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Family & Relationships - 16 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I'm a very friendly outgoing guy and I seem to connect fairly well with people but it seems that nearly all the people I get to know just want whatever they can get from me - like when I made $47 an hour and was very generous with people I had all kinds of people around and when I was injured and couldn't work and I was in the hospital and all that - where was everyone. My wife and I really communicated with a lot of people and we were very generous and then when she died, everyone vanished, and only 2 people one in Texas and one in Iowa (I live in Wisconsin) cared enough to check on me to see how I was doing. So as long as I'm the one calling them, everything is ok, but what about when I can't call them. I don't know why this happens all the time. It seems when I make an effort to reach out to more people I just end up with more acquaintences, and honestly I dont' want more acquaintences, I just want more real friends, and I'm at a loss to understand this.

2007-10-16 05:10:24 · 1 answers · asked by art_flood 4 in Friends

i am not married it is happening to someone i care about very much (family member)

her husband cheated on her this whole summer and she seperating and it gets worst she has three kids under 12. his girlfriend is actual therpist and been married three times (great therapist auh)

but that is not the bad stuff it is been going for years for money issues and having them gone for 15 yrs in another state and finally move back with his backing in the area about two yrs ago. (THEIR WAS NO ABUSE INVOVLED) the had money issues too. and i never like his attitude myself.

first of all as a sister what should i do and why?

and what should she do she still love him obviously for not divorcing what up front and why?

2007-10-16 05:07:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I feel like I've been looking for a girl too long without getting anywhere. (I dont mean one-night). A lot of the people here suggest to stop looking because that's when it happens but I dont know anyone who had stopped looking and met someone in a banal place like the store or something. I could concentrate on something else but I feel like time will fly without anything happening.

2007-10-16 05:07:11 · 11 answers · asked by terminallyalone2007 1 in Singles & Dating

I did forget to mention that I am a virgin and we never had sex…. He was 38 and I was 17…. Now for the comments anybody?

2007-10-16 05:00:32 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

tell me why, why do you deserve it ------ good luck

2007-10-16 05:00:26 · 9 answers · asked by BIG 4 in Singles & Dating

I feel like wherever i go, people are not interested in meeting me. i'm decent looking guy, i'm always dressed and groomed well. I think i'm a pretty interesting person. I'm african american and i hang around mostly whites. It bothers me when i see groups of people taking and i'm kinda the outcast lingering in the shadow. I know that i should approach and make conversation, but why can't people come to me.

2007-10-16 04:57:45 · 7 answers · asked by CuriosityKills 3 in Singles & Dating

Take a look at my 360 profile if you need.. but I hear that im sexy on a daily from people on the internet and women that I meet in my daily life. But Im not trying to be.. I dont wake up in the morning and say im going to be sexy.. So what makes Men Sexy?

I wanna know what it is im doing that drive the women that im around Crazy?

2007-10-16 04:56:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-10-16 04:55:12 · 31 answers · asked by Frog-Leggs 3 in Friends

I know in Vegas it isn't.

2007-10-16 04:55:11 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

First, let me say that I am about as close as and ex-mother and law and ex-wife can be.I have lived with her both with my ex-husband and without. Also, my ex-husband is a drug addict and a looser.I say this with no malice, its just the truth. Here is the issue:my ex was working and paying child support for the first time ever (our son is 12).About a week ago he got black out drunk and broke his arm.This makes him unable to work and therefore unable to pay any support. I found out last night that she went ahead and paid his rent, bought him groceries, etc., since he has no money.What this means to me is that I am the only 1 suffering for his bad decision to get that drunk.He has a place to live and food. Now all he has to do is hang out with his GF, get high, play video games and watch TV. I am now without means to pay my bills. I feel she shouldnt have rewarded him for his bad decision. should I say something, or just leave it be? I am really, really angry about this.

2007-10-16 04:53:31 · 7 answers · asked by pepper_0713 2 in Family

you are bored with life. you just split up with a guy. you just wanna have fun and sleep with tons of guys just to get over this one. you live at home and don't get along with any of your siblings. don't have many friends and are in desperate need of ahobby?

2007-10-16 04:53:12 · 9 answers · asked by pookie 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I are planning on renewing our vows for our 5 year anniversary (April 08').

We were married at the courthouse because my husband was in the military and getting ready to ship out for a year so we had no time to plan a wedding.

We are renewing our vows to reaffirm our love for one another and be able to involve our family and friends.

I want the wedding that I have always dreamed of and I want to wear a simple veil (no blusher). My family says that it is ok because it is my day, but my friend feels that it is inappropriate.

