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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My younger brother(17) always attacks my youngest brother(13) and it seems to be at a point where it is unhealthy. He is constantly whaling on the kid, to the point where he is screaming and crying. And it is only in one direction, the 13 yr old never hits the older one. The 17 year old will also taunt him in really cruel ways while he's doing it. For instance, the other day he quipped "Oh, almost got a concussion that time didn't you, HAHAHAHA!!" It's to the point where the youngest one literally walks by him with his hands by his face for protection EVERY time they pass each other. I asked my Dad if he thought this was normal, and he said he thought so...however, he came from an abusive household so I don't know how much weight his opinion holds...I'm just wondering if anyone thinks this is simply normal sibling behavoir or actual abuse? Oh, and if you think this is a stupid question and have something snarky to say don't bother. Just click on the "X" in the corner, thanks.

2007-01-12 19:45:35 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad is battling a serious medical illness which affects his energy level. He has always been a humongous procrastinator and leaves his office untouched. He never cleans it-never. Things lay in piles. In this rm. are also 3 huge non-houshold 6 ft. x 5ft items. My mom is no better-her bedroom has untouched mail and piles of clothes. Unsorted papers are stacked high on her desk & there are boxes of random stuff she just threw in that bar the opening of the hall closet. She only does basic household chores including dishes & laundry & also has a medical condition that prevents her from doing certain household chores at times. I dislike living in this environment but this is how my parents operate. My sister's wedding is coming up in 2 mo's which my dad thinks house should be clean for. How do I not cave under all this stress to be responsible for it-especially my own? I am seeing a professional counselor and it would be very harmful to me to give in.

2007-01-12 18:55:15 · 10 answers · asked by primrose_details 2

It's been three years since my family has fallen apart. My parents divorced after practically being told that if they didn't, they could never have custody of any of their four children. I'm the oldest of four children, and while my younger sisters are well cared for by both mom and dad, my brother is an entirely different story.

He's always been a troublemaker, and is used to having everything he wants. He went into foster care, and my mother fought for custody of him. He was eventually placed back in the house with us, and we thought everything would be fine. I later left my mother's house, and I now live miles away from any family. My mother and I do not get along.

Recently, my mother contacted me and told me my brother was probably going back to Orangewood. He had been living with another family, and I can't get any information from either my mother, or the family he had been staying with.

So now, I want to adopt him, and have him live with me. Is it possible? Help!

2007-01-12 18:11:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad has been here for 8 days and for starters I have never trusted him as he has a twisted version of reality. I have spent my whole life getting away from the deciet that has become a HUGE part of how they live and has prevented them from growing and maturing. Now he has come 683 miles and I just found out that he has been lieing about me to my mother as though I am some incompetant moron. I have tried to be patient and I don't want to hurt his feelings but I cannot deal with his lies anymore, including to me! How do I say, "Ok, its time to drive home, and not hurt his feelings?

2007-01-12 18:06:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to know how to find siblings that I have never met that were born in the state of Texas possibly in the 1970s, but not for sure. Both of my parents are deceased. After my father had died, family friends had told me that there was rumors that my mother had given birth to one or two other children before my parents had been together, and the family friends were not a 100% sure if this was true or not. My mother died before I knew her and my dad never even mention this to me. However, my grandma has passed on and I was never able to ask her about it (my grandpa had died a long time ago) and since then my mother's side of the family has cut contact off for no reason since her death. I guess what I am trying to find out is if this theory is acutally true. Can someone help me?

2007-01-12 18:01:27 · 2 answers · asked by Dachshund Mom 1

My dad has been here for 8 days and for starters I have never trusted him as he has a twisted version of reality. I have spent my whole life getting away from the deciet that has become a HUGE part of how they live and has prevented them from growing and maturing. Now he has come 683 miles and I just found out that he has been lieing about me to my mother as though I am some incompetant moron. I have tried to be patient and I don't want to hurt his feelings but I cannot deal with his lies anymore, including to me! How do I say, "Ok, its time to drive home, and not hurt his feelings?

2007-01-12 17:58:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im very dissapointed, but obviously want her to be happy.Whats the best way to handle the situation and what advice do I need to give her?

