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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I am a mom of a great one and a half year old son and my parents do foster care and are currently adopting a little boy who we have had since his birth. I always understood that his mom wanted a better life for him and I love my new brother but as a newer mom I still couldn't understand letting someone else raise my baby.... I am thankful to her because my parents have all girls and now they have a son. I also love the whole idea of adoption. But when you are a healthy young lady and you are financially set and you were married and have another kid would you give your 1st born up?

2007-09-19 02:23:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The process would take a long time (6mo). The only other possibility is that both of my parents give up their parental rights, my dad I could convince, but my mom is unlikely. There is a problem. I live with my sister, I am currently unhappy. We usually argue non-stop, but latly its been better. The only thing is, I am not part of their "family" I am just the one that moved in. It's kind of like a flop house, I don't feel loved or cared for. I just feel like its a place for me to sleep & eat. When I moved in I barly even knew my sister, we had never lived together before and it was kind of like a game of chance for both of us. I have lived there now for a little over a year, and I have gotten to know her alot better. I have to say that I truly respect her for taking me in and I love her as a sister but I we really arent compatable for living w/ one another. EX: The other day they all sat down to eat dinner and I came to sit at the table and eat with them and she said that there isn't

2007-09-19 02:21:36 · 5 answers · asked by shannon b 1

My son's father is a Vietnam Veteran with a number of psyciatric disorders effecting his ability to develop relationships with people. My son is 17 1/2 years old and even though his father lives in Florida and we in Ohio, his father has never once came to visit him. I have taken him to see him 4 times. Both me and the father's mother have pushed him for 17 years to be a significant person in our son's life. It only amounted to a few phone conversations initiated by my son, the 4 visits I was able to afford to take my son on, and about 10 birthday & x-mas cards & a small gift. My ex's mother died last summer and since then my son's father has completely pushed my son out of his life. He is 57 yrs. old and has done everything but actually verbally tell my son that he hates him and doesn't want him in his life. My son is DD and doesn't understand the problems his father has. He is now asking me "if I died would my dad come to my funeral?" I was honest (maybe I shouldn't have been)

2007-09-19 02:05:08 · 14 answers · asked by Windy 1

....and I'm at the end of my rope.

I have our son 4-5 days a week and he has him 2-3 days a week ("joint" custody), and he decided to stop giving him his medication without discussing it with me. He told our son he was out of pills, but I think he was just too damn lazy to call the pharmacy to reorder them.

Then he said that he doesn't need them because he hasn't seen any problems out of him - well duh - HE'S BEEN ON MEDICATION UP UNTIL NOW!!!

So now my son comes to my house, has not been on his meds, refuses to take them b/c his dad said he doesn't have to anymore, and begins the bipolar cycle again. He started the nasty attitude this morning so I'm on pins and needles and scared that we're in for another roller coaster ride.

What do I do? I need help calming down & collecting thoughts before I confront his father this afternoon.

2007-09-19 01:43:45 · 11 answers · asked by redslippers 4

My son is 11 today, but at 8 am today his teaching phoned to say he has beendisrupted in class.
He slapped a kids face for nothing and he managed to only write the date in a 1 hour class.
He is lovely, bright and polite but he likes to be the class clown and the problem is he is going to high school next year and his teacher is afraid he will placed in a lower group to his ability and then not bother cos the others won't be!
He is very immature and acts the fool, but the other kids are maturing now and leaving him standing.
We are great parents to our two adopted boys and had a fair share of problems, but we punish him with losing his priveliges eg tv, pc, sweets etc but hes stubborn and can sulk for a week if punished... what can we do to helphim grow up and work in class...please help!

