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Marriage & Divorce - 13 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My husband decided to hire our neighbor to remodel our basement. He has not signed a contract; hasn't even gotten a full outlined estimate in writing. But get this. Tomorrow morning, the neighbor is supposed to start the work!! I'm just finding this out. My husband won't even be here! Neither will I, and I am very concerned about leaving this guy in my house alone. He's my neighbor, sure, but my husband hasn't even checked on his insurance!! I'm no genious here, but I know for a fact there should be a contract in force before any type of work has begun. My plan is to call the guy in the morning to tell him he can't start the work without a contract.

My husband's being very unreasonable, and quite frankly, just stupid about this. How can I make him see that he's asking for trouble??

2006-10-13 17:07:22 · 18 answers · asked by MaknMeCrzy 2

i face a big problem in my life..my lover... dont know why he is compeling me to do nursing, he said he wont marry me unless i do nursing. his brothers wife is a nurse she is getting good income and she is buying gifts for her husband like that he want me to be a nurse to an income and to buy gifts for him, i asked my parents i want to study nursing they didnt allow even though i dont like nursing profession still i compel them i want to be, but later i found i hate to see blood, i am not interested to see operatiions i will faint down, my boy friend used me, i am not a virgin, i have no idea, he is saying i wont marry you unless u do nursing but he is not ready to propose me to my parents or to his parents... what i have to do. its a 3 yr long relationship...

2006-10-13 17:00:44 · 6 answers · asked by ann m 1

Mine bitches about everything I do! She even bitches about things that I do when she basically does some of the same stuff! How do you deal with it?

2006-10-13 16:44:59 · 24 answers · asked by madroofer36 2

I know all her information , social, birthdate,address, EVERYTHING

2006-10-13 16:44:44 · 41 answers · asked by val l 2

2006-10-13 16:34:12 · 14 answers · asked by . 2

2006-10-13 16:18:56 · 17 answers · asked by jennjo270 1

When I turn 12 and I ask to live with my dad could anyone get sued?

2006-10-13 16:08:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The ones I tried, are just a waste, any ideas? I want to try the love swing?? Or any games, I have Dirty minds, my husband was not interested :-\

2006-10-13 16:05:57 · 25 answers · asked by sassy lady 4

Can a non custodial parent LOWER their child support or alimony obligations in Oklahoma if the SOLE cudtodial parent files for SSI Disability. He agreed to the terms of the divorce but thinks he can lower his obligation if i recieve SSI. Thanks to anyone that can direct me to answers that I havent seen or knows a little more about the rules and regulations. Thank you

2006-10-13 16:03:41 · 10 answers · asked by tqpinklady 3


2006-10-13 16:02:58 · 14 answers · asked by jg_aguilera27_2006 1

I'm 27 and have been with my bf for 5 years, currently I have no plans to marry him. But in my state if your with some one more then 8yrs your married, its called the common law marriage. I dont want to be married to anyone. How does this law effect me? To be honest it scares me. I just dont see why people feel they have to get married. I know you want to prove your love but why do u need to have a party and a peiece of paper to prove it. 3 years ago my bf asked me to marry him,i explained why I dont want to be married, he excepted that. Truth be told when I was growing up all my friends parents were divorced or seperated. My parents split when I was 9. In 95 my dad died but i know if he would have lived they would have divorced to. Before he died my mom was so bidder and angry, she used to say she wished she never got married. I've heard lots of other people say the same. So my ? again is why get married.

2006-10-13 15:57:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

she has been seeing someone for about 2 months.thay only see eatch other on weekends but during the week she ask's me to come over. she tells me one thing and tells other people somthing defernt .why does she leade me on. she said to give her time to think but i don't know how she can think when she is seeing someone. should i just give up on her .I don't know why I let her do this to me

2006-10-13 15:49:08 · 19 answers · asked by big o 1

2006-10-13 15:38:04 · 31 answers · asked by Suga Pop 2

Why do people tell their spouses, girl friend, boy friend, even x's when they go out and cheat??????????
HAS anyone ever heard of the word discreet?????????????/
I am not a saint, but I do not kiss and tell.

