I'm 21 and yes, i'm young but i felt like i've never accomplished anything "good" in my life both through my
"professional" (education/career) and "personal" (parties/bars) lives. I don't know it's b/c of the fact i graduated
from high school at 17 and that I haven't gotten into my major yet.
I'm striving to be a nurse but nursing school is just freakin competitive. I'm a nursing assistant, volunteer,
etc...I have my associate's degree YET i STILL haven't gotten in and it's beating me up inside. Also,
after my freshman year of college I decided to be "low key" - i didn't feel comfortable with the whole "group"
parties, bars, clubs, etc...getting into your "clique" and knowing "people that know people"...i just wanted
everything to be simple...hang out with few CLOSE friends and do simple things - movie, dinner, etc...
I know i sound like i prick...i'm aware of what a B I T C H it is hard getting into nursing and i've sacrificed
a hardcore social life but i feel like i'm missing out...i see my other friends and it seems that they have it both.
They can party and still go to school...why am i feeling this?
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