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Marriage & Divorce - 4 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I am so very sad today. When I got haome from work last night, my teenaged daughter had misbehaved again and was disrespectful to my live-in fiance. This has happened several times before and she just will not comply. He is not used to having his life run by a teenager and not being able to leave the house when she gets home from school because he has to keep an eye on her - or take her with him everywhere.

Her behavior is the only discord in an otherwise perfect relationship. She insists on dressing "goth" and acting sullen. I have begged her to behave and to help us be a family, but she doesn't seem to get it. I have even started her in counselling.

If I don't send her to go live with her father (who is a selfish and abusive jerk) I'm afraid this wonderful relationship will be over. She just causes so much dissention in our household. My lover and I had a lovely day planned today because it's going to rain all day tomorrow. We were going to go out sailing with a picnic

2006-11-04 05:09:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband slept with his exwife three months into our marriage. Nine months later she popps a kid. Well, we are going to go and see the kid for the first time today and I do not know what to expect. I don't know how I should re-act, his ex-wife is going to be there because she doesn't want to let the kid (baby) out of her sight. I do not want to be there, but my husband wants me to be there, I feel like this is a big laugh to my face from both of them. What should I do and how should I be today when we are all there, and my husband is holding his kid. I feel sick to my stomach, just thinking of how he is going to be holding this kid that they created three months into my marriage,,, HELP..

2006-11-04 05:04:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anilop 1

I'm going through a Divorce married for over15 yrs..have 1 kid..big house with all the perks,pool.etc..I'm a disable vet..100%..if i earn any more then a few hundred dallor a month i will lose my disablity..My wife has a small businss and can do alot better for herself if she choose too..Now to get to the meat of the problem....I offered her $1500.00 month, pay her car off $12000.00 AND give her the house...BUT after my kid turns 18 she will not receive ANYMORE money from me at all!!! The 1500 will be a combo of child surport and temp alimony!..ONLY intil the kid is 18.!. she said no deal and i said ok then we will let the judge handle it if you want to be so unfair...She said because we are married over 15 yrs(i used 15 as a place to start not to giveaway my I.D.) she should get permint alimony...what do you think??

2006-11-04 05:03:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do females get mad about be labeled as a MILF, or do females kinda like that extra attention?
My inquiring mind is curious.

2006-11-04 05:00:12 · 6 answers · asked by scott in minnesota 3

Hi i have been married 2 1/2 years now and am 22 years old i do P.R work and am always really busy my husband 23 is in med. school student . We never see each other at all anymore. The first year of our marriage was like a dream but now we dont even have sex its been almost 5 months since we last did it.Whenever i see him he's asleep or studying. I have asked him to support me and come take a break for some of my events but he says its not his style says clubs/partys are too loud?He even ignores me when i try to talk about relationship stuff cant be bothered.I am attracted to another guy he is 26yrs old, a small time producer/promoter/ex. D.J and we see each other around a lot and hang out sometimes and go eat.I feel guilty because i like him alot and now he likes me but i'm married.I dont feel in love with my husband anymore?what do i do?

2006-11-04 04:49:00 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-04 04:26:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-04 04:18:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-04 04:18:40 · 36 answers · asked by misterious 1

My husband is 34 years old he has a couple of friends young guys who are always getting in trouble with law. OK question is why do this men want to act like their young friends instead of being themselves they want to be other people and act like kids? Oh by the way we have two kids together and he has three other kids apart.

2006-11-04 04:10:42 · 15 answers · asked by juanatjtorres 2

Female colleage is asking for some fun, I am ùarried, she is married. She looks good and has as much to loose as I have. Should I go for this?

2006-11-04 04:05:16 · 27 answers · asked by Not Needed 1

i have an aunt who i love dearly. She's been married for 25 years, and as far as we all knew, had a happy, healthy marriage. He used to be the kind of man who'd give her a convertible with a big red ribbon for her aniversary or came home with long stemmed roses just because. Last April she was diagnosed with cancer, and we all thought she was going to be well taken care of. WRONG! That dog took a mistress, started treating her badly, pushing her out of bed, and shoving pills in her mouth. Finally he commited her to a psychiatric hospital since he says he's fed up of it all. How come a man who for 25 years seemed to be the perfect husband changes so suddenly for a dirty, used, no good mistress?

2006-11-04 03:56:57 · 16 answers · asked by AMBER D 6

My wife starts with her current gripe then it is everyone she has ever had since we met. Shouldn't there be a statute of limitations?

2006-11-04 03:54:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife thinks she does.

2006-11-04 03:52:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband does not believe that Sex should include the feelings of Love and Affection. We've been married for 7 months, but in our 4 year relationship we have never made love. He is porn style all the way - he loves porn and stripclubs. He thinks it is gross to climax inside me and has never done that even though I've been on birth control - the patch. I thought maybe it was a trust issue, but he could see that I was wearing it and changing it appropriately - still he refused to climax in me - he says it's digusting. He said he's never had that overwhelming feeling of love for me when we kiss or have sex. He cuddles with me while we watch tv and stuff, but it really bothers me that he has never had that overwhelming feeling of love for me the way I have with him. I feel very empty after sex; it's great physically, but meaningless emotionally. It really hurts - he said that I just have to deal with it. I am worried about this; what are some other angles/ideas that may be wrong

2006-11-04 03:47:36 · 39 answers · asked by Honey22 2

can anyone help me!now i am in love,and is it wrong that i told him bot my x boyfriend and the sex(oral) we made?i trusted him and i thought its better to say everything so i told him.we are still goin fine but once he told me that: he cannot forget what i told him and askin me more deep about what all i had with him.is it a mistake what i told him?will he think about it all the time when he is with me?what can i do to make him forget and to accept it only as my past history?how can i help him?will this topic affect after getting married to him? plz anyone answer me..be serious enough.. is he loving me like before?

