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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

my brother has been dating one of my really close friends for almost 3 years..he has cheated on her several times to my knowledge and the gf has heard rumors but he always denied it and she believed him. now she has proof (spoke to one of the girls my brother messed around with) and she keeps asking me for advice. im torn because shes a very good friend to me and i feel like she deserves to know what a dirtbag my brother has been in the past but hes family and i also think HE should be the one to tell her that..its not my place and i dont want to get involved but i dont have much of a choice and now im kinda stuck, she keeps calling crying askin what to do..please help im torn between 2 people i love very much :(

2007-09-04 05:00:31 · 8 answers · asked by jennybean7985 5

After talking about my "nudist life" - I'm a single mom with a 17 son - I got a lot of email blaming me because we use to spend part of our life naked, including our home life too.
In particular, it seems that a lot of people could accept a "normal nudist family" (dad, mom, sons) maybe (with some difficulties) just at nudist resort or beach but that the idea of a "naked mom at home" is considered very often as perversion.
I would like to know your feeling about and, in particular:

Why for our society the idea of a "naked mom" in front of a son is different depending if they are at public places or at home?

2007-09-04 04:55:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do men treat me like crap?
My biological mother left me when I was less than a year old with my father and left. She has never been a mother to me. I am lucky to have a great step mother that has been with me since 15 months old. I have finally accepted that she just had no motherly instint. My question is when a boyfriend leaves me and tells me not to call him anymore, I call and call and call and ask why why why untill my sanity becomes a problem as well as having chest pains and numbness in my right side of my body. I have been treated with depression and major anxiety for the last 3 years since my beautiful daughter was born. My doctor had me on 5 different medicines that made me pretty nutty. Last week I checked my self into the hospital to wean my self off of his meds and found a great new doctor in the process. I am a very beautiful lady with not much to offer a man because of the loss of my career since my daughter was born. I am a very passionate person that needs love.

2007-09-04 04:52:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

she is currently with a child minder that costs me £3.50 an hour. Work have asked me to go full time, and i am going to enrole her into a nursery, what am i entitled to from the government.

2007-09-04 03:17:57 · 7 answers · asked by debbie c 2

My husband and I were married a year ago. Things have been up and down in our first year of marriage but together we have worked hard to make things better. In mid-July, my husband's cousin called me to ask me if she could come live with us b/c she was in a bad relationship and she was trying to start a better life. She lived in GA and we are in NC. She put me on the spot so immediately I said yes feeling like I didn't want to be the "bad guy". She moved in. She's 19 years old with no work experience and finding a job has been difficult for her. She stays online 24/7 meeting people from our area on myspace etc. She eats our food, uses our electricity etc. but has no way to pay for anything. I have talked to my husband about it but he says that family is important and we need to stick by her but I get the feeling that she is going to take advantage of the situation. Ultimately it is my fault for saying yes, but what do I do now? I don't want my husbands cousin to come b/w our marriage.

2007-09-04 02:21:13 · 5 answers · asked by *~Cam's Mommy ~* 4

I have a 7 mos old baby girl. Me and her father split when she was born. I allow him to see her anytime he wants to. I do not have an order for child support and he has only done limited things for her. Since she been born he has only seen her 41 times out of 212 days. His mother wants her to come to her house and visit. I tell her no I don't feel comfortable letting her go over her house. Because of certain things that have happen there. I do not stop her or her father from coming over and seeing her. I also offered to drop my child off at her great grandmothers house(father's grandma) so they can spend time with her. They say if I don't feel comfortable leaving her at their house then they won't see her. I am trying to compromise by letting them see her and even offering another safe haven without me by letting her go to her great grandma's house so they can spend time with her. They say I am being a *****, But I am trying to let them see her. She doesn't really know them. Am I fair?

2007-09-04 01:36:32 · 19 answers · asked by Aryelle's Mommy 2

2007-09-04 00:21:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do all mothers feel what their children do is wrong? My mom never speeks in my favour, she is continously telling me that every thing i do is wrong, n she is constantly pointing out my mistakes. Just the other day i was telling her about this friend of mine who had trouble n the other friend,who managed to stay out of it. I dont know from where in this did i come into picture but then the entire conversation turned to how i do things wrong...Is this with all moms? r they constantly correcting us like teachers or can they ever listen to us like a mother or a friend keeping advises at a distance?

