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Family & Relationships - 7 September 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I would just like to say what a pleasure it is to read most of the answers that are posted on these forums to some very difficult conditions...I have learned much about how to deal with some situations I never even considered.

So THANK YOU for your articulate thoughtfulness...I, for one, appreciate you...And I think those in need of advice and counsel are most grateful as well.

Sincerely, Jim

2007-09-07 15:32:47 · 3 answers · asked by thud.fan 6 in Family

Do u think its appropriate for a 15yo guy do look at photos of the opposite in el nude

2007-09-07 15:30:10 · 13 answers · asked by just tht kid over there 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am 22. been with the same guy for almost 6 years now. He has a 6 year old daughter (almost 7) who I have been around since she was 1. I love her so much and do SOOO much for her. Take to school (mother not there for 1st day of Kindergarten) , put in piano lessons, school shopping, you name it!! She lives with me and her dad one week on, and with the mother one week on. When we bring her home from her mothers house I have a hard time adjusting, I feel like I am being very cold to her. Not only that but I am unable to have children and I have some major jealousy and resentment issues towards the ex-wife who is a whole nother monster! She acts like me and my husband (childs dad) are nothing to the child and I have no idea what crap she feeds my stepdaughter. However she defends the mother constantly. Child knows there is plenty of tension.I am starting to have a lot of issues with taking on a rold of step parent and my boyfriend STILL wont marry me.....6 years later.how to deal with it

2007-09-07 15:29:51 · 12 answers · asked by Amy M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ive had a million phone calls from parents and teachers and a million conversations with her but she wont stop!what should i do?

2007-09-07 15:29:36 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Yesterday my mom told me that her and my stepdad were divorced but I acted like it was nothing. But now I have been about to cry a lot today because he's the only one who had been a role model and a father for me and now he has to leave in January I am very upset...I can't believe this. Doesn't this suck or what??? Right now lifes bad I don't what I am gonna do i just need some help, I'm so mad its not even funny

2007-09-07 15:28:07 · 6 answers · asked by mmmm 2 in Family


2007-09-07 15:25:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My mother-in-law (a lot about her in previous post), called me today as I was getting ready to run out the door. I didn't answer...I walked out the door 5 minutes later and she is walking up my driveway. I was really on my way to go shopping but told her I was going to my parents for dinner so that she couldn't stall. My parents live right down the street so she decided to walk down with me and stay for 45 minutes until my mom invited her to stay for dinner.
I think its rude of her to just stop in after I didn't answer. I obviously didn't answer for a reason. What if I was sleeping? or just didn't want visitors (my house was a mess today)? She has in the past just popped over while we were "occupied" in the bedroom. Why doesn't she get the hint that if I don't answer the phone or the door I don't want visitors.
Weren't her 2 actions today (stopping at my house and over staying her welcome at my parent's) just incredibly rude?

2007-09-07 15:23:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

my older sister died 2 yrs ago is it time to move on i been crying and thinking bout her every day is it time?

2007-09-07 15:21:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Okay. So my married male friend of 10 years asked me to participate in a swingers thing with him. This guy is happily married with a wife who is as naughty as he wants her to be. He just wants variety. Now, I was friends with his wife (we lost touch), and was in their wedding party. Obviously I won't do it, but I ask the question: is this normal behaviour for a happy, sexually satisfied male? And does this mean he does not respect me to be asking me to do such a thing with him? (no, he wasn't asking to sleep with me... he just needed to be part of a pair, and his wife would have kicked his @ss).

2007-09-07 15:17:28 · 27 answers · asked by babeedoll_05 2 in Marriage & Divorce

my mother in law heard my husband and i talking. we were speaking english and she mostly speaks spanish.
she pops into our convo and tells me im not stupid dont talk about me and dont talk to my son like that!! i said what we are talking about is none of ur business and then she says its my son and he is my business. my husband literally had to take her aside and explain we were not speaking about her and proceded to tell her what we werre actually talking about. this upset me becuz i think it was none of her business also he is grown and her being his mother was not a valid reason for her to be trying to eaves drop. am i wrong??

