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Family - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My dad is fine but he always agrees with my mom.

keep in mind that I'm 13 and I go to a private school. School was so bad for me at one time that my mom almost homeschooled me but I convinced her to let me stay because I still wanted to play clarinet in band.

-I'm not allowed to go to the mall or movies (because the movies are in a mall) with my friends even though there's always one or two moms watching us. My mom can't watch us because she has to go to college during the nights.
-I'm not allowed to go on school field trips by myself. She has to chaperone.
-I have to hold her hand while crossing the streat.
-not allowed to wear make up (which I'm okay with since I don't like make up anyway)
-not allowed to date until I'm 18. I'm okay with not dating for now but I'm gonna get really mad at my mom if she doesn't let me date by 10th grade. I'm a Christian and I've already promised to be abstinent until marriage so I don't know what the problem is.
How do I get her to trust me?

2007-11-25 08:10:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom and me always have dissagreements. Lik if i want to go to the movies with my friends and my brother wants to come then he will. but i never get to spend time with my friends and i always spend time with my brother. and my mom always says "if your brother has friends over then he will let you hang out with him. but no he won't!!!!!!!! he always says go away. and stuff like that. she always gets mad at me. and it feels like she doesn't even lke me anymore. i can not talk to her about it because she only thinks her oppinion is right so please help!!!!

2007-11-25 08:02:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am finding it very hard to deal with as we use to be so close.Any ideas what to do?I have tried most things and need help.

2007-11-25 07:59:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many times out of spite he has said/done the most awful of things, ever since I can remember. A few examples are:

As a child he once told me that my oldest 2 sibling were wanted. Myself any my younger brother were “just f**king accidents”.

The dog was more important than me. It earned its keep guarding the house. Until I got a job and started contributing I was worthless (I was about 13 at this time)

A few months ago, after chemotherapy, my bald head sort of left me feeling my girlyness had been taken from me, so I started using a lot more makeup and had my ears pierced. He told me it made me look like a “f**king common sl*t.”

The latest spit, after an argument on virtually a non-issue, he stated “I hope that cancer kills you and I hope it does the c**t fast.”

For some reason this time I didn’t get upset. I didn’t even feel angry, I just thought no father of mine would say something like that. He's not my dad, he's just the man who shagged my mother.

2007-11-25 07:40:16 · 10 answers · asked by Sarah 2

My wife and I are in our mid-20s, and we always return home for the holidays. My extended family is all on my mother's side, and my wife has family on both her mother's and father's side.

This means having to visit with three families on Xmas day.My mom is working on Xmas day, so my wife and I plan on visiting with my mother-in-law's family at lunch, then have dinner with my mother and her family, and then spend a little time in the evening with my father-in-law's family.

My mother is upset because we plan on visiting my father-in-law's family in the evening, as this would be the second time that day we spend time with my wife's parents.

My wife and I are not trying to spend more time with my in-laws rather than my parents, we simply want to see ALL our extended family members at once, and then spend the remainder of our vacation with our parents. Are we being unfair to my parents? To us, it's just the nature of having three families to visit with in one day. Your thoughts?

2007-11-25 07:38:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My little brother is turning 18 next month and is not doing well living at home. My older sister, who lives in the house next to mine, agrees that he needs to get out of my mom's house. She bashes our self-esteem and makes us feel like crap. We all love her because she's our mom and we know she means well, but it never ends well. I'm asking my little brother tonight what he thinks and if he says yes, we then have to go to my mom. Technically, he's 18 so she can't stop him but I don't want to cause a family war over this. I just want him to be happy. I would have rules for him, a curfew, he has to have a job, etc. I'm only 23, my husband is 24 and we have a 1 yr old son. It would be a lot to take on but we all agree that he needs to have positive people in his life. How should I approach this with my mom so she doesn't feel attacked?

2007-11-25 07:32:40 · 5 answers · asked by beni1015 2


my sis is always mean to me and i want to know how to gwt her back any suggestions?