I will also like suggestions on how to involve our 5 children in the ceremony. The boys will be ages 7,4,and 3. The girls will be 5 and 1.

I would also like to know if it will be ok to have attendants or not.

I want to wear a simple wedding gown with a small train.

2007-10-16 04:51:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

when ur child gets suspended is that a break for the teachers, punshment for the parents and how does it benefit the child? if anything i think the child is more then happy to be at home.

2007-10-16 04:51:02 · 7 answers · asked by Zest 3 in Family

well my cuzz Lj gots a gurl.....they been togetha for 6monthz now.
i been there for them alot.they been fighting and everything.they
almost broke up but i made them stick togetha
they are happy now i think but..
for the last 3monthz i been messin wid her.
no really the first month i was messin with her
then after that i got her into loving me.
were togetha.she lovez me.i love her.
we ain't like her and Lj.we happy.we never have fighted before.
she lovez me to deaf.i got her sprung.
she got me sprung.but the thing is....
she with my cuzz too.
i told her "we can be togetha but you cant brake up with Lj
for me or anything.you gotta keep loving him"
that what i said to her.they dont have sex alot.she lovez having sex with me.
if my cuzz ever found out.what yall think might would happen?
i can't drop her.i love her.
what should i do?and what yall think?

2007-10-16 04:50:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

1. Acquire a jellymeat sandwich habit.
2. Try to beat the worls record for non-stop sneezing.
3. Watch movies about maladjusted couples who put each other through hell, and keep pointing to the screen , saying "That's just like us! We do that!"
4. When introducing your partner to other people, refer to them as your "squeeze", your "ball and chain" or your "stinky, stupid enemy".
5. Only ever talk to them about how great their mother is.
6. When you talk try to look past them
7. Bite
8. Tell them what you really think of them.
9. Eat raw garlic.
10. Make pig squels your "lanuage of love"
11. Fake incontinence
12. Keep a photo of your ex by the bed.
13. Buy a drum kit. Omly ever get inspired at 4am
14. Whenever they start talking about themselves, say "yeah what ever".
15. Give them a stupid name like "Floopsy" or "Pumpkie", and only ever address them by it.
16. Never let them see your feet. They'll eventually become obsessed and you can dump them for being 'weird'.
17. Keep a dossier on each of their friends. Refer to it whenever them visit them.
18. Insist on living like a rat for a year as "part of my psychology experiment". Even if you are not studying psychology.
19. Move to another country because 'abscence makes the heart grow fonder'.
20. Hold their hand whenever you're out in public. Don't let go.
21. Always make them walk two (2) paces behind you.
22. Pretend to be an authority on every single topic of conversation.
23. Make the realtionship inot a competition.
24. Get involved in all their work place squabbles.
25. Pay them a 'suprise' visit. Hide in their bedroom closet and when they come home, jump out screaming.
26. Have 'cliff-hanger' arguments, where you mysteriously dissappear halfway through and reappear at the same time a week later.
27. Go on a 'humour-strike' for charity. Never laugh and bring up depressing topics whenever the mood starts picking up.
28. Talk under your breath and scowl.
29. Point out how attractive you find their friends.
30. Practice conceptual art by smashing all their stuff and gluing it back together in novel ways.
31. Neglect to discuss your policy on "open relatonships" until they catch you opening up.
32. Get your anme tattooed on their arm without telling them.
33. Never forgive, never forget.
34. Try to use the TV remote to turn them off when they get on your nerves.
35. Make the 'Birdie dance' your special song
36. Build a sandpit next to the bed.
37 . Suggest counsellign might help. When they agree to go along, say "Hey not for me Buddy - You're the one with the problem".
38. Split up with them as soon as possible, b/c they just wanna love ya and leave ya and tear out ya heart.
39. Run with scissors.
40. Make inverted comma signals in the air whenever you're talking about their so-called "life".

2007-10-16 04:50:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i occasionally still see my ex and i find it a bit akward when she talks about her current boyfriend.I still like her as a friend but i need advice.

2007-10-16 04:47:15 · 50 answers · asked by Wayne B 2 in Singles & Dating

hello, i know that girls love chocolate a lot and cant live without it .so tell me if they prefer it than guys.
(what girl will choose between bar of Chocolate and nice Guy?)

2007-10-16 04:45:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband has cheated on me and I need to hire a lawyer in order to protect my interests and those of my son... but I don't have any money. My husband made the money and I stayed home with our son. Recently he'd told me to leave the house so I left with our son and moved in with my parents. We didn't have any savings and there's barely anything left in our checking account (he's still left me on our joint checking account so that I can withdraw money as needed to pay for food or clothing, etc).