2007-09-19 00:53:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the deal. I'm not into labels etc. I am a sixteen year old girl and my mom is 38. I like some of the new looks, with the two tone hair, and hello kitty, etc, but I do not classify myself as ' scene. '
my mother however, is a different story. She even has a myspace page with her pictures all over it, with the pearls, the jewelry, the contests. - and wrinkles, yuck. I feel like she is making a fool of herself, but my friends seem to think she is cool. She has a reverse mullet with pink strands and the blonde with black underneath. Is she making a fool of herself, or just trying to deal with getting older? Will she ' outgrow' this? It's so weird, dude!! and embarassing. she goes to concerts too, with the emo boys. PS - my mom LOOKS her age, it's not like she's even getting away with pretending to be young. what's worse? she calls herself ' Mod"

2007-09-19 00:50:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My almost 19 year old son is due to leave tomorrow to move into his apartment so he can start culinary school on October 1st. We've had major problems with him and for the last couple of days he's stayed with his friend because he had one of his outrages and called his dad and I losers, etc. I'm sure you can picture this. Yesterday my parents brought him over to finish his lease paperwork and my son decided to stay with us. I told him he could, with the exception that he is not to cuss us out, etc. Not five minutes after my parents left did he start on us again. Luckily, my parents called and invited us to dinner. My son didn't go, so my husband, daughter and I went. After we returned, he started again..we told him to leave. He went outside to call his friend. I had to take the dog out and as soon as I was opening the door, I saw him pulling out of the driveway, lights off so we couldn't see him. He knew darn well he wasn't suppose to take the car.

2007-09-19 00:25:20 · 18 answers · asked by 2Beagles 6

My husband is very selfish. The only thing that matters to him is his family, his job, football and alcohol. i love you very dearly and i know he loves me too. But if I was to hurt myself, get ill or grow disabled, he would not be there for me. He has no patience. WHen a person married someone they hope for a secure life and hope to aid each other at times of difficulties....i dont think mine would do that. WHat shall i do?

2007-09-19 00:24:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband knows that his family loves him only because he is earning well and giving them money always. He had done a lot before marriage. But after marriage due to my pressure he is spending less on them. But he has really a bad impression on me. He says that they expect from him and they are right in their situation. so i should do for them. My brother in law is not doing anything and always asking money form my mother. As my MIL and FIL are staying with them so they always takes my BIL side and force my hubby to send money. My hubby does for ourself as well. They always tries to keep my husband in their hand. And my husband treats them as they all are his life although he knows that they only want money from him. He always takes his family side if anything happens and blames me. He says that i will do everything for them what they are asking. If you don't agree with me then i will do keeping you hide. i was thinking that as time passes he will be distracted form them but i am wrong

2007-09-19 00:12:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what should i tell them becasue all kids at my skool saty up to 10 if not 10:30 and i have to go to bed at 9 olclock.....i have recentley been allowed to stay up to 9:30 but the parents sed i refused the privlage by staying up to 9:35 to see the end of the show......how do i approach them again.....

2007-09-18 23:00:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a boy whos going to be not quite so sweet 16 soon
and hes not asked for anything
i have no idea what to get him
i would give him money but i want him to have some presents to open as well any ideas
also hes not really madly into any one thing so really need your help guys

2007-09-18 22:42:23 · 10 answers · asked by alfiegirl 2

Yesterday i have quarrel with my mom and it has occurred a couple of times....I told her to go to hell and die as early as possible and she said the same thing to me...It was like hitting the nail on my head and i felt so frustrated and sickening and heart pounding...I can no longer bear with her as my health was badly hurt by her attitude..And she's got some mental problems too, which i told her to go see doctor but she never listened...So after so many times' contemplation, i've come to the conclusion that it's time to move on and to take my own pace without her, towards the end of the road...Life is so unbearable and without her affecting my emotions and decisions, from now on i'll continue to move on in a new light...

2007-09-18 21:36:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would not tolerate her mean tone and rudeness toward me, I have done her many favors, and tried to be supportive. she says thats the way she talks to everybody, but i'm her mother, does that count for something? she was living with me at the time so she could save money. I was trying to help her. others have commented negatively about her attitude as well.

