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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My sister swear, hit/punch, put down, yell at me and my brother!
She always swears in "name-calling", she always say things to upset me and my brother like "your so ugly!" or "buzz off fatty"
she do sometimes come near us and shove us n say don't follow me (bleep)! I never did follow her! My brother and I are mature, smart, good looking, kind and we are 14/15 years old, while my sister is so mean, act tough as a man around us, drinks, smokes, have piercing on her tongue and have friends that tease my brother and I so much! She is 18 years old! Please help before she get very very worse!
I did tell my parents but that is not stopping her no matter what!

2007-09-17 23:31:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello There, When i was 13. My brother went to prison when he was 16 for attempted murder by puttin a knife to his enemys throat ( He was 15 or 16) and threatened to kill him and was going to but police got there in time. He got 5 years in a young offenders prison. Hes now 17 and serving a sentence.

This person that he nearly killed ruined his childhood, By threatening him day in day out And jumping him with his friends. But you know.

And he wants me to go into contact with him?

But the thing is he thinks its a joke in court, The court told him his sentence our hole family cried and screaming and all he said to the judge was " life goes on its nothing ".

Is he a bad person? Should i go to see him?

Im from the UK aswell.

And our young offenders prison quiet ruff aswell?

2007-09-17 22:49:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Too busy or can't afford to travel to see them?

2007-09-17 22:32:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I was raised by a VERY Christian (Mormon) mother. I don't know my dad, but I had two abusive stepdads, neither of which were Christian. When I was 16,I thought for myself: I didn't believe it and have been Agnostic since. She has NEVER gotten over it.
Well, my senior year of high school, I met my husband. We dated for a year before moving out of state. We got married a few years ago, but I didn't tell my family. They aren't fond of him because we live together "unmarried" and more importantly- he's not religious at all. Agnostic, like me.
I am tired of not being able to tell my family, I know I should have told them right away, but I didn't, and can't change that. He has never done anything wrong to them, but I call my mother less and less because every time I do she tries to pressure me into leaving him and moving home. What do I do? Am I a horrible daughter for being more concerned with my future family, than my bitter mother? I don't want to lose her entirely.

2007-09-17 22:08:00 · 7 answers · asked by Puppy Paws 2

my brother left for college last weekend.....its in state a few hours away....and i miss him so much....this is the first time he WON't be living with me and my family! and he'll never live with me ever again! it hurts so bad...i cant seem to get over it. how can i hate someone so much at one time, yet love them so much? i dont know what ill do without him, looking back on all the memories... i cant believe he wont be here to experience the rest of my high school life....
has anyone else gone through this? how'd u get thru it?

2007-09-17 21:53:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i feel totally helpless. she is a young, successful business woman. but over the last year, she has gone from being my carefree, loving, strong, independent sister to someone i hardly even recognize.

she seems to live & breathe for his approval. in my opinion, he is extremely judgmental and critical of her every move. & rather than being offended, she accepts it and explains: "he is a really good judge of character, if it wasn't true he wouldn't say it". he has also convienced her that she is the source of all their problems. WTF??

we weren't raised that way. our parents raised us to be strong, independent women. so what happened? how can i tactfully bring this up to her - without alienating her? lately, i feel it has been really difficult to talking to her about him, because she tells him everything.

he also convienced her to back out of her best friends wedding. (she was the maid of honor)

how do i talk to her - without pushing her further into his arms?

2007-09-17 21:32:54 · 6 answers · asked by young, black & gifted 2

I've been wanting to find out my blood type (I've begged all my doctors, but none of them will test me just for my curiosity, they say they have to have a reason to test me, like pregnancy or for transfusions). My dad had type A blood and my mother has type O. Both are definetely my biological parents. Is my blood type definetely one of the two, or can it be another type altogether? And is there a likely reason that one will be dominant over the other?

2007-09-17 21:08:07 · 15 answers · asked by Moon 1

Please tell us why.

2007-09-17 20:17:45 · 24 answers · asked by yperais 2

I think all three McCann children, Gerry, his brother and Philomena all display horrible arrogance.
No doubt a family trait. Have we seen their parents?
Can anybody throw any light on this arrogance?
Where does it come from and why havent they matured out of it??

2007-09-17 20:11:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend is suppose to get his license tomorrow, he is 19, and i am 17. If his parents get him a car, or he uses one of theirs and wants to drive me places. He doesn't drink or do drugs, and niether do i. Do you think i should be allowed to go with him?