2007-09-03 23:25:23 · 2 answers · asked by smilex 2

Why my husband complained if I go to the store or with my friends for 4 hours. He complained coz I set infront of the computer when I wake up. Anything that he can find to complain and get mad at. He's not working he completely retired because of his back surgery. Why get mad at me for just these. I clean the house except when we've barbecue he'll cook then he'll get mad at me too because he's the one doing the cooking. Why he get mad at just for these? Anyone can explain to me why some husband is like this?

2007-09-03 22:26:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother went to college last Thursday and I really miss him. I don't know if he's happy... he keeps telling us he is, but I don't think he is. He's three hours away, so it's not like I can up and visit him. I don't know what I'm asking for... just needed to post it somewhere.

2007-09-03 21:45:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can you stop a 60+ Father-Inlaw from "scolding" your 34 year old husband? He treats my hubby like he's still a little kid and my hubby doesn't usually stand up for himself. My FIL puts him down and attacks our family. Demands things. Makes accusations. And tonight he sent an email that took the cake! I was so shocked, I wanted to write back defending my hubby hehe. He is a good guy and doesn't deserve this!

2007-09-03 21:22:49 · 7 answers · asked by micjamms 2

why krishana not a like to worship of inder daveta and compel to goverdhan pojha.

2007-09-03 20:53:49 · 4 answers · asked by only kewal 4

My 16 month year old throw up in the morning then throw up again in the afternoon. He has no fever. What he throw up was clear . When he finishes throwing up he is fine. What should I do? what do you think it is?

2007-09-03 20:28:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-03 20:12:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last Saturday my grandfather passed away a couple minuets after 4 am (EST) and at around 10 (my time in Germany) I walked into my bedroom door and got a scrape and an odd bruise in dark purple (almost black) with squiggly lines. Sunday I checked my email and I found one from my sister saying that our granddad passed away. The time difference is exactly 6 hours and I think I might have done this the same time my grandfather passed away.

Somehow I actually turned completely around in the door way without realizing it.

About a week ago I had a strange dream that I was at his funeral.

Does any of this have to do with his death?

2007-09-03 19:50:59 · 4 answers · asked by faewhisper 4

Help how do I get out of Babysitting my bro. My Parents wanna go out and they want me to babysit him but I dont wanna coz I have plans and I dont wanna have to change nappy's and all that stuff

2007-09-03 19:49:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

In an outburst of anger,my dad told me that he hated me. Whenever we have a fight he threatens to leave the house....stating irreconcilable differences as the reason. Btw i'm 21 and i'm a college student. He compares me with his older sibilings and mother who abused him when he was a kid. He raises his voice at me and says mean stuff but when i do likewise he gets all upset. My bro shouts at him too but my dad just laughs it off. When i confront him abt it he goes,'oh ur bro is not like u.....'

2007-09-03 19:33:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

MY daughter is going to be 13. Her father just married his long time g/f of 11 years. She use to treat my daughter really well but ever since she married my daughter's father she has been nothing but mean to my daughter and talking alot of crap about me to my daughter. My daughter doesn't want to see her father's wife only her dad but he says that my daughter has to see his wife to see him. Also he stated that if my daugher wants to see him she has to call him. I think this is so crappy on his part.

I am so pist but then again I'm glad because he is such a jerk. I want to do the best for my daughter and I don't want her to hurt because of this. Any suggestions??

2007-09-03 19:22:03 · 14 answers · asked by conny 6


2007-09-03 19:08:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

plzz help
dont suggest moving out cuz got nowhere else

2007-09-03 19:01:30 · 3 answers · asked by JiJi 2

I pay child support,but mother will not let me see here, because i do not wish to have anything to do with her.

2007-09-03 18:58:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sister totally neglects her daughter. she has no job, yet has no time to bathe her daughter or wash her daughters clothes. we watch her EVERY weekend, as well as buy all of her clothes. when she goes back with her mother during the week, she wears the same outfit every day! she also hangs out with teenagers, and has a 17 year old boyfriend. she is 23! she doesn't make her sit in a carseat or have her seatbelted in the car. she keeps her up all hours of the night. she doesn't brush her teeth. she is 3 and has caps, cavities, and has had teeth pulled. her friends are more important than her daughter. she uses her food stamps to trade for clothes, cigarettes, car parts. if this isn't neglect i don't know what is. we want to call child services, but want to make sure we would at least get temporary custody of her while this is resolved. or full custody if she doesn't change. is this possible?