2007-09-18 20:27:40 · 11 answers · asked by diana r 2

i have a friend that is 50 yrs. old. recently his 24 yr. old daughter died from an overdose.my friend often did dope with her and now he totally blames himself for her death. are there any web sites that would talk about this issue and helping him overcome the guilt that he now feels?

2007-09-18 19:18:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got pregnant at a very young age,my bf promised to marry me but since he was away for work,he has changed his mind a month after. He visited our baby everytime he's in town. He even stayed overnight to my parents home where my baby and I live.I found out he got a gf---a co worker on board.I begged him to make me understand but he refused to give me any explanations he just want me to welcome him and cooperate whenever he wants to see his child.I let him treat me that way coz I cant stand loosing him.And Im hoping he will realize his mistakes.Lately he proposed to live with me.Until I've heard the news that his gf is pregnant and it is his too.

2007-09-18 18:32:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 21 and yes, i'm young but i felt like i've never accomplished anything "good" in my life both through my
"professional" (education/career) and "personal" (parties/bars) lives. I don't know it's b/c of the fact i graduated
from high school at 17 and that I haven't gotten into my major yet.

I'm striving to be a nurse but nursing school is just freakin competitive. I'm a nursing assistant, volunteer,
etc...I have my associate's degree YET i STILL haven't gotten in and it's beating me up inside. Also,
after my freshman year of college I decided to be "low key" - i didn't feel comfortable with the whole "group"
parties, bars, clubs, etc...getting into your "clique" and knowing "people that know people"...i just wanted
everything to be simple...hang out with few CLOSE friends and do simple things - movie, dinner, etc...

I know i sound like i prick...i'm aware of what a B I T C H it is hard getting into nursing and i've sacrificed
a hardcore social life but i feel like i'm missing out...i see my other friends and it seems that they have it both.
They can party and still go to school...why am i feeling this?

2007-09-18 18:31:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was very close to him.
i feel like a piece of me is missing.
all day all i can do is think of him.
i'm a sophomore in high school and need to get back to school.
but when i go i just cry.
i don't feel comfortable around anyone.
and no one understands and just asks if i'm okay and if they can do anything for me.
but it just makes me cry worse.
i want to be able to go to school but be left alone.
any suggestions?

2007-09-18 18:18:51 · 8 answers · asked by pepsiandpickles 2


i have a excellent daughter she's 15 how much freedom should i give her? good grades vice president of the freshman class she good

2007-09-18 18:10:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My spouse has recently been in the hospital for a couple of months now. We have three children and I am the only one working at the moment. I live in Texas and am in need of TANF and food stamps, maybe even welfare. I work a lot and am unable to visit these offices in person so my only other choise is to either mail in an application for approval, or to do it online. Is there a way for me to submit an application online? If I have to mail in the application, would I be able to receive benefits without having to visit the office location? Is there any information or thoughts you might have that might help me regarding assistance with clothing, food, paying bills, etc. Please answer nicely, no rude comments about my situation or anything about shoulda, coulda, woulda....Looking for help. Thank you and God bless.

2007-09-18 17:38:52 · 4 answers · asked by richards150 2

She took my car without asking me. She was given her own car, a Honda Civic. She is a new driver, she's had her license for less than half a year, and has been driving on her own for about 2 months.

Two weeks ago, when I was napping, she took my G35 coupe, which has almost 3 times the horsepower than the late model Civic, and picked up her friends and went to the mall.

I just found out now when one of her friends told me. The G is a difficult car for new drivers to handle, I don't want her hurting herself, it's a completely different car than the Civic, on top of that I usually leave "safeties" like traction and stability control off....had the car started to drift, she wouldn't know how to control the drift.

How should I make it clear that this isn't to happen again? I have let her drive my car before, but with me in it, and with the safeties on.

2007-09-18 17:28:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin has been living at his sister's house for 6 years rent free and will not leave. She is in the section 8 program and he isn't supposed to be the living there. He's abusive to her kids and her, he tries to control everything. He acts like he really helps her, but that isn't the case. His response to being evicted is that he'll call section 8 and rat her out. She has 2 kids and barely gets by. He acts like his crap doesn't stink and that he hasn't done anything wrong. He's 29 years old and has a low paying job (10 bucks an hour).