2006-10-13 15:34:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Love and care for him and very pro active in the relatioship between my son and his father. I believe children need to have contact with both parents for a rounded up bringing. I do not believe that a father that has fought hard to see his children and has been screwed over by our legal system dragging their heels should still be held financially responsible for his kids. Obviously you are american citizen and haven't been at the hands of the Child Support Agency here in the UK. Oh and he is paying for his kids but that is wrong. Would you pay regularly for a service that never helped you just fleeced you. The only way those kids are suffering is through not knowing who their dad is.

2006-10-13 15:28:09 · 9 answers · asked by Fran T 2

I am 29, very attractive, divorcee with 3 kids. Still a chance for love, I wonder?

2006-10-13 15:20:41 · 21 answers · asked by sarah 1

She's has lied to the kids about father but refuses to have her new husband adopt them because she wants ex to suffer financially. They both work full time and he been treated for sever depression and cannot work because he has lost his kids. He would prefer to break all ties cause then he can move on but she won't release him. He's not bitchin, i am as i can see him hurting.

2006-10-13 15:05:51 · 10 answers · asked by Fran T 2

Have you ever heard of someone getting divorced after 13 years of marriage, loosing a best friend of 16 years,getting fired after 11 years. Loosing car and house all in the same year. wow is this bad luck or just life????

2006-10-13 15:01:46 · 35 answers · asked by gum_ball_gal 1

I have been married for 5yrs and I have 3kids. but lately I have found myself day dreaming about another man. A man I have not seen in 3yrs. Is it ok?

2006-10-13 14:55:36 · 35 answers · asked by cc 4

I have been with my husband for 10 years. He is a very selfish person. It seems like he never wants to be around me. When he is he acts bored. He has been stealing from me. He takes money out of my purse and when I ask if he did he denies it. He never wants to have sex. Two days ago he left to go to Wal-Mart at 9:30 to buy dog food and didn't come back until 2AM. I gave him money to pay our landlord for our gas bill and he said he paid him. He even said that the landlord and him talked about his new house and gave him a tour of it. Yesterday the landlord came and asked if I had the money for the gas bill. I asked him if my husband came over to pay him and he said he had never been there. I don't know what to do. I left my husband four years ago for an entire year before we got back together. He changed for a long time but is back to the way he was. The separation was very hard on our child. I don't want her to go through that again. I am really unhappy.

2006-10-13 14:48:55 · 22 answers · asked by cbay 2

If it has been proven in court that the parent with care has deliberately distroyed the relationship between child(ren) and absent parent and that to enforce contact would be too traumatic for the child(ren), then the absent parent should be excused of their financial resposibility until the parent with care has started to repair the damage.

2006-10-13 14:47:10 · 32 answers · asked by Fran T 2


I posted a question about blowing money during my marriage,Heavy M had a good answer....Im not Dumb enough to post any admissions on here,come on people,use your brain........Am I dumb?

2006-10-13 14:44:56 · 14 answers · asked by just me!!! 1

I have been married for 4 yrs and I found out my wife was cheating on my. After that she reacted in different ways. First she apologized then she got mad and wanted divorce. She will move out soon. But in the mean time I got a small infection nothing serious but it hurts very bad and gives me fevers upto 104F. The doctor said I might have to go to the emergency room tomm. My family does not lives close to me she is the only person I have. Still she left me and went out to movie and dinner with that guy. She is not openly cheatin and says will move out soon. She says she had not had sex but spent a night in hotel with him. She is the same one who send 2000 IMs in 2 months and 245 IMs to the guy in last 5 days. I helped her get a good job recently b4 that she was makking about 1200 a month now she makes 5 times of that. But even in the past she used to spend a lot of my money in shopping. Tell me how do I cope with this. WHY GOD WHY ? WHY ME. I loved her still me. Life has lost meaning

2006-10-13 14:41:34 · 22 answers · asked by peter 1

is it possible to breakup with someone cause you had to work on stuff (timing wasnt rite), but the breakup was on good terms and you realized you still have feelings for that person ..and couple years down the line reconsile or even get married ? coz the feelings was still there between both of you?

2006-10-13 14:38:33 · 12 answers · asked by can u ♥ moi? 4

2006-10-13 14:38:07 · 9 answers · asked by belter777 2

Let's pretend this gorgeous, sexy, sultry lady appears in front of you and seems to be wanting you. Would you cheat on your wife? How men who say they love their wife still cheat on her?
Which do you think is worse: love affair, or plain sex? Are both equally bad?

Answer as sincere as possible, please.

2006-10-13 14:35:38 · 30 answers · asked by ? 4

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