I just dont understand how some of you people could be so rude, I read the entire message paost that my nother had left jest ashing for advice...How could you people be so heartless, My mother has struggled all her life to take care of my brother and I and has also , for the record, taken care of OUR cat for YEARS, spoiling her as much as she could(that cat does NOT go without)...Like I said ...My mom came here for advice and some of you shot her down like a poor piece of crap that dosent deserve the attention that people with more money have ...Please , I just want you people to back off....Any how we DID take Sassy (our senior citizen,lol kitty) to the vet. It cost 300.00 dollars and we all pulled together and mad it by the penny, (although the bills might have to wait , Sassy will be Fine, Turned out to be a tooth infectionm from not feeding her dry fod , and only moist food....so for all of you out there that spoiul your kittys, make sure you at least mix the dry food w/ the moist
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