2007-09-07 15:15:20 · 5 answers · asked by 1glamchick 1 in Family

My mom never told me she was pregnant. I notice her belly was big but I thought that she was getting fatter. I asked my mom why her belly was so big and she said she didn't know and always change the subject and lie to me. I made it very clear to her that I don't want another sibling, especially a sister. I already have 2 siblings and that's enough for me. I ask her if there is a baby and she said no. So I believed her. Also I didn't think she could get pregnant because she's like 40 years old. I mean, how can anyone have a baby at that age without undergoing some kind of treatment??? Both my mom and dad never said a word to me about the pregnancy and never mentioned it, so I believed that she was just fat. Then a month later I didn't see her for two days. Of course my dad doesn't tell me why she is gone. Then I come home from school and I see her. She tells me to take a look at my baby sister! I was beyond shocked!!! She lied to me and never told me about the pregnancy!!

2007-09-07 15:14:35 · 32 answers · asked by AAA 2 in Family

9 11. I was a senior in high school and I heard the teacher sniffling. She took us outside without telling us why and my mom came to pick me up. We watched the news glued to the screen. We cried a little, because my older brother was in New York for vacation. He called shortly after we turned off the TV. When we knew it was over, mom took me and my little sister to the only rollerblading place opened. She though we should have something cheerful in the sea of sadness. That's what I wrote in my diary that day. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. Remember.

2007-09-07 15:13:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I really wanna be a model, and I have been wanting to for awhile, I have the looks, the body and all that, but how can I tell my mom. I have 2 friends that model, but she thinks there moms make them do it for the money. I dont care about the money, I want to model.

2007-09-07 15:10:25 · 6 answers · asked by bamablondie5 1 in Family

ok. Today the dude I babysit asked me to babysit his two kids while they went out. And I have a lot of homework. Well I have to read To Kill A Mocking Bird and its due Tuesday (on chapter 3) so tonight I wanted to get that done. Well I said to her that I was gonna tell him no not tonight. And she like flipped out. We got into it on how I didn't think I should have to babysit and that she didn't need to tell me what to do. I had a long day at school because I am getting my wisdom teeth so I didn't feel good plus the kids are loud and annoying so I don't wanna bother. Well she got into saying they made my bro work and I am not better...I know that but like I should have say in when I wanna babysit and its FRIDAY NIGHT! What if I had a date or something. So then she said they have some other girl babysit, and I said well why couldn't they get her and she goes its friday and she is in college! And I was like so I am in high school and its friday no difference. Should she of made me go orno

2007-09-07 15:10:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I was watching the Rap Stars' Wives thing and most of the wives had the "you had him once but I've got him all the time" mentality. Where does that come from? How do they let their men back into their lives knowing they've been with other women? I know the men love their wives and don't love the other women they have sex with but I'm curious as to why a women would stay with a man that does that.

2007-09-07 15:07:52 · 11 answers · asked by lj 1 in Marriage & Divorce

they told me maybe a weekend once in a while now it seems i am working every weekend unless i ask for it off. It is really screwing up my relationship with my boyfriend. He works during the day during the week and i work 2nd shift during the week and on the weekends sometimes. We dont get to spend hardly any time together and it is really starting to effect the relationship. I dont like not being able to spend time with him. So i dont know how to say well when you hired me you said i wasnt going to have to work weekends and then it was well once in a while and then every-other and now it is every weekend and i cant do it . I dont have the balls to say anything or i cant say it without being mean about it. So what do you think i should do?

2007-09-07 15:06:10 · 9 answers · asked by amandarou82 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have never met a girl in the state I live in that isnt shallow...I don't know where to look othaer than my school...but that place has more shallow girls than you can imagine...Is there any sign I can use to tell if a girl is shallow or not? Where are the Best places where most unshallow girls are at?

2007-09-07 15:05:50 · 15 answers · asked by Far Beyond Driven 7 in Singles & Dating

I just asked this question but I guess I didnt give enough detail....
Okay, my now exboyfriend brought home a 16 year old, mind you he is 24.. I got a little upset, he wanted to discuss our relationship problems infront of everyone. I thought that was barbaric
/.. anyways, I got a little upset and raised my voice, he called the cops on me and had me removed. the next day he went to the courts and asked for an order of protection. I have never harmed him before mind you and anyways a few days later I was served.. I want to appeal (I DO NOt want him back, I just dont want this on my permanent record)(the only thing I have done to him was threaten to kick his a@@.. She can keep him.
I get so nervous, and my heart starts pounding..
I want to appeal but not sure how, please help

2007-09-07 15:05:05 · 7 answers · asked by valleygirl_1986 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Seriously, this girl acts like she hates me. But then she stares at me all the time, and pats my back. I guess she wants me to think that she hates me, but she does all that sh*t. One day, she just randomly came up to me and told me she was a virgin..wtf??? Today, I saw her at a pep rally, and she looked at me and kinda smiled, then licked her lips.

