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Cats - December 2006

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We just recently moved into a new home and my daughters cat, that she has raised from a kitten, suddenly was uncontrolable. Peeing and crapping all over the house. We had tried everyones suggestions but she just would not behave. So this weekend we gave my daughters cat away. She is heart broken and I do not know what to do? I offered to get her another pet pet, but she is not ready to do that. Any ideas would be helpful.

2006-12-11 01:32:12 · 31 answers · asked by loser 4

2006-12-11 01:18:34 · 13 answers · asked by bariella 1

ive tried all the supermarket ones and they dont work, i was told by a friend to take him to the vets but that costs too much.anyone know of anything else to try,and how much does it cost??

2006-12-10 23:24:53 · 28 answers · asked by red35 2

2006-12-10 23:19:37 · 23 answers · asked by cafrin100 3

My cat has a small mark near one side of her face near her whiskers. It looks like a boil but could be a bald patch as she is nearly 14 years old. I don't want to take her to the vet because she really hates it & it is very difficult fro both the cat & me to get her to & from the vets! It doesn't seem to bother her but I am a bit worried because she has had the mark a while now! Is it common for Cats to get get these sort of marks espically when they get old? She may have one on her paw as well & if it is the same I think she's had the mark on her paw ages!!??

2006-12-10 23:11:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat has given birth and I spotted a single flea on one of the kittens clearly from the mother - what shall I do if anything?

2006-12-10 23:03:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 8 week old kitten, and I let it sleep in my bed if it wants, but lately its been attacking me at 230-330 every morning and when I try to trick it by putting it at its food or with its toys and close my bedroom door it will return there in a few minutes meowing like crazy and scratching on my door so I let it in and then I cant sleep cause it wants to play. I havent got much sleep since I got him, please help.

2006-12-10 22:59:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-10 22:59:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a Burmese cat that keeps going into our front room, where our good furniture is. It's an open room, so there is no door. I have done everything I can think of to keep him out, like giving him a swat,chasing him,squirting him with water, short of leashing him, but he keeps going in. I got him and his brother for my birthday last year, and I don't want to get rid of him. What else can I do?

2006-12-10 22:37:24 · 11 answers · asked by Tigger 5

At first I thought my cat was a sadistical freak, Then someone told me they do it for a reason..... Any ideas anyone????

2006-12-10 22:28:29 · 13 answers · asked by (*)STARDUST(*) 1

picking out names for him....What should I call him? I thought of the name JACK, I'm open for more names!! Thanx!!!

2006-12-10 22:21:11 · 9 answers · asked by Christine 4

I recently found a abonded baby kitten on thursday. Whom is severly mal-nutrished. The vet gave her nutri-cal..a concentrated paste filled with protien, fat, and all sorts of vitamins. He also gave pedalyte to mix with her kitten (KMR) milk. She was also given anti botics to take twice a day for 5 days. She went to the vet on early saturday morning.

She hasnt gone poop in a little over a day. She urnies normally. I've been massaging her belly and rubing her anus with a warm towel...as i was told works.

She hasnt gone yet and its making me worry! Can someone please give me some advice...until i can call her vet. what other things can i do to make her poop...why isnt she pooping, and how often should she poop daily. Shes 1 pound.

Thank you to all who have been helping me with all my kittens questions.

2006-12-10 22:01:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our cat is about 9 months old now and I've never been able to rub it's tummy without getting clamped on. It just likes to bite. What can we do?

2006-12-10 21:07:40 · 9 answers · asked by nivaiq 1

i have tried several, and want to know some other people's opinions. i have a pretty bad problem, and i have had no luck at all with the enzyme cleaners. i won't use them anymore, because they only help for a short time.

2006-12-10 19:25:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-10 19:23:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


My sweet son wants a kitten. I can hardly stand his dirty laundry, how could I stand the smell of an animal? Do cats stink? How do you keep them from smelling up a place. Litter boxes?

2006-12-10 18:48:44 · 11 answers · asked by ? 3

My cat began to vomit yesterday, it was a white liquid kind thing, I read here that it must be hairballs but nothing seems to be coming out yet. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and she looks really weak, she just sits, not moving.
Could it be really hairballs or something else?
and why she is not eating and drinking anything?
I don't want her to die..