2007-11-25 07:25:04 · 7 answers · asked by Jessica 2

I know well enough not to dress up the little ones cause they'll just be running amuck having fun.
but what about myself? being the mother and all & I am the one putting on the party.
should I at least wear a dreass pants & shirt?
or would that be over-done for Chuck E Cheese?

2007-11-25 07:12:47 · 11 answers · asked by preggo&luvinit 3

Okay, 6 months ago my dad admitted to me that he had cheated on my mum 3 times.(he told my mum a few months earlier - she forgave him) before he told me he used to accuse my mum of all sorts like having affairs flirting with men - and he used ask me what i thought was going on with my mum and say 'help me.' (He had an incredibly bad upbringing) I had to try and be my dad's 'brick' and help him through his insecure state. But that got me thinking all sorts about my mum. I thought she was a fake. He kept saying there was more to the story, and he would tell me when i was older. My Dad was so confincing, I had no idea it was him who had been unfaithful all along. He used to sware at her and everythin he was never violent. I was torn between 2 parents.Now i feel like the emotion has just hit me. I cryed for hours today.i told him that it was his fault that i lost all my confidence at school. I told him i'm so angry with him. Did i over react and bring up the past??

2007-11-25 07:03:36 · 7 answers · asked by Heather G 1

I usually am the one that finishes everything...don't put leftover chinese food in the fridge unless you want it eaten!!!

2007-11-25 06:32:25 · 23 answers · asked by Watch it bub! 3

One of my family members is not happy and i dont have a job because i am too young to get one. So i can't spend money on her to make her happy. So i wanted to know what to do. She isn't happy because no one is happy with her she always thinks every one is mad at her. I know just to tell her that you love her but i tryed and it dosent work! Can you help me? I need some assistance!

2007-11-25 06:00:24 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was fighting with my mom about living with my grandma at my hometown she shouted out and said"Say anything else and your not getting anything for Christmas my mom is very abusive what should I do?She abuses me everyday I call my grandma up says "I can't do anything over the phone honey"
She never told be she loved me before,she never appreciated me for my grades in school,she never me allowed to live with my grandma
What does my mom need me for anyway? She said I shouldn't be acting this way....Everytime my mom comes and gets me at my grandmas every holiday I say "I don't want to go" she gets very angry and starts yanking me out..my grandma doesn't do doing anything..

By the way the only people my mom gets christmas gifts for are my brother and her jerk husband!!

2007-11-25 05:58:40 · 10 answers · asked by Sunnymorning 2

I had an arranged marriage. Thanks to my mother in law and her wicked ways my husband and I never had an understanding relatonship. I thought probably things will change after having a child.However, even after my kid was bornmy husband was his mama's boy! he used to come home drunk and fight with me! He used to tell me that I am not needed and he can take care of the kid on his own. Finally I had enough and I came back to my parents place. However he did not relent. its been 6 months and he did not even bother to contact me or talk to his kid. is iit possible that a mother can control her son so much that he forgets his wife and child? will he ever regret what he has done? is there justice, will he get the pain he has given me? how can a father forget his child?

2007-11-25 05:52:18 · 3 answers · asked by pari 2

the title says it all....pleaz give me some ways.... =[ if u wanna kno the whole story scroll down (( you don't have 2 read it...;]))

ok well my sister is 17 and she been very irritating for the past year or 2. one thing that really annoys me is this... ok well i've been ticklish like since i was a baby, and everyone would always tickle me and be like your really really ticklish ((even people at skool)) and as i got older i would always try 2 tickle her and she wasn't ticklish at all, only on her feet and sides. so all of a sudden shes ticklish, like really really ticklish, but it seems sooo fake, i touched her leg for a second and like a minute after she was like"hahaha that tickles stop" and i wasn't even touching her leg.... and then on the patio 2day she was like touch the side of your boob it tickles and i did and im like it doesn't tickle, and she goes that's cuz your not ticklish, and she knows how ticklish i am. and shes dating this boy whos really really mean an annoying and they've been dating for like 2 months almost 3. me and my oldest sister can't stand her or him. all of a sudden she been like wanting 2 talk about sex and she says she still a virgin and all her and her BF do is make out in the car. i would try 2 talk to her but she has this really bad anger problem. whats wrong with her??? pleaz help me!!!!=/