2007-01-12 17:33:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to start by saying i am blessed with wonderful kind hearted inlaws i've always respected and gotten along with. but since my first child was born my mother in law has been making me crazy. oh we still get along, but whenever i go to their house with my daughter she bosses me around and tells me what to do, like "go start your car" if i don't comply she'll nag me! of COURSE i am going to start the stupid car, there isn't a need to nag, nor even tell me to, i am a grown up now. and what bothers me more then that is when she says something about my daughters clothing, like "oh this looks like its too small for her.." or "that its getting too small" or something else of that nature. its not that i can't afford new clothing i just want to get as much use out of what i got as possible. yet still her comments drive me nuts, i love the lady but why do i feel like she's always nit picking me? and then she thanks me for having a baby! i didn't do it for her. why do i feel so defensive?

2007-01-12 17:14:26 · 16 answers · asked by KittieKat 1

2007-01-12 17:08:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have not seen my son in 7 years, I feel it would cause more harm than good to get back in his life?

2007-01-12 17:05:26 · 14 answers · asked by crazyc 1

My Mom was my best friend, and everthing I had. She died suddenly overnight, and I had to find her the next morning alone. I just feel like I havent even scratched the surface on grieving, and I have no one who truly understands. The pain and desperation is so much to bear.. Just want to know if there is anyone out there that is or has gone through the loss of a Mother, and wouldnt mind talking to me. Thanks so much for everyones time.

2007-01-12 16:36:01 · 14 answers · asked by N 3

5&7yrs old

2007-01-12 16:30:08 · 5 answers · asked by jai 1

What should you do when your kid went through a bad phase, you had to punish her, she changed but thinks you were too harsh. Now she's a great kid you are proud of, but extremely resentful. Polite but distant, cold though respectful. Should we reward her good points and show love? Should we try to break this apparently endless ice?

2007-01-12 16:20:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter told me on the phone tonite to f*ck off and die... I have never been abusive to my children, however, I did paddle their bottoms when they were younger. Anyway, 1 week after she graduated high school she moved out and got a restraining order against me saying that she was afraid I was going to kill her. Even though I would have won, I didn't bother going to court. I was dumbfounded! I have never told her I would, nor would I. After 2 yrs she came back around and needed a place to stay while she got divorced (I wasn't invited to the wedding). I let her move in pregnant. I was there when the baby was born, first to hold her, first to feed her. she had c-section and was out of it. all of the sudden one day she went off tried to push me out our upstairs window and moved out. she moved in and out 4 times in 6 months. then she claimed i was following her and moved to wyoming. she was here last week (gone since june) & wudn't let me see the baby. she says i need to change my ways

2007-01-12 16:19:25 · 25 answers · asked by it's me, julie 2

Britney Beers was only 4 when she came up missing. She had nobody watching her and she was let sit on a bench by the highway. She has not been seen in years. This happens to children a lot. When we find the rapers, kidnappers, and perverts who hurt our children, why can't we toucher them slowly inch by inch? Our children do not deserve to be killed and tourchered.

2007-01-12 16:11:20 · 12 answers · asked by grannywinkie 6

im 23 yrs old and all i ever hear my mom talk about is my brother and how hes lazy dont do anything....he dropped out of school and just started back uptwo days ago....he does no house work to help out my mom he just plays on the computer all day and night.....he is disrespectful, yells and cusses and my mom and i.....our father passed 5 yrs ago or i know he would beat some sense into him...i know its not my responsibility but i try and take things away from him when hes being a brat....like the comp.....i've even kick his butt a few times but when my mom finds out what i did she tells me....your not his father...he doesnt even take out the trash....please tell me what i am supposed to do cuz its really pissing me off cuz he doesnt do s***. someone give me some advise on what to do with him.....