We've been married about 3 and a half years. Our son is 2 years old and I'm also worried about custody. I live in Arizona, the Phoenix area. Is my best bet to go through friends and to see if they can find a lawyer they know who would take me on pro bono, or are there free services out there for people like me that I've never heard of?

2007-10-16 04:43:13 · 16 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 in Marriage & Divorce

When u go out i always see some girls that I would love to ask out. However people say you can't ask some randomn girl out because it can get awkward, they say that its better to go ask the girls you work with or go to school with.
I go to an all boys school so errr yeh, there's a problem. So should i ask girls out if i see them in the mall or when im out?
If so, how? Any tips? please don't say how act cool and natural because thats a bit vague

2007-10-16 04:42:32 · 20 answers · asked by MANUTD RULES 2 in Singles & Dating

my 18 year old sis just got back from fl she was with a guy she been with since 8th grade and now he doesn't care bout her he hangs out till 2 in the morning and hides his phone so she cant c it ... she might want to go back but he used to hit her .. i need a way 2 get her to stay what do i tell her?

2007-10-16 04:41:42 · 3 answers · asked by BЯIGHT 2 in Family

ive came down to a very hard decision, i need to break up with my current boyfriend. he is very demanding and he dosnt understand that the way i was brought up is why i do the things i do too him. like i cheated on him a month ago, i felt guilty and told him, and now he BRINGS IT UP EVERYDAY. AND DOSENT DROP IT. HE CALLS ME A SLUT, A WHORE, A HOE, AND WHEN WE ARGUE HE GETS MAD AT ME AND TELLS ME TO GO **** MY EX AGAIN. HE ALSO TELLS ME TO **** OFF. and it really hurts and he knows it. and he gets mad over myspace, like, i comment a few guys's pictures and he flippes out on me and assumes im going to cheat on him.... :( i love him soo much, and i deeply regrett cheating. but he cant get over it. i cant make him see it was a mistake and im truly sorry... he's still with me. but i think i need to end it soon. any ideas on how i should?

2007-10-16 04:40:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've heard of a few bands who pulled it off; specifically Paramore.
But, we've never had any complications when it comes to fighting, and we're all reasonable people. I mean, I just want to know how to comprimise with him so that when we break up, it won't be on bad terms - for the band's sake.

2007-10-16 04:40:08 · 3 answers · asked by Pixie 4 in Singles & Dating

I have posted some things bout this before but I really need some help on this one, my girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me and I am not sure what to do. She wants me to forgive her and she has been acting like nothing happend, I try and talkt o her and find out what happend or why we went down that path to begin with and she doesnt want to talk about it. Eveyone tells me that once a cheat always a cheat but I love her so much and I feel that if I leave her that I will still be hurting her and that hurts me. Now I have another problem after all this happend I met another girl through work who lives in another state and she is starting to take a liking to me in fact she wants to fly out and see me, she doesnt know that me and my girlfriend are still together and I dont want to upset her either, I dont want to tell her to get lost becuase I amnot sure if I shoudl leave my girlfriend or not I know this is kinda stupid hearing this from a "guy" but I am so confused HELP me before I loose it

2007-10-16 04:36:24 · 48 answers · asked by Zues 1 in Singles & Dating

I mean average height, build, weight, black hair, brown eyes, etc. It seems like all girls are interested in above average so what do all the other average guys do?

2007-10-16 04:34:27 · 21 answers · asked by terminallyalone2007 1 in Singles & Dating

sweeping her off of her feet ;o)

2007-10-16 04:33:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If you are dating, just dating and having fun seeing where it goes ?

what does that mean in guys terms?

Also, just dating should I be just dating other guys too to help see which I want..

2007-10-16 04:32:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

That is way too long- right?
We were invited and It is going to be from
3:30pm- Midnight!!!! Wow! The ceremony is from 2-3:30pm. For a grand total of 10 hours!
What do you think?

2007-10-16 04:32:26 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

last night for some unknown reason, i brought up my boyfriend's dad. it has been bugging me for awhile, i heard from my dad that his dad cheated on his mom. i asked him about it and he is furious. he wants to know who told me and who is spreading rumors about his dad... i won't tell him who it is because i know something like that could kill us. what can i do to save this??

2007-10-16 04:31:46 · 27 answers · asked by Noodle 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm not trying to be perverted here but many times when I go to the club and I dance with women (grinding ) I get an erection which is quite embarrassing. Is there a way to prevent this?

Note: Thinking of baseball doesn't work.

2007-10-16 04:28:16 · 9 answers · asked by Dolce Vita 1 in Singles & Dating

big b o o b s?? I cannot help that I like them. Why do women get so offended that men like looking at them?

2007-10-16 04:27:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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