I'm wondering is there's a good way to kick him out and not get his sister or him in trouble. She's afraid of him and getting him in trouble. I'm very upset with him because he always says that he will move out, but it's been the same story this whole time.

Six years rent free! What an F-ing jerk!!!

2007-09-18 17:18:26 · 2 answers · asked by dahsneeze 1

2007-09-18 17:15:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i left my children with my partner for 30 mins in that time he was so rude to them he told my eldest to hang his F***ing towell up and my youngest rudely to wash himself, he told me i can keep my f***ing kids and that my eldest annoys the **** out of him and my youngest 7 yo doesnt wash properly. what do I do wrong ?

2007-09-18 17:14:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't stand so work choices limited, My car is dead so I can't get anywhere. I have had my own business and made over 6 figures playing poker, can document online. Played poker because of physical limitations. Family not able to help. I am a sharp caring person who is looking for the right situation. Please help

2007-09-18 16:54:55 · 16 answers · asked by SCARED 1

Ok so I'm 20 years old and I consider myself pretty mature for my age, I live with my boyfriend and am completely independted from my parents. When I first met him, his daughter was 9 months old and now she is almost 2. Things are going great and I know she loves me and I adore her, every other weekend all we do is play together. But here is where it gets complicated a couple of months ago I had a miscarriage, which I'm sure is a blessing in deguise, but I am having a hard time recovering emotionaly. Now some weekends when we get her I just want to push her away, but other weekends I don't want to send her back home to mom and I end up depressed for the rest of the day. I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin a good relationship over a mistake that happened. Help please!?!

2007-09-18 16:53:48 · 15 answers · asked by Two peas in a pod 2

getting a friend over to fix my computer,i think it needs a complete overhaul and maybe some software discs are wearing out but shes steadfastly refusing to let this guy come over, her reason? im bothering him!! i have a $1000 e machine ands a printer,i dont tjink that im going to let this expensive machine break down just so my mother doesnt hear me say" i think theres something wrong with my computer"!

2007-09-18 16:43:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my BF have 2 small children, one 3 yrs and the other 4 mos. We all live together (in his house) and I just went back to work from a partial-paid maternity leave. My BF pays the house-pmt and therefore expects me to pay all the rest of the bills, including all utilities, car pmt, health ins, medical copays, daycare, etc, etc. I know his house pmt is a lot but trying to afford all these bills on top of baby formula (which can cost up to $6 or more per day) is not working for me and I am struggling deeply, somedays not eating. My daycare cost is $1000 per mo .and I asked him to at least help with this and he said "no that I choose to work so I need to pay for the expense. " He complains that he never gets ahead because he has to "borrow" me money for the kids expenses that I should be taking care of because of him paying the house payment. He makes a lot more than me. Recently he said that I either get a new job and stop borrowing from him or move out. What should I do?

2007-09-18 15:55:37 · 17 answers · asked by Christine 1

Okay here's the story.Im in AVID and for AVID we're going to go to a filedtrip this Saturday to a football game.I let my mom know and she said she will let me go.Today when she picked me up from school I told her what time is she going to go to West Covina and she said 3:00pm so I said okay I will walk to school for the game she said no your not your going with us to West Convina and I told her what the hell I always go with you everywhere why can't I just get a day for myself and she said too bad your not going and I got mad.Im not talking to her.Anyways is there anyway I can convince her to let me go to the game the only way I know is letting my dad know so he can talk to her and let me go because he is a very nice father but he's sleeping and my mom won't let me wake him up.So any ideas that have worked for you?THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
-pissed girl

2007-09-18 15:41:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my mom got in a fight about me starting to drive. i yelled at her and she yelled at me. pretty soon she hit me really hard. several times. she just came home and we're not even talking at all. what should i do? should i let my feelings out and tell her to never hit me again? =[

2007-09-18 15:28:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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