2006-11-04 03:46:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband has not had sex or even been intimate with me ( kissing, hugging etc) and yesterday i found a condom wrapper in his working pants pocket when i was washing them i dont want to think the worst but what should i do?/

2006-11-04 03:42:57 · 28 answers · asked by ANGRY&HURT 1

i've been having an affair and the sex is GREAT with the other guy!! the sex with my husband was never great and now i can't even think about having sex with him. i feel guilty about cheating on him. but i'm a very sensual person and i need that physical excitment. i'm very confused. serious advice please

2006-11-04 03:39:58 · 28 answers · asked by yudo 1

Hi people....To start with..i dont know what i did is right r wrong...I hapen to know my GF's email passwords(she had told me herself).So i just happened to check her mails out.We had been havin some tension in the relationship for some time now and i have noticed lately that she's double minded about the whole relationship.She cant discuss much about our future together.So when i checked her mails,she had wriiten to a friend of hers that she actually wants SOMEONE in her life but she's so TIRED of it too.She also seems to be keeping the relationship undercover from her friends.I dont know if its worth hanging on to this relationship after knowing at all this r just wait and see wat happens and then make a decision.I dont know what to expect now..plz help.

2006-11-04 03:32:27 · 14 answers · asked by anonymous 1

I am 34 yo married to a 28 yo who goes out with his 19 yo friends taking drugs until midday the following day,gives other women his number whilst out and then gets angry with me for questioning his motives. He's smoking heaps of dope, won't commit to anything in life because he wants to be hollywood superstar yet won't actively pursue the acting.

I was in hospital last week with a heart scare and found I had a rare condition which is treatable but scary nonetheless. I was released yesterday and I had to catch a cab home because he was at his mates place playing x-box and smoking dope. He called to say he'd come home if I needed him to but he'd rather stay there if I was ok.

Today one of my fish died :( I called to tell him. He said he'd take me to the movies tonight to cheer me up. Then when he got home from work he said we were going to the movies with a couple of his friends to see Borat and got upset when I wanted to see something else.

Why am I still here? Please help me...

2006-11-04 03:28:16 · 22 answers · asked by annie2012 2

My husband, drug free for about 60 days, was discovered to have a rolled up dollar bill in his pocket this morning. I'm not stupid and I know what that is used for. And after the strange behaviors last night I'm pretty sure he was on coke. Is it safe to assume that after 2 months he hooked on coke again?

I hate to think the worst, but I told him he had one chance to get clean or I was leaving. He promised, but I don't think he kept his word. I understand drug addiction can be a difficult habit to break, but how many times should I go through this, and should I give him another chance before walking away?

He also lied to me the first time about even doing the drug. I feel there is no trust here, mostly on my part.

For those of you who have gone through this or helped someone you love go through this, any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks-God Bless

2006-11-04 03:25:12 · 31 answers · asked by rchl782 2


2006-11-04 03:24:15 · 10 answers · asked by Jamillah G 1

I recently married an asian man, whom I love! What I dont't love is that when his family comes to OUR house they continue to speak in their language, even though they can speak english. I feel it's okay when I'm in their house, because it's THEIR house. Doing it at my house, though, I feel that's very RUDE. During our house warming, my family was there, as well as his, and alot of my family members were offended. I feel like my husband should say something to his family, but I've heard him say to other people with this problem that they shouldn't have married an asian person. What do you think?

2006-11-04 03:23:32 · 14 answers · asked by Nikki 2

no joking on this subject PLS deeply in love with my husband.

2006-11-04 03:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by Jamillah G 1

I am 18 years old and married now for 4 months to my husband who is 24 yrs old. We dated for 6 months and i felt so in love with him that when my parents told me to never see (white trash)him again that i married him .We met when i was sneaking into a NYC club and he was helping to promote for a record company.The first 2 months of being married were great but i am a freshmen in college now and do not work.He travels a lot to promote and is always at clubs .We live in NYC right now and it was an adjustment for me NJ girl but now he wants to move to Houston for a little while and he did not even consider my opinion.We got into a huge fight because he says he works hard to maintain the standard of living i am used too and that i contribute nothing. He says he has the opportunity to be a producer which will boost him and that i should be supporting him?Do i go with flow?

2006-11-04 03:14:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

after she stopped puking. then laughing and then called the Center for Disease control. She checked me into rehab for obvious addiction to crack w h o r e s. Got really drunk then slept a football team. then stiil left me cuz my pecker fell off thanks Slippery oh yea the question sry was my wife right to do that ?

2006-11-04 03:08:32 · 7 answers · asked by Wondering If ? 1

I left my husband in February. Now I am battling him, his family, my family and many of our mutual friends from their lies, fears and assumptions brought to the court, which has resulted in me losing custody of our 4 1/2 year-old son. Why do all of these other people feel they have an interest and consequence in how my husband, myself and our son lives our lives?

2006-11-04 03:07:58 · 10 answers · asked by myristicablkbrn 1

This question doesn't apply to those people who are currently under 20 years of age.

2006-11-04 03:05:39 · 34 answers · asked by choosinghappiness 5

my husband is all the time bothering me because he want to have a kid...I don't like kids does a family must to have kids?

2006-11-04 03:04:13 · 19 answers · asked by cuhemafa 2

UPS guy
male stripper
french guy
your husband/boyfriend

Pick one and explain why

2006-11-04 02:56:50 · 18 answers · asked by choosinghappiness 5

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