2007-09-03 18:47:05 · 6 answers · asked by GLgirl 2

i found some natural clay in my backyard what do i have to do to make it sculpting materal . i tried to sculpting but it wasn't working . can u please tell me how can i make it sculpting materal

2007-09-03 18:33:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my da dis leaving tonight to his country forever

he said he got tired of living is america

is he making the wrong choice leaving us??
alone like this

we know he loves us..

what should i do..im really broekn down right now im only 13 :(

2007-09-03 18:16:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandfather is the most stubborn man alive. He's not a strong man as he used to be. He has had many operations and hospitalizations in the past five years which makes him evry weak physically. So, my aunts and my family took him from our province and housed him with between the families alternately. I wouldn't consider this an ideal solution since its not really permanent. Nursing home isn't really a solution since its very rare to find a good nursing home here in our country. And our culture prides itself of being family centered.

But my grandfather got into his head to walk back to his province. So in the Metro Manila. He walked the service road, aided by his old memories that if he walks to the service road he can hitch a bus ride back home. He didn't realize that things have changed since 1990's. Provincial bound buses are not allowed inside the service road and my aunts had a hard time tracking a 78 year-old man walking by himself around the metro manila! HELP!

2007-09-03 17:22:27 · 7 answers · asked by Marya Laya E 4

I used to call him names,hit andkick him. I used to tell him to playin the street so he would get smushed by a car. I used to punch him in the stomach and he'd cry to my mom. I always got in serious trouble.
When I was 9 yrs old and my bro was 6 I kicked him between his legs hard. I remember my mom taking him to the hospital later that night. I didnt mean to kick him it was a reflex.
Now that my brother is 14 and my older brothers make fun and joke about it, they say its my fault (because of what happened when he was 6) and he might never have kids. They think this is funny!
Now Im not sure and it drives me crazy, esp since my little brother is so intelligent and responsible acting and sweet natured. Last year on Christmas he wrote everyone of us letters telling us how much he loves us, and my oldest brother went to his room and cried.
On top of it I think my little bro is gay, because of me. Or maybe he isn't. But Im afraid if he cant have kids, its my fault!
What should I do?

2007-09-03 17:13:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Issue Issue Issue.
My mom is being super- over protective.
I mean to the point where she has to know where im going, why its taking so long, "you weren't suppose to stop there", you cant do that, let me talk to the parents, cant go etc.

Just makes me infuriated! if thats even a word.
Sometimes i feel like punching a hole in the wall, but i hold all my anger back. And dont ever show it.

She took my phone tonight for "going to walgreens, to get rubbing alcohol which i needed for my face"
she was like you were suppose to go home!

2007-09-03 17:12:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

im married living in korea until dec. my wife teaches here i have to kids in the usa i love and support my oldest lives outta the state and has since he was like 3 hes gonna be 13 my youngest lives with his mom in the state my wife and i are from but she might get married and move to texas,we were gonna go home to st. louis to be by my oungest hes 6,but if hes gonna live 15 hrs away my wife and i have the oppurtunity to move to thialand or taiwan or really anywhere in the world and make a better living and see the world at the same time,if we go back to usa we have to start from scratch when with my wifes job we have paid housing and insurance and good pay what would you do?

2007-09-03 17:09:06 · 2 answers · asked by jd 3

My parents want to move because some people decided they want to put town homes down on the field beside our house. As you can imagine with time it would lower our house value. Anyhow, there's a VERY good chance i'll be changing schools. I'm a sophmore. Someone has offered me transpertation back to my regular schools if i move to a place where i'm suppose to change schools. The school i might have to switch to is the fullest of all 3 high schools i have a potential of attending. I understand this is my parents home, but shouldn't where we live be a little about what everyone wants? My parents still have 10 years of children in their house. My sisters don't want to change schools either. They said were we move is all about location, they *think* living in a more expensive resident will mean everyone there is great and perfect, but even in a high classed neighborhood doesn't mean people can't still do bad things.. right?

2007-09-03 17:06:28 · 2 answers · asked by Goose Feet 6

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