2007-09-17 19:14:49 · 8 answers · asked by RojaRego 1

my mom and dad died a little over 6 months ago. my 2nd cousin (who is 32) is my next guardian so she is like a parent sort of. I am 15 and when i do things that are wrong she spanks me. i'm so frustrated with her. i guess i've been arguing and backtalking a lot. last week i snuck out with my boyfriend when she told me not to go anywhere and got home late (wrong i know) i got home and she was really mad she told me to go to her room and wait for her. i argued and yelled at her but then i finally did what she told me. she got in there and freaking pulled me over her lap and SPANKED me. this is not the first time. is this right?

2007-09-17 18:59:57 · 24 answers · asked by ashlynn 1

This is long, but I really need some advice so please take the time to read it. Thanks a lot!

Over the last few months, my husbands little brother has been really getting out of control. My husband and his older brother are 25 and 28, he is only 7. He's been the "Baby" all this time, but since my son was born his jealousy is getting scary. Here are just a few of the things he's done to my son:

Put his foot on his back and pushed/kicked him
Throws numerous toys at him
Jerks things out of his hands
Yells at him
When I was holding my son on the balcony of our porch to show him some things outside he came over and pushed his chest really hard. Had I not been holding his hands, he'd have fallen over 10 ft.
Shakes him
Squeezes his wrists
Every time I've told him to leave him alone (not nicely), and MIL has told him to stop, but he just tells her to shutup

Okay. This is over the last few months. I get soooo mad every time, and MIL usually smacks his leg or yells, but nothing ever


2007-09-17 18:44:28 · 15 answers · asked by ... 1

I am 31 years old, a single mom of an infant. I'm just able to scrape by paying my own bills on what I make. But my parents seem to think I've got money growing out my butt the way they always ask for a "loan" to help them out of financial jams. My mom got a job closer to me & moved in until my dad can sell their place. I'm not asking for rent or for any help with utlities. Our deal was just that she had to buy the groceries each month. Her car died 3 wks later. Turns out after spending $500 (my $$) the mechanic says engine shot. Asks for another loan to get a car. Then dad's car breaks down. $$ from me. My mom just crashed the car I bought her (in my name & on MY insurance). I'm tired of bailing out my parents! I have my own bills! Yet if I say no my dad throws a freaking temper tantrum and issues all sorts of ultimatums. Mom broke her arm in the accident and went to ER, my dad wanted her to go back to have a specialist look at it. She didn't want to. He blamed ME for her refusal!

2007-09-17 17:22:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, in my school this year the seniors have wooden paddles and they plan on spanking freshman with them (im a freshman) But, my brother is a senior, and i thought i was good, but the other day he told me that no one could be left out and to keep a low profile. I felt rather betrayed and mad, first of all i think NOTHING gives them the right to haze, second today i over heard 2 people talking and one of thier brothers stood up for them. I know at least my brother had the courtousy to tell me to lay-low.(I dont think i have a problem, for me its pretty much from school straight home and i live in the country) But im worried about my brother shockingly. Hes so stupid, he could get charged with assult with a weapon or get suspended ect. Ive said he was very stupid to do this before but he thinks hes invinceable. Is there anything i can do to talk some sense into him?

2007-09-17 16:29:23 · 9 answers · asked by chilibean 2

i have a different dad then my brother...we look alike alot...we have thesame mother...but different dads.. do we have thesame blood?...do all sibling hav same blood type i don get it...is he even my brother? i dont wanna call him my half brother :( if i have kids one day are they gonna be related to him..lol I MEAN is he gonna be an uncle or not bcuz we have dif dad..plz try to understand what im saying

2007-09-17 16:14:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 20 years old but I feel like I'm 14. My parents want me to grow up and spread my wings, but they still treat me like a little kid who can't do anything by herself. They want me to take challenges and risks, yet they get mad when I take challenges they don't approve of. I am afraid that when I graduate college I will end up staying at home, afraid of the big bad world and remaining safe wrapped up in the apron strings. I can't move out at the moment because I simply don't have the money to do so and because I would not have much support. I feel like running away from home or doing something wild just to show them I am no longer the timid little child they have raised me to be. I understand that my parents do love me, but I don't think they are doing a good job of showing it by holding me back. Help please...

2007-09-17 15:58:38 · 4 answers · asked by loz_chyna 3

2007-09-17 15:21:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sister jeny just had her 3rd kid!she has had 2 of them with one guy and her new one with some punk kid!i realy love them all but they live with us in a 3 bedroom house!my mom is just a teacher and my dad died 4 years ago!she is allways going out with boys and messing around,while im at home taking care of her kids!how do i tell he im not happy with her and not have her go out and get all stresed out and hurt hersellf?i dont think i said this but she gets mad realy easaly and she does bad things to herself when she is mad!how do i help her and what do i tell her?plz help thank u !

