaly let them meet the first time and my cat licked the kitten but my sister was too nervous. every time they have met since the cat hisses at the kitten and she has even tried to swipe at her. when this happens i tell the cat off and pick up the kitten. the kitten is really good when they meet she'll take a few steps foward then wait to see the cats reaction beore she moves again. i don't know what to do. my cat has had kittens and one of her kittens had kittens but that was 11 and 9 years ago.

2007-08-22 05:23:26 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I adopted a kitten and they told me today she has ringworms... I can take her home tomorrow with 1-week oral treatment and a tube of topical cream.

I have a 1 yr old dog Shih Tzu and he is on heartguard. I was told this can prevent ringworms....

I can pick the kitten up today or ask for her to stay there untill the (1 week ) treatment is done.... but i read that the spores are still contageous even after treatment... so whats the point?

i plan on secluding her in one carpet-less room for at least week

so what do you suggest I do?

2007-08-22 05:03:52 · 13 answers · asked by cyndia 2

my cat is loosing too much wait she is to skinny!! and we don't know how to help her! we took her to the vet and they said they didn't find anything wrong with her they gave her a shot to eat more but shes still not doing any better! shes also starting to get very weak & she'll fall off of fernature without being able to stop herself and she cant jump very good anymore ether! *also shes only a year old* ALSO: the test that the vet did on her was a fecal test but thats it and my mom said she really doesn't wanna spend alot more money taking her to the vet! she eats some but not anof 4 her body i don't think!

2007-08-22 04:09:15 · 12 answers · asked by kelmo25 1

2007-08-22 03:29:23 · 8 answers · asked by pyewacket 2

for he past 2 weeks i have had my kitten her left eye keeps twitching. whats wrong woth her?

2007-08-22 02:34:18 · 4 answers · asked by Emma 2

A very small kitten has adopted out office for his new home. We have no idea how old it is, only that he is very small. He is eating kitten chow and using a litter box. But the problem is fleas. Most products are so harsh and not safe to use on kittens. Any advise on something safe to use? Thanks in advance.

2007-08-22 01:35:15 · 10 answers · asked by lisa46151 5

Is it possible for her to have sex without getting pregnant? Like, are there kitty condoms or birth control for cats or something? I'm completely serious! EVERYONE should experience sex at least ONCE in their life, no matter what species they are...

2007-08-22 00:57:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous 1

2007-08-21 20:54:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My male cat is five years old (fixed and de-clawed), My female is 1 and she was spayed and de-clawed yesterday, both are inside cats. The male took awhile to come around at first, but over the year they have become the best of friends, the play at night and cuddle by day, and he seemed excited to see her when she came home today, more like smell her! but just now I caught him hissing at her everytime she came near him, I'm not sure if she did it first, or what is going on?! Could he be trying to dominate her all over again?!

2007-08-21 17:50:23 · 4 answers · asked by chels. 2

my 7 weeks old kitty kept biting my fingers,arms,legs and feet everyday! what's up with that?..she tried to tell me or what?..i need help! please....thanks for readin my letter =]

2007-08-21 17:34:58 · 15 answers · asked by m a r i a 2

He is a male cat....white with grey and light tan shades. His name is Archie but he does NOT respond to it...at all! I don't think he likes that name? What shall WE name him? Please, none of the ones I am listing as we don't care for these names...or we already know pets in the family with these names. Help us choose a special name for him. He is 3 years old: Max

2007-08-21 14:30:37 · 22 answers · asked by Lavanda 2

It's my dogs 1 st b-day and I'm buying a cake for dogs for her but I also want to make a b-day cake for my hubby's cat aswell...to be fair because he doesn't celebrate her b-day. I know this may sound weird but does anyone have a cake recipe that's edible for cats??? Thanks!!!

2007-08-21 14:24:29 · 13 answers · asked by Steven's Mommy 5

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