2007-11-25 05:43:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son is accused in school of making a racist comment, he never even knew the words whats best way to talk to him

2007-11-25 04:16:19 · 41 answers · asked by cazdelight 1


I have a sister who works nights and she has a kid and we have him all the time my mum and dad were stressed out by it she will see him once a week and on his birthday and christmas she wont take it away with her because she and her boyfriend like some time to there self. my farther was ill once by looking after her kid because he his a pain I said to her once your dad was ill once she said hes still her so stop moaning. now my sister and her new boyfriend want a kid his mum dosent like kids and I said to her our perents will end up having them and she said it wont kill them. I have a life and im not haveing it run by my kid i work nights and thats that. is my sister not nice?

2007-11-25 03:49:28 · 2 answers · asked by Phillip K 1

my INCREDIBLY ANNOYING mom is MAKING me go to the movies with my brother and my dad in a half hour, just so that she can watch the football game at home!

i already told her that i wasnt dressed, and that she should let me stay home because im not bothering her, i just stay in my room and do w.e.....

but she wont listen and it makes me so angry! im not a 3 year old and i shouldnt have to sit through some stupid movie ("Fred Claus") that i know im going to hate, just so my mom can be the annoying b*tch that she is!

2007-11-25 03:21:35 · 14 answers · asked by rinn 3

Is it right, that almost everything can be answered by saying "Your Mamma"?

2007-11-25 00:33:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am very frustrated w/ my parents. It's always the same argueing, curing, and yelling on weekends. My thanksgiving break was crappy and oh yea last night was a whopper! My mom bought some brandy and my dad slept in the living room. She came in and deflated the mattress he slept on and got mad. They started argueing over some woman I've never even heard before. She called the cops and next thing you know dad's gone. Now its 4-5 AM this morning he knocks on the door and she lets him in. In the bedroom they start argueing again and i couldn't sleep for another hour. Now around 6:30 AM she gets up and tries to wake me up for church. I tell her no and she keep comming in my room. She didn't say anything about going before. I had no clean clothes to wear since they were all dirty. And my eyes were extremely heavy. What was I supposed to do? She then said I was the devil like her daddy. How am I the devil if i don't do anything to hurt people? Now I'm home alone. Was I wrong?

2007-11-24 23:55:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you have a relative that is so deep in the closet that even they themselves may not know they are gay? How old is this person? Do you think they will ever come out? Why or why not?

I have a relative who I believe moved across the country so he could be gay and not deal with his family. I don't care what he does I just think there are many more people like this than we tend to believe.

2007-11-24 23:54:52 · 11 answers · asked by Teresa 5

he's reaally annoying. 8-| i swear, i dont think he's my brother. :| gahh.. he's a very fat pig. all of the negative stuff's in him. :| [maybe not all.] ayyaaa.. how do i make myself not angry at him?? 8-|

2007-11-24 23:01:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


I grew up with just my mom, i only met my dad once in court when i was about 4 or so , and he never tried to contact me when i was growing up. Im 21 now and i think i just found him- I think i have his phone number and adress- is it worth trying to get ahold of him? or should that be his job? If there are any fathers out there who dont know their children: would you want them to get ahold of you or would you rather that you were the one to find your child?

2007-11-24 21:20:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

would my brother in-law's brother be related or family to me at all?

2007-11-24 20:43:18 · 20 answers · asked by shelly 1

she almost died trying to kill her self,,,thinking she will meet him in heaven....my mom has many grandchildren, and us,her childrren..we are close. we do stick by her, but this does not seem to matter.............she is into jesus more then ever.....nothing helps....

