yeah, my tiel likes to go to sleep right by the water bowl, and her tail soaks in the water all night. i noticed this morning that there was a green mold or algea on her tail that was soaked in the bowl. what do i do? cut the tail off? (it's not a blood feather, it's at the end of the tail) or put someting on the tail? if so, what do i need to put on it? or do i just scrub it of, but would that take care of the mold?
note: my tiel is only a few days old since i bouth em, so he's not fully tamed (hell, he's not tame at all, that stubborn little sh**) and his wing was cut badly in a wing clipping accident the pet store made, so how do i help the mold without straining his wing and making it bleed?
thanks in advance
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