I'm not gay or anything, that's just gross. I don't accept stuff like that, I truely ignore her as much as I can, and act like she doesn't exist.

2007-09-07 15:04:43 · 1 answers · asked by sweetchick 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

How do be a housewife?? I Don't know how to cook :\ or how to be a mom, can anyone help me? is there anything i can do to learn how to do these things, that are inexspensive, I don't know where to begin with all this stuff :( help?

2007-09-07 15:04:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i want to ask her out so bad...but im not sure if i should just ask her out and get straight to the point. i really care about her, and what her answer is going to be....i guess thats why im so nervous...seriously IM right now if you have answers (crz_dh)...im planning on askin her tomorrow....and i need help tonight

2007-09-07 15:01:09 · 37 answers · asked by silent ruler 2 in Singles & Dating

I went on vacation for 2 months and got back a few days ago.prior to these 2 months we had a baby in march it has been a downward spiral since. My husband is into sports,computer,and xbox/I don't want to nag but i am unhappy. I try to be happy but i don't trust easily and this is a huge problem i feel like he will or has cheat on me and i didn't feel like this until the baby i am happy with the way i look and i love my baby 'm so paranoid, and feel inadeqate to the electronics, and i know theres more to life but i want us to work,no counseling wanted by either party.any suggestions anybody else out there manifesting crazy thoughts?

2007-09-07 14:55:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I found it out just a month ago, and we're getting married in a week. I feel so devastated, so hurt...like he's still holding on to his past. When i asked him about it, if he can get rid of it, coz I'm not comfortable with it, around the house he bought for us, he said its a TIME CAPSULE. What should i do? I'm so broken in pieces right now..I need advice..HELP

2007-09-07 14:54:44 · 19 answers · asked by im insecure 1 in Weddings

So here is the deal. In school my girlfriend doesn't like to hug, hold hands, me put my arm around her, lightly hold her waist or anything like that... but she told me that is was fine to do that.

Well, comes to find out that she talks to other people, and she told them that she never wants to touch me again, or for me to touch her.... just high fives.

We're 16, I would like a hug now and then, I mean I understand that at school ya know we don't have to, but like at vball games (she cant date yet) and stuff ya know a simple hug goodbye would do...

What should I do?

p.s. she doesn't know, that i heard she talked about this to other people... I mean i told her once that if she didnt want to touch then that was fine, i could just spend time with her, but what bothers me is that she cant approach me about this.

2007-09-07 14:53:31 · 45 answers · asked by ? 3 in Singles & Dating

My mother in law lived with my husband and I for 5 months, she never cleaned, helped with bills, or helped with the kids. I never complained but I always constantly found myself cleaning after her and paying her share. When I finally got fed up I asked my husband to speak with her and she decided she should move in with her own daughter.
I am very close with my husbands sisters so when it was brought to my attention what she had been telling them I was shocked. She had said I lived in filth never cooked and was a neglectful mother. this really hurt me and I want to say something so bad but what? Also now that I just bought a home and am expecting another child she wants to move in again and "help out". I think she is mad because I had her son bring it to her attn about me cleaning up after and cooking for her. Am i wrong to say no and should i bring up her previous comments?? She speaks spanish only I have learned some but would need an interperter.

2007-09-07 14:52:25 · 8 answers · asked by 1glamchick 1 in Family

He always looks at my boobs (while im wearing a shirt and especially a bathingsuit) and in the pool he looks down @ my down there part 2. He has touched my boobs and vagina w/ pubic hair and i never wnt him 2 EVER do it again. it was not my choice. He dances naked in front of mirrors and stuff. im 12 and hes 15

2007-09-07 14:51:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Have been married before and just want to go and have a quick ceremony. Where can you get a marriage license and get married on the spot. I am in MIchigan and have had people tell me to go to Toledo, Ohio, or Indiana somewhere or a drive thru in Vegas, how does this work. Thanks!!!

2007-09-07 14:50:42 · 11 answers · asked by Alibigirl 1 in Weddings

When she gets home from work,

She expects me to have dinner ready and give her foot and back massages,

When I'm tired from watching TV and drinking beer all day.

Is she asking too much?

2007-09-07 14:48:04 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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