Since we've received about half of the RSVPs, and I still have a week and a half to go before the due date for them, I started poking around with a seating chart.
I came up with a design on a spread sheet, and now it's just trying to stick family with family and friends with friends. I hate going to weddings and having it be open seating. Then you have family spread out everywhere, and you try to sit in a spot, and someone tells you that it's taken.
So far it's not too much of a headache, but I can see one arising.
Anyone else going through the same thing? What are your thoughts and opinions on seating charts?
My thought is>>I don't care anymore. LOL I'm not going to have 5 people squaking at me, just because I didn't sit Aunt Betty in the right place.
I already had one of my fiance's great aunt's call bawling, because I didn't put her son's name on the invitation. One little mistake. Big deal! Why cry?
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