2007-01-12 15:21:09 · 8 answers · asked by Landon C 1

2007-01-12 15:06:47 · 16 answers · asked by sonia r 1

i lost my father 5 years ago it will be 6 years on march 10th...well I have a 1 year old baby boy and lately i have been really depressed that my child will never know his grampa sometimes i wish i never had him because of this reason...is it wrong to feel this way?. I do love my son. i have had help before over my fathers death and i was on prozacts but i stopped taking them cause my doctor passed away and i don't have a therapist anymore. Should i take my son to his grave site??...it is rite to be sad after all these years? I guess it's so hard for me cause he died in the house we were living in, in front of my sister, mom and I...my mom is still there but i had to move in with my other sister cause i couldn't stand being there and i hardly go back and visit, my mom visits me. I loved my father very much and i know he would of murdered me if he was alive and found out i had a baby at 18 and is living with the father...he was protective

Sorry so many questions and being so long

2007-01-12 15:05:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

both my husband(been married 6 mons)and i each have your own myspace accounts.i went into his(he goes into mine)account and saw a private message from a old gf that said "i know you,i know you well" i know she is still single and local and the fact that my husband is married will not stop her fron comming after him.they have a very long history together to long to explain.it just sounds like shes trying to stir up old emotions in my husband.

2007-01-12 14:54:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you ask questions on here and live with your parents- why don't you talk to them about it instead of asking a group of random people?
I am curious why kids don't talk to their parents these days? My kids talk to me about everything - as well as most of their friends and my "adopted 20-30ish friends".
Why do kids feel they can't ask parents how to get someones attention- or the "do they like me" question and most importantly- "am I pregnant'?

2007-01-12 14:49:29 · 13 answers · asked by Mommyk232 5

First, i got my dad to put an engine in her car for 100 bucks. basically free. since then, the engine went out again. quite a few months later. i attempted to fix the car. i had to get a new head, twice. i ended up spening my own money, which i could not afford. i crawled through the rain and mud in the middle of the night spending countless hours working on this car. i even burnt myself and have a scar for her. if it wasent for me she wouldent have had a vehicle as long as she did.
now she took money the government gave her beyond housing, tuition, books, and bought a practly new car. this isent my issue. my issue is that she will not raise a finger for me. she wont even let her boyfriend help me. even at one point it would have taken him litterly 2 or 3 seconds to help me. litterly, 2, maby 3 seconds. she would not let him.
she is a self centered little prep wana be. and i do not want anythign to do with her.
obviously this has created a huge problem with the family

2007-01-12 14:45:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

CHILDHOOD LOST- A child sits alone watching family's play,wishing hers could be that way. Her family is living a lie, though just a child she refuses to cry. Her family cant know anythings wrong,she holds her chin high , she must stay strong.Only she knew of the demon that lived within, knew he would come again& again She must protect her sister at any cost, so its only her innocense lost. Tho the fear is real & her heart breaks,she knows this is the life she must face.At night she lays in bed afraid to sleep,afraid to move or to speak.She hears his footsteps come deep in the night, quickly preparing herself to fight.Whispers to her sister not to make a sound, she turns ready to stand her ground.Yet her struggles & cries never stopped what she went thru, her strength & pride only grew.In the end all was not lost, She had protected her sister even tho she had paid the cost.

2007-01-12 14:35:43 · 5 answers · asked by earthangel_candy 4

i have this boyfriend who is 21 and im 17 i was wondering if it is illgal in the state of north carolina. my mom doesnt want me moving in with him but thats the only way i can acually see hm and i was waiting to know if it is ilegal to move in with him with out my parents apporval. they just dont undertsand how much i love him this man treats me rite and the most sweetst guy ive ever meet and he is my everything and i cant stand not being with him it drives me crazy. and i jus wanna live with him so i dont have to live with this pain any longer

2007-01-12 14:29:57 · 20 answers · asked by playgurl3615 1

I hate my brother, and he hates me! Ok, well my brother is my twin. The only reason i hate him is because he makes fun of me, and he acts like its a crime to be near me when he is with friends. He also goes onto my IM and talks to my best friends and is super mean to them! He just loves ruining my life! I really hate my brother, as much as i would love to fight, i dont want to set a bad example for my baby brother. Last time time i faught with my brother we had such a big fight my baby brother started crying! Now everytime my prents are arguing my baby brother starts to cry. My brother finds ways to ruin my life. He has dated 4 of my best friends, Just to make me mad! I hate him so much! But i have to live with him! What are some ways i can ignore him?

2007-01-12 14:18:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

He never lets me do anything, anytime it comes for me asking him if i can go out with my friends he alwayz says no, its like im ubder house arrest or sumthing. so is there any suggestions of how i can make him change his mind.

2007-01-12 14:17:05 · 20 answers · asked by vera_dafinest 1

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