2006-12-10 18:48:38 · 8 answers · asked by leggyelf 1

ago. Im not home much is the cat just missing me. when i get home she will follow me around and just sit with me?

2006-12-10 18:39:40 · 8 answers · asked by JIM P 1

i got this kitty about a 6 month ago when it was about 2 weeks old and what i heard is that cats too young to leave their mother tends to develope this biting thing and my cat does just that, i would touch it and it would bite, i would just sit there and it would ran up to me and bite, i try hitting it, kicking it, throwing it, give it hot sauce, and droping it, but none has worked =/ so is there another way to fix this problem?

2006-12-10 18:18:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat has been doing this for a long time but it just gets so irritating when i get woke up in the middle of the night from touching her drool cause its so cold.is there any way i can keep her from drooling i dont care about her kneading the blanket. so if you have anyway to keep her from drooling tell me.thnx

2006-12-10 17:48:22 · 10 answers · asked by halloweenjacklyn49 1

She's 16. Just had some teeth extracted 3 weeks ago. Eat just a tiny bit, then quits. She's lost 1/2 a pound since she had her teeth out. I've watered down the wet food(s), heated up gravy & fat, given her bits of cheese. Even force-fed her a little bit. Any thoughts? She's not vomiting or anything.

2006-12-10 17:32:07 · 8 answers · asked by greenlass1953 1

I took my kitten in to be spayed the other day, and when I brought her home from the hospital my other cat started hissing and growling at her like she did when they were first introduced.
We have had the kitten for a number of months now, and we gradually introduced them in the beginning. The older cat gradually warmed to her and prior to this event, she has been very loving- snuggling with her and licking her, etc. Now, it is almost like she has forgotten her even tho the kitten was only gone for one night.
She does have a cone around her neck at times when we cannot supervise completely, to prevent her from licking her wound, but the older cat is still mean to here when the cone is off. Any ideas about what is going on?

2006-12-10 17:28:49 · 9 answers · asked by BabyPaws 1

i have a 10 week old kitten.. he was toilet trained (with his kitty litter) when i got him,
and he adjusted really well when we bought him home. he used the kitty litter straight away here... but the last week or so he has been urinating in the corner on the lino of my lounge room.. no where else, just in that one spot.... im not sure why tho.. ive sprayed some citrus spray there (apparently cats hate citrus) and ive sprinkled curry powder there hoping he would not like the smell and stay away..and ive scrubbed it with bleach heaps so it would probly stink of bleach... but hes still doing it!!! anyone please help.. its driving me crazy!!!!!

2006-12-10 16:57:07 · 13 answers · asked by sara 1

2006-12-10 16:36:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a very sweet cat (about 8 years old) who insists on howling at night. We've had to start putting her in the garage at night. Why is she doing this, and how can we get her to stop? We leave our bedroom door open so she can sleep on the bed, and she still howls.

2006-12-10 16:29:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently set up a website aimed at rescuing and homing a number of kitties living on the street near my place. It's at http://www.kittiesinthehood.com... and has live streaming video of the kitties needing homes!
I rescued a nursing mom and have found a home for 1 of her 2 kittens, but no one is expressing an interest in the other one. I think she is gorgeous and don't understand it. It was hard to get her to sit still for good pics. Her pics are on the front page of my website and she also has a "kitten video clip"...please have a look and let me know if you think the pic is the problem? I also have a lot of adults (some that aren't all that friendly yet) and I can understand why it's hard to get them homes, but can't figure out why I can't get a real cute kitten a good home. Thanks
And please don't bother posting negative things, you don't hurt me, only hurt cat's chances of getting homes

2006-12-10 16:11:03 · 13 answers · asked by thekittiesinthehood 2

I'm currently using Tidy Cat Scoop Crystal Blend. Has anyone found that any of the alternative litters (wheat, corn, newspaper, pine, etc.) work better? I don't want to spend the extra money if they don't. Have you found any that you don't like?

2006-12-10 16:07:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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