2007-09-17 15:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by TayTay 2

i tottally moved to a city 3 hrs away this summer. school has been going on for about 5 weeks now. I love it her! I have so many friends its not even funny. It seems like all the guys think I'm hot, but now I have a problem. I've got a crush... ALREADY. yeah. he is so hot. He's even in all my gifted classes. (4 classes.) The problem is, he has never gone out with someone, I havent either. He never tells his friends who he likes, i never do either. The other problem is all these other girls in my class like him. He is kinda shy, but can be social. I'm very social. The thing is, he stares at me sometimes and i catch him, then sometimes i stare at him and he'll catch me. It is actually quite embarassing for a few seconds.
Well, anywho, the question is, how do I get him to like me. Also, how can I start a convosation with him. It seems like i can start one with everyone else, but i get nervous to say anything to him. I dont know if he likes me yet, but there is a great possibility.

2007-09-17 14:25:55 · 2 answers · asked by youjrys 1

If you could organize a family reunion with all of your dead relatives, where would you hold it?

2007-09-17 13:31:15 · 4 answers · asked by Lou 5

what do you do?

do you tell right away??

also, how does your parents usually respond. what do they usually ask you.

list your personal expeiriences. =]]

2007-09-17 13:25:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. He has 4 kids, I have none. He has full custody of them (their mother left them). They love me and I love them, but lately my boyfriend and I have been arguing a lot and I just don't feel happy anymore. I don't want to walk out on the kids like their mom did...but I want to be happy too. I have family in another state and we have talked about me going, but he says it is up to me. What should I do?

Serious answers only please.

2007-09-17 11:48:55 · 11 answers · asked by Jamie 4

2007-09-17 11:11:33 · 10 answers · asked by Joshua l 1

Why do family members find it easier to help friends than their own family members? And then come back to you (the family member who they didn't help) and ask for help because the same friends that they helped aren't able to come through for them.

2007-09-17 11:07:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 28 years old and I still fear what they think of me. They are in their 60's and live in another region of the country. The distance has cured some strains in our relationship, but there are a couple decisions I have to make. I don't see a reason to consult them, because all I'll get are nagging and criticism. I hate being reminded of how much I suck and how badly I manage my life. Here are two major decisions:

1. filing bankruptcy-the debt is too great.

2. getting married-after 4 years with the same person, it's about time.

To #2 they would tell me that I'm too young and immature. They probably won't even go to the wedding.

If they had it their way, I wouldn't be married until I'm 35. In the meantime, they want me to move in with them. Normally that's an age when parents are pressuring their children to have children, but these parents are different!

2007-09-17 10:14:18 · 42 answers · asked by Andre 7

What does twice removed mean when refering to a family member???

2007-09-17 10:09:59 · 11 answers · asked by blahblah 2

My niece just lost her virginity about a week ago at a party. She doesn't want me to tell her mom but i don't know what i should do. She's only 14 and we're really close, I don't want her to hate me forever. Should I tell her mom or shouldn't I?

2007-09-17 10:07:26 · 35 answers · asked by ~Ashleigh~ 2

Sometimes my mom can make me so upset that I just feel worthless. She says I'm not caring, she says I'm selfish, that her day would be better without me in it. I asked her something and when I figured it out on my own she rolled her eyes and said "duh". I know I'm a good person and I get A's and my friends love me. But she's really lowering my self-esteem because I keep on thinking "this is my mom saying this". It's not 24/7 but I've finally had enough that I just start crying over the simplest things. Why does she want the perfect daughter???

2007-09-17 09:35:11 · 6 answers · asked by love 1

mmmmkay so heres my problem. Im 15 and im a sophmore. As of last week my parents have been structuring me like crazy. Im not just talking about school work, but that is the main thing. I have to show them my planner and my homework everyday and even though we have an A-Day B-Day schedule in school, I have to do my homework the night its assigned. Also i have to organize my books every weekend. They have set bedtimes and have given me "the privilige" of reading for thirty minutes before i go to bed. I always used to listen to my mp3 player to help me to go to sleep and they were always ok with that until recently. Also I have been wearing earplugs to sleep because my puppy barks in the middle of the night but i cant do that now either. I know they are trying to help and they are real good parents but recently all i have been getting are weird rules and stupid looks. They were never this into everything I do but now they all of a sudden are in every part of everything I do. Please help!

2007-09-17 09:32:58 · 7 answers · asked by vanillacokefiend 1

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