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Family & Relationships - 16 August 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

So my guy friend and I were "dating", but he broke up with me because I was in a "bad state of life", meaning I was depressed and unhappy and he couldn't deal with it at the time. He had a lot going on, his grandmother had died, he quit football, his dad thought he "was a failure". I talked to him the other day and he said that "**** had settled down finally". I know he still likes me because a few weeks before he had said "there is no way to express how I feel about you, how much I love you". I really want to ask him for another chance, and promise him that I will not try to control him if we do get back together. I really love him. I also want to tell him I've changed. Should I ask him now? I don't want to wait until it's too late.

2007-08-16 13:25:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

about a year ago,me(33), mom, sis(35) and my niece(17) rented a house together. after i had all my stuff moved in i tried helping them w/ theirs but they are all procrastinators and every day would wait till i had stuff to do(like go to work, exercise, spend time w/fiance etc.) to ask for my help. so, when i told my sister one day i wouldnt help her b/c she waited till noon to get her butt in gear, we got in a huge fight some very hurtful stuff was said by both of us and i ended up moving out. she seems to think i owe her an appology for something and as far as i'm concerned the whole thing can just be forgotten. i'm sure at some point we will be more than just civil w/ each other and i dont want to regret not having her share this special time with me. but on the other hand i've done nothing wrong and dont think i should appoligize or ask her forgiveness. what would you do?

2007-08-16 13:22:11 · 16 answers · asked by nicole e 1 in Weddings

Son, age 26 still lives at home. Has had only two jobs since graduation for only a short time each. Was fired from both for poor attendance. Makes excuses and blames everyone and everything for why he doesn't get out on his own. Has health problems but nothing serious. Has had a few bad breaks but nothing serious. We provide everything for him. He does very little around the house, has a negative attitude, and tries to lecture us and micro-manage everything we do. I've told him repeatedly it's time for him get a job and get his own place. He always has a comeback and tries to make me feel guilty. Threatens to disown us. We're willing to help, but he needs to help himself also. If I don't do something I'm afraid he will be with us until he's 87! This causes problems as his step-father resents totally providing for a grown man. My other son, not yet 18 is already working on advancing to adulthood and is making good progress. Need a way to do this without alienating him. Suggestions?

2007-08-16 13:10:09 · 19 answers · asked by L D 1 in Family

got divorced just over 2 years ago, started proceedings for access to my child, mother moves house.
i started searching everywhere for her to see my child but couldnt find her.
2 years later phoned post office where she used to live and they told me she had died.shocked to say the least, where is my daughter.
remembered one of her friends names and contacted her she gave me details of where she is now, with tel no and address.
phoned and my ex wife's step brother answered and says he is looking after her, and does not want me to see her for a 2 years.
phoned him back next day and played nice, asking why he didnt phone me in 2 years to tell me about the circumstance and to pick up my daughter,he said he is in will as guardian.
then asked aout the grandmother who i knew was living with him and he said she is fine and promptly ended the conversation.found out the next day the grandmother had died a year ago and he had lied.went to pick her up + was almost arrested.what should i do?

2007-08-16 13:07:21 · 15 answers · asked by TREVOR G 2 in Marriage & Divorce

also what age is a good or the averga age where males lose their virginity?

2007-08-16 13:04:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My fiance is half Mexican (his father's side) and his last name is Perez. He does not know his father, but kept this name as a child instead of his mom's last name. Will everyone automatically assume I am Mexican because of my last name, I work mostly through email and phone. Same for our future kids who will only be 1/4 Mexican.

2007-08-16 12:57:57 · 43 answers · asked by Snarf 3 in Weddings


Well...Im 13...so I guess my face is gonna change a bit more (for the good, hopefully!!)

But yeah anyways...heres pic
Btw...its totally natural...not 1 thing of make-up on my face...im actually in my pajamas!

Be honest...I can take it! o and do you think i'll get prettier?

♥ ♥ ♥

2007-08-16 12:56:25 · 46 answers · asked by Maddie 2 in Singles & Dating

Do you rather your man be madly in love with you or you madly in love with him?

2007-08-16 12:56:09 · 9 answers · asked by hottie7 2 in Singles & Dating

I love men who can really sing.

2007-08-16 12:54:09 · 5 answers · asked by peaches6 7 in Singles & Dating

Will if i am sad i just write it down and then i feel better or i can tell them that i am very sorry...

