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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i am thirteen! they wont cave no matter how much i bug them!

please help!

2007-09-09 05:06:05 · 16 answers · asked by bailey 2

the mother child and myself had a dna test done . i paid 575.00 for the test it said i was not the father. so she took the test to child support they refuse to stop it we use the same people orchid cellmark that they use. ok finally got a judge to hear the case . now childsupport wants another test got the appointment yesterday to top it off it's with the same people orchid cellmark same place we went to in the begin it was the test that would stand up in court. the way i see it is why should we have to keep putting ourselves and the child through this embarssement. when we all know i'm not this child father she knew it to that's why she finally agreed on having the test done. if they are going to use the same place we already went to so what's the point of keep putting us through this we had the test back in feb of 2007 they refused to do anything and when we went to court child support lawyer tried to tell the judge that he didn't know anything about this place we had it done at.

2007-09-09 04:56:19 · 4 answers · asked by boston3863 1

what if he got in a reck my dad he has been gone for a long time

2007-09-09 04:25:07 · 8 answers · asked by Bailey o 1

Do you live outside India, and visit it once in 1 or 2 or 3 years? We do. We've lived outside India for over 15 years, and each time we visit India it is a nerve-wracking time. And funny thing is, it has nothing to do with the often mentioned pollution, traffic, bribes etc, these are things that we take in stride. It is always to do with people - family, friends and how everyone tries to manage our trip for us.
And, of course, the in-laws factor. They just have to screw up our trip in one way or another. We learn from each trip, and then, bing, they have a new way of messing it up next time.
We fight over an India-trip like we fight over nothing else, and we always need a vacation after an Indian vacation.

Do you also dread the very idea of India trip? And almost wish you didn't have to go? Spend so much time and money and come back more stressed out? What bugs you the most about visiting India?

2007-09-09 04:24:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend denise well im 14 shes like 30 anyways,she buys me ciggarettes this past week my dad asked if i smoked i said yes hes like who buys them for you,denise? i said what do you think and this morning hes being real mean to me he said i could call child portective because shes buying the i said you wouldnt i got all teary,he said im gonna and i said no dont dad,dont! and idk if he is or not but wht will happen to her!?

2007-09-09 03:52:30 · 11 answers · asked by nicky 1

...and they live to talk about it, how people try to deny their experiences?

They do this by saying things like, "Now you have an opportunity to be a good parent to make up for it!" (puts the burden on the abused to make up for it)

Or they immediately talk about how well their mother cared for them.

Or they apologize, *then* talk about how they were loved.

Anything but have to actually deal with the reality that some mothers are very, very bad--even evil.

When the child becomes adult, people directly or indirectly blame the abused/neglected child itself for somehow being bad, bringing it on, making excuses for the mother.

This is just a note to let all of you know: Not only is doing this not helpful, it is, in fact, counter-productive to building a healthy society.

Being abandoned by a mother creates immense challenges to survival. The overall impact of such a loss needs to be taken more seriously.

Winning answer=either most shallow or most enlightened. May it be the latter!

2007-09-09 03:49:22 · 6 answers · asked by Richard 4

she is also obsessed with famous serial killers and horror movies.she enjoys other peoples pain as well.I dont know if this will help find a better answer but she is a "juggalette" but i do not know what that means.

2007-09-09 03:26:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I haven't worked for over 20 years. I'm scared and don't know what to do, any advice?
I did two years of college when I was younger - a secretarial course in England. Then I got a job and got married. Three years later I got pregnant and became a stay at home mother. I'm not really good at anything and don't know what to do with my life now that my children no longer need me. How do I go about changing my life? I need advice please.

2007-09-09 03:23:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am sick of my mother always rulling my life...i don't think its right i am 18 and want to life my own life...But she never wants me to do enything or go enywere and i feel i don't need her permision and she cuts in on me and my BF time together when i'm at his house she always comes and fetches me like 5 hours before she was supose to and when he's with me at my house my mother always calls me to do stuff and my bf always has to do stuff with my littel brother witch i don't think is right...and when i want to go to his house and spend the weekend there she fights with me and shouts at me saying things like i love them more then her and my brother and i spend more time and do more things for my BF sisters kid than for my brother...I'm getting sick of it...How can i tell her i want freedom and that my BF and his family are apart of my life and that she must accept it without getting in a fight with her and why is she acting like this?!