2007-11-24 20:17:01 · 13 answers · asked by angie babe 2

my daughter is 23 years old and has a 3 year old child the problem is i have him more then i should the father has him for three days out of the week and i have him the rest unless she gets a day off sad part of it is the job is first and the child is second in her life i relize its important to work we all have to and she is a single mother been there done that myself but i think she can pull back just a bit on the overtime after having my grandson all week she called to ask me at 8pm tonight if i would take him overnight again becaues her work was short handed and i told her no she got nasty with me and said thanks alot ive always helped her but im raising my grandchild here ive put my life on hold becaues of it please im not a selfish person but she is wanting to much out of me its even got to the point the child doesnt want to go home with her or when his father picks him up he cries to stay with me talking to my daughter doesnt help she thinks im ganging up on her any advice

2007-11-24 19:44:26 · 16 answers · asked by kayme42 4

along with my daughter, me and my girl have 4. i love all of them very much...and what a blessing!!!But...we never get a minute!!!! mom is under bombardment with either a fight in need of justice or just inquisitive minds seeking answers. 3 are young teens, one is 6. I love all my girls...but damn! usually i'm left just stunned all day as i can't even get a chance to gather my thoughts and i hate to see mom getting run over by this pink tsunami! she says she likes it!!!!!But daddy needs mommy too!!!! I'm looking for advice here!!!!!!!AAAAH!!!! can't we all just get along!!!!is my girl spoiling them? should i just roll with it? WHERE do i put my foot down...as we are a fairly new couple, though we've known eachother for a few years?

2007-11-24 19:28:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


Here's the deal. I have a cousin who is 6 years old, and though she is not a violent child, she is like....a menacing little brat and I find it so hard to like her! I love her because she is my cousin, but I can't stand to be around her, because she is so worshipped by her mother (who finds no wrong in her whatsoever and who wouldn't discipline her if the world depended on it) and so whiney and manipulative. If she doesn't get her way she throws a monster fit (and gets her way of course) and all she can think about is another way to make someone buy her a toy (to add to her collection of 2 rooms full of toys). I am 20 years old and I feel so bad because I feel like I should be affectionate and loving toward this child, but I just can't seem to do it. My mother, sister, father, and all my friends feel the same way about her..and we all feel bad.

What can I do to love this child more? I hate the fact that i dread seeing my own cousin.

2007-11-24 18:06:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is 20, at uni, is totally financially dependant on my husband and I, although she does earn some pocket money for herself. We seem to be constantly handing over the $ to her for clothes, fuel, entertainment and more clothes, basicly anything she needs and most things she wants. She says "thanks" but shows little appreciation refusing to help around the house in any way even refusing to clean up after herself. I clean up after her b/c I cannot stand the mess. I'm the typical "doormat" mother She accepts little responsiblility for anything, including her pets. I get soooo frustrated but if I confront any issues with her it turns into an argument. I have tried many times to have a reasonable adult discussion with her trying to be non confrontational with no resolution. This situation has been for months and is at the stage that home life is strained for me, the rest of family does not like hearing arguments or the strained atmosphere. How do I resolve this without confrontation

2007-11-24 17:30:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been crying every day and I miss him so much, he was like my big brother to me and he was. He was always worried about me. He was my neighbor and I miss him so much. its almost two weeks since he past away it hasent been the same without him. How long will it take for me to heal? I love him so much and miss everything about him =(

2007-11-24 16:31:50 · 8 answers · asked by J WEEZY LOVES NIKKI R.I.P. 1

I am 16, i have a almost 9 year old half sister. I usually say sister but this involves HER mother. Okay when i was 11 i saved up the money for a cell phone and 3 months for the bill. (metro pcs 1 flat rate every time) When i asked my Dad, whom i lived with since i was 6, if it was alright for me to have a cell phone he said "no, you are too young to have a cell phone, when you turn 13 maybe but not until." So i griped but got over it. For my 13th birthday (Aug 3rd) i got a cellphone. Then when the next year (nov) My dad came and said okay Britt i can pay your cell because i wont have enough for Tori(half sister) and Kyles (Brother) birthday and x-mas too. So no problem daddy deal was he was going to get a new 1 in Feb that year. Well i never asked for it and no longer asked for one until a few weeks ago when i started working.I needed one. But i dont have enough for my health insurance (50 a month) and a cell, he said i cant afford it. Oh well. NoT DONE

2007-11-24 16:27:21 · 3 answers · asked by Pretty & Stupid bad combo 2

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