2007-08-16 12:50:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My ten month old bit my husband on the back of the leg, so my (POS) husband flipped him over and slapped him on the leg. It left a hand print where you could see where all of his fingers were, and little welts in between the finger marks. It was red for about 15-20 minutes. I was so mad, I yelled at him, he called me a ***** so I smacked him on the mouth and he slapped me so hard my ear was ringing. I'm not worried about me, but I took pictures of my sons leg, and I wanted to know if this was punishable by law. I'm not about to let this crap happen again. He's just a baby for God's sake! I know this is a crappy place to come for something like this, but I don't really want to talk to anyone about it because they'd come over and kill him. I don't want all of that drama right now. What should I do?

2007-08-16 12:49:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my wife have been married for 4 years and have a 5 year old kid. i didnt want a kid but married her because of the child. i became verbally abusive (textbook case) to her over the years and we have been on a love rollercoaster ever since. Finally after 4-5 years she had enough and mentally seperated herself from me and cheated on me with the same random guy twice. I did some soul searching and found that i had really been screwing up as a husband spilled my guts to her because i did love her deep down inside. she agreed to give it one last try and things have been going alot better the last few months but i still cant get over the fact she cheated on me while we were still married and i think about it every day, should i just leave and spare myself the heartache or will it get better.

2007-08-16 12:48:54 · 10 answers · asked by Slim T 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My girlfriend is leaving for college in 10 days 10 days we still have!!!!! I promised her plus she asked me to take off I'd take for a week to be with her. I took off from this Friday - next Saturday (the day she moves in) to help her move in and EVERYTHING. I go to a community college locally.

I don't go back to school until September 4th. I asked her if during this week I could have 2-3 days to be with my other friends and go down the shore to there beach house or just 2-3 days to myself.

She got VERY UPSET. When she asked me why I said "I'd like to do some other things before I leave for college as well"

which is the truth!!!

She went onto to say
"Fine, then don't bother hanging out with me at all if your other friend's are more important. I'm very insulted"


I realize I have the week after she leaves but still!!!


2007-08-16 12:48:09 · 11 answers · asked by BadToTheBone 1 in Singles & Dating


When ever i think I like a guy and they like me it turns out they dont. They always go after the skinnt blonde girls and its so annoying. I think that i'm pretty but when no one is interested in me i feel fat and ugly. IDK what to do what to say. I just want them to like me instead for a change....help

2007-08-16 12:46:21 · 4 answers · asked by Natalie 2 in Singles & Dating

Any Ideas?
I would love to give a special gift to my fiance as a token of our engagement.. I have a ring, so why should he have something? :o)
He's not really a watch man, but ANY ideas will be muchly appreciated! Thank you!

2007-08-16 12:45:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

My husband an i had some financial trouble last year(due to circumstances beyond our control) and the family really pitched in and helped out(all be it grudgingly, and yes we are paying it back). We are doing much better now, but the in-laws are always calling and asking if we are catching the bills up. They are not so much concerned as they are nosy. They want to know how much we are making and how we're planning to spend it. If we take a day trip to the zoo or buy an iced coffee they "*****" about us spending money. I guess i just feel like its our money and its none of their business. I also suspect they discuss our finances with other members of the family too.

2007-08-16 12:44:58 · 20 answers · asked by avz 2 in Family

As children we thought mommy was our hero, and the greatest person in the world, although she never was there for us. She was a great provider buying us the best clothes & toys Her dis-interest came aparent when she re-married,She totally ignored us as she had her lovers & went on trips leaving us at home to be violated, this went on for 7 yrs till me and my sister left home at 14 & 7 her to live with her father & me with my grandmother. We both returned to mom as teenagers to find we still had to fend for ourselves, as she was more interested in her men, & drugs. I moved out and got married & my sister went to live with her father. I got divorced & moved closer to my mother after she went into rehab and split from her new husband after having another child. Everything was fine until this year when she sucked all my money & threw me & my kids out in the street cause I had no more. Then my children tell me she talks about me calling me a slut, I no longer want her in our lives.

2007-08-16 12:44:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Hi everyone my name is J.C. ! I was a christain for so long , until 2 nights ago , all because my family seems to totally hate my guts. They litlerly went to my friends house and told her sister to tell my friend not to call me or even talk to me . Its all because shes 15 and I am 19 . Now I am back to my old life to where I have no friends and its like the whole world hates my guts ! So I have decited to give up all this bogas God Stuff and turn myself into a Gothic. Hopefully I will meet some nice people on here to were I can talk to when I am needing to talk to someone.

2007-08-16 12:42:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I am 14(I know young....dont comment on my age plz) and I am dating THE dream guy.Especially for me.He is 17 and we are so in love(dont dare say that I'm too young to be in love). I swear there are signs that we are meant to be. And we both know it.Is it wrong for me to be dating him?How will I tell my fam?And plz dont comment on my age only for points.