2007-09-09 03:12:50 · 19 answers · asked by Kyle's_Girl 1

Since i was 5 years old and now 14 they're always fighting 7 times or 8 every year. Because of my father, every little thing he's quarreling my mom and every time he lose in gambling he always blame my mom and when he got home he's in rage like throwing things and the foods on the table. I'm worried about my future and my 4 little siblings as well. We are also run out of money because of the habit of my father in gambling. I can't stand no more.
Please give me some pieces of advice to stop my plan in suicide....

2007-09-09 03:08:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

only parents answer please. We have a family computer to share among four of us, mainly my two daughters, 10 & 7, because we parents just check mails at home. The 10-years spends a lot of her time in the internet and now asking me to buy a separate computer for her. I am concerned about her school works and physical movements in the growing stage. Please give your opinion.

2007-09-09 03:06:09 · 9 answers · asked by QaHa 1

okay i asked my mother to help me and my husband and i with food we were down to nothing and she refused and im one month pregnant so i wrote her a letter and she never responded back what should i do?

2007-09-09 03:04:30 · 8 answers · asked by veronica 2

It could be anything, but I would appreciate greatly if you don't get obscene or vulgar while replying because my 2 young nephews are looking forward to your reply.

Thanks and Good Day

2007-09-09 02:57:16 · 12 answers · asked by ZZZZZZZZ 4

He Is getting high with his friends sometimes he smokes right in our backyard.I DONT WANT TO BE A RAT when I ask him why he does it tells me mind my own buisnees. The other day i found his stash in his room I threw it in the trash. He beat the crap out of me.

2007-09-09 02:42:16 · 25 answers · asked by chu_2589 1

i have a bro and a sis...today, my bro's gf came over for lunch..she's usually this bubbly girl and always looks so happy..but today she looked a bit depressed..i figured it could be tiredness from work..everybody sat down in the living room after lunch to watch a movie..then, i realised that my bro's gf was not there and when i went upstairs i found her crying in the room..they have been together for about 3yrs already..now theyre working and both have such hectic schedules..she was telling me of how my bro does not call her and spend time with her as much..she feels like he does not care anymore for her..moreover, she said he spends much more time with his friends and when she asks him to spend just a day out of a week with her, he is reluctant..on my bros side, he used to be uncomfortable about her being in his apartment all the time..he used to say he needed space but now they live in 2 different apartments and rarely see each other because of their busy schedules..help me please!

2007-09-09 02:27:29 · 5 answers · asked by shawty 2

What would you do if u couldnt see ur grandson if your daughter is getten told by her boyfriend who is not the babys father not to let you see him?? hes a horrible man he controls her .........

2007-09-09 02:02:38 · 4 answers · asked by chelsea 4 u 1

I have been divorced 5 years. We have 4 kids together. Two are under 18. I have physical custody of the 2 at home yet. Two years ago, the 16 year old (then 14) decided to move in with her father. At her father's house there was no rules. No curfew. All the money she could ask for. But no love and no compassion. I did not want to to leave, but I had no choice. She was old enough in the courts eyes to make her own mind up which parent she was to live with. She lived with him for two years. The ex did not enforce my visitation. Instead he allowed her to run. I tried hard to get her to move in with me. She refused, telling me she knew I loved her unconditionally, but if she were to move out her dad would hate her. (my ex is a very verbally abusive, manipilative, hateful man.) For two years it broke my heart to see what was happening to my daughter. She told me she hated her living envirnment. That she stayed in her room instead of interacting with her dad's new family.

2007-09-09 01:58:08 · 13 answers · asked by tammie h 2

my little brother is 8 and i am 13, he is always trying to annoy me..

-whenever i am in my room and the door is shut he will just walk in and start picking up my stuff, when i ask him to get out he wont so i start yelling at him, usually i have to phisically remove him from my room.

-whatever i say and do always has to be wrong and always has to be right even if he knows he is wrong

-once i was going out to play basketball, and he took my basketball and hid it, i didn´t find it until 2 days later when my mom finally made him show me where it was.

i love my brother but i am just sick and tired of fighting with him, and so is my mom, i try being nice but it just doesnt work, he still causes problems, what do i do??

2007-09-09 01:46:22 · 12 answers · asked by unbreakablexxx3 2

My solution is to go out of town on family weekends. I expect the next thirty years to be this way. Does anyone have any ideas? My family is judgemental, selfish, closeminded, uptight, one way, and mean.

2007-09-09 01:45:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My children have had to share a room when the visit their Dad on weekends. He has moved and now they have 1 bedroom for all 3 of them. I'm not comfortable with my 13 yo daughter having to share a room w/her 10 yo brother. Are there any regulations regarding parental visitation and shared bedrooms in MA? Or is it just a personal judgement call?