Signs include:
1.finish each others sentences
2.Knowing what the other person is thinking.
3.Can feel when the other person is thinking about touching eachother.
4.Look at life,love,everything the same way.
5.NOT exactly alike eacho other

2007-08-16 12:42:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what are some of the things that men like to talk about besides sex? what are somethings that men hate in a relationship? what are things that a woman can do to keep the relationship healthy and strong?

2007-08-16 12:41:21 · 10 answers · asked by beautifuldiva1986 2 in Singles & Dating

She is more civil to me than anything. She will come to visit when she need's something, money, sitter, etc. She will say things like, I want to go to the movies, but have no one to go with, and I'm sitting right there. I buy her gifts, I went to Europe a few weeks ago, and bought her very nice gifts. I was there for her when she got fired from her job by her manager, and guess who she is going to the movies with on Friday, this same person who got her fired! One night I mentioned that I wanted to go out, she was going out, and didnt even ask if I wanted to come along. I am very family oriented, I put family first. At first I felt hurt, but now I want to shut her out of my life, and teach her a lesson so to speak. There is a 3 year age difference between us, and are next door neighbors. Do I stop trying to get close to her and stop wasting my time?

2007-08-16 12:41:13 · 4 answers · asked by lady29 1 in Family

we have had soooo many problems and we fight constantly. He was depressed for a long time and he finally came out of it . With all the problems and cheating on his part i dont know how i feel anymore. A couple of days ago i was hanging out with some friends and i found myself really attracted to somebody else which is new for me. He doesnt know who i am and i dont know too much about him except he dated one of my friends for like a week and then she cheated on him. I have his number and i am tempted to call but i am married. What the hell is happening to me?

2007-08-16 12:41:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

SO i am graduating from college with a biology degree. I want more than anything to be a field biologist. I have been offerred a position in Georgia with the company i interned for-doing what i love getting paid squat.OR I can move to FLA-where my little sister is struggling with school, work and life in general. IN FLA I can help my sister get it together and get myself a job as a bartender, make mad $ and maybe eventually find a field biology job. WHat should i do? My friends and family are of no help "do what makes you happy" is not going to pay off my $60,000 in student loans.

2007-08-16 12:35:40 · 5 answers · asked by tesstess45 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

why do men think all they have to do is brag about their car,how many weights they lift to get their muscles and money and expect women to throw themselves at them?

2007-08-16 12:34:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For ten years, I have put up with my very good looking husband enjoy too much attention from women. He claims he cannot help how the women act. I say, there have been too many occasions that add up to my suspecting that he asks for all of the attention. Women will do anything for him - help him get jobs, write college essays (years ago), etc. He just marvels and lets them. He claims he is not a flirt, but he does get people - kids, men, women, anyone - to be very close to him very quickly. People feel very comfortable with him because of his personality. I am tired of being suspicious and jealous. I have stayed this last year for the kids. I am suffering because of being married to him too much. I am not too bad looking, either - but I would love to be with an unattractive man who worships the ground I walk on - not other women worshipping the ground my husband walks on. My husband claims I'm a jealous freak - I think he needs to pull in the reins.

2007-08-16 12:34:10 · 19 answers · asked by Ambrosia 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My co-worker is getting married and i'm invited, along with other peole we work with. I always thought that if it's just your name on the invitation, if it doesn't say + guest, the only person invited is you. But another co-worker of ours told me today that it's standard fare to come to a wedding with someone, whether or not their name was on your invitation. The wedding is this Sunday and i don't want to stress out the bride by bringing this up to her last minute like this. What should i do? Is it generally assumed that you're bringing a guest to a wedding? I already sent out my rsvp card with only my name on it. Is it too late to change that? Help!!!

2007-08-16 12:34:00 · 24 answers · asked by Jenny M 1 in Weddings


my mom gets pissed off at me for no reasom! like tonight family friends are coming over and theres this girl thats 2years older then mee, I asked my mom what should we do, she said i don't know go on a walk, (like why would I care?) and I said nicly like were should we go? And she yells saying I don't fing know! And I was like why do you always get so mad at me? then she just yelled at me to go away. I'm sick of her acting like a b****, it really bothers me and I tell her I hate it when she blows up over noting and she says I dont, and I say you kind of do, and she raises her voice saying ok whatever just go away. What should I do?

2007-08-16 12:33:13 · 6 answers · asked by ? 5 in Family

there is a boy who wont leave me alone how do i make him leave me alone without hurting his feelings

2007-08-16 12:32:17 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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