2007-09-09 01:36:35 · 14 answers · asked by MARILOU 1


2007-09-09 00:17:50 · 7 answers · asked by miss_c_keen 1

She always make fun of my college course, Physical Therapy. She tells me that I am going to be a massage therapist.. that's my only job.


Yet, she always makes fun of me.. She wants me to be a nurse, what the hell, I don't like that job!

I really hate what she's doing to me. And I just have to control myself from showing her I am annoyed already.

2007-09-08 23:52:47 · 11 answers · asked by juliette 4

Ok, Ever Since I Was Younger My Brother Has Always Been Overprotective of Me. At First I Thought It Was Cute Because I Was His Little Sister And He Didn't Want Me Getting Involved With The Wrong Guys. But Now, I'm 18 And It's Still A Problem.

It's Really Starting To Get Annoying Now And I Can't Take It Anymore... I Just Want To Live My Life Just Like He's Living His. I'm Still A Virgin And I Just Got My First Boyfriend A Little Before I Turned 18... And I Think That's Pretty Good Considering Alot of Girls Are Getting Pregnant, Already Have Kids, Or Are Just Extremely Promiscuous.

What Should I Do?

2007-09-08 23:51:21 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Ello♥Vee♥E♥ says Shut Up, Take Notes 7

me and my partner have a four year old and a ten month year old. Both girls. his parents are upsetting me because they pay no attention to our girls, but there other granddaughter get everything and they see her all the time. they live five minutes away. they didnt bother to call or phone on our eldest daughters birthday, they have been to visit baby once since she has been born, they dont phone or text to c how they are. his mother has told me im not welcome and that they wont speak to me again because i have asked her if she is going to visit, or can girls go round. she has sent me abusive text mesages and my partner has seen them. i feel abit upset that her wont stand up to her and ask why she doesnt want to see girls and why is she so hostile towards me, it is really hurtful that she doesnt seem to want to see the kids.am i asking to much to ask my parent to stand up for me.gemma

2007-09-08 23:43:30 · 10 answers · asked by S D 1

My mother (not a gold-digger) is 75 and two husbands have died. She's fairly well off. She gave me a check for $5,000 and I could really use the money but feel I don't deserve it (I know, poor me). My first thought was WHEW I could pay off so many debts. But all I can think is I don't deserve it, I didn't earn it, Then again I was a good daughter to my two step-fathers. How do people "born" with money live with themselves when they have money they didn't earn? I want to tell her I can't accept it because I didn't earn it, but she didn't "earn" it either. She only wants to help. My other thought is I would accept it if I could give some to some of my struggling friends, and some to charity. I know this sounds too good to be true, but I can't live with myself if I just take the check.

2007-09-08 23:43:07 · 12 answers · asked by wikedwhich1 2

Can you, please, tell me about them?

Thank you very much! :)

Have a wonderful day! :)

2007-09-08 23:13:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

she has already had 3 DWI's (driving while intoxicated)..and been to jail also..and we want her to stop drinking all together..me and my sister use to try our best before to make her stop but she wouldnt listen..and look where she ended up..in jail..and now she getz out..doesnt have a car anymore (becuz she wrecked it)..not becuz of her being drunk thought..she went to jail for it becuz the night before she got drunk and that stayed in her system and the other ppl that were in the car with her got injured and had to got to the hospital..and she said she would stop but we have found her drinking again..what we think is that she is thinking that since she isnt driving she can drink..but we want her to stop all together even if she isnt driving at the moment becuz her license got suspended..becuz it might pursuit her to get drunk and drive again when she does ger her license back..and we r trying our best to make her stop..and she just doesnt understand..we just dont kno what to do..

2007-09-08 22:59:38 · 9 answers · asked by 24_KaY 1

My daughter's dad committed suicide when she was 11. His father blamed me & cut our daughter out of his life. No Birthday cards, Christmas, nothing. I occasionally see him at my work & he acts like he doesn't know me. I was his daughter-in-law for 15 years. Tonight my daughter received an email from a distant family member that her grandpa (the one that cut her off) hs terminal illness & not too long left. She is 15 now. Do I encourage her to be a better person & reach out to him, so hopefully she can have some closure, or should I be like "He kicked us when we were down, so it's Karma."???
I'm torn because he has hurt her & let her down & he was the only male family member she had left & she HATES men now. But I also want to teach her compassion. (Part of me also hopes seeing her after so long will make him feel guilty). I wanna do what's right & I'm too emotionally attached to make a good decision. I don't want her hurt by any of this. She's been hurt too much by her dad's suicide.

2007-09-08 20:24:55 · 8 answers · asked by Angela J 2

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