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Religion & Spirituality - 30 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-03-30 07:29:09 · 15 answers · asked by CC&C 1

Speaking as a Pagan married to an atheist, I find my atheist very cute, cuddly, and huggable. But Frank Zaccaro, a Christian preaching the Gospel on the University of Florida campus, screamed when a student atheist group offering free hugs approached him.

By the way, I know one of the huggers, and he's really huggable, too. Zaccaro missed out.

If you wouldn't let an atheist hug you, why not?


2007-03-30 07:25:45 · 19 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

Why are religious people against stem cell research? Stem cell research could save lives of their loved ones.

I was speaking, or debating one of my wife’s friends who is very religious. She stated that science has no place with gods will.

So I asked her…. If one of your kids was in a car accident, would you allow surgeons to save her kids life? She said yes. I asked how could she let science, a surgeon and scientific equipment defy the hand of god, if it is gods will that the child die?

Next I asked her what method she used at her child’s birth? She replied that she used natural childbirth. I said, so you were in a meadow under the sun? Nope, she used a hospital attached to scientific monitors, used scientific drugs to diminish the pains.

So, once again, why are people opposed to stem cell research? If they themselves use science against gods will?

2007-03-30 07:25:37 · 11 answers · asked by quazi90630 2

All miracles are preformed by God, not people. ( the bible teaches this ) So why do Catholics give praise to a human sinner when ALL praise should go to God?

2007-03-30 07:24:12 · 15 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6

I'm doing a project at school and I need to know some theories and answers to what people think about life after death. I don't mind what religion you follow but I need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the belief and what atheists think will happen after death.

I am an atheist and I think that after you die you become reincarnated but recently I found a theory which is quite interesting: whatever you believe will happen will happen and it will be like a dream or an existance. I would like to know if anyone agrees with this and if not why?

Please reply ASAP because my project has to be in soon

2007-03-30 07:23:02 · 12 answers · asked by SportChic50 3

2007-03-30 07:20:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

If God wanted the Bible to be absolutely perfect so it could be taken literally (completely literally) to answer any questions we could ever have, why did he have imperfect man who has freewill write it over many years?

Why was a perfect book not sent directly from God, and new translations sent accordingly?

If the Bible was written by imperfect, sin-filled man, can Christians really trust it completely?

2007-03-30 07:19:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine is from a character in Malcolm Lowry's novel "Under the Volcano."
"Geoffrey Firmin, former British Proconsul to Mexico and a hoeless alcoholic, spends the Day of the Dead in Mexico City with his ex-wife and her new lover." I'm a bit of a "visionary".

How about you?

2007-03-30 07:17:09 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do fellow christians persecute catholics? I know some leaders in the church have been corrupt, but the protestants can't honestly say they are perfect, because we're all sinners.
I've heard people say we worship idols, and makeup false, and un-Godly traditions. I've heard things worse than that about Catholics. But the truth is, we only worship one God like every other christian, and our traditions come fom Jesus Christ himsef. Jesus ws baptised like we are, he told us to repent for our sins, and he even told Peter to lead his church, so he became pope, and so on, but some people today have a really hard time with popes. I just want Protestants, and catholics to get along here. So why do you persecute catholics, when we are both joined by Christ?

God, Bless, and no offense to protestants.

2007-03-30 07:15:29 · 27 answers · asked by Christopher 4

2007-03-30 07:13:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

its like a witch store

2007-03-30 07:13:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The technology is now here. A microchip can be implanted under your skin that would allow doctors to access your medical history in the event you had an accident and arrived in the emergency room unconscious. It would also allow you to make purchases like a credit card by simply waving your right hand under a sensor. It would solve the identity theft problem because it would be hard to lose. If your kid or grandparent gets lost it would have the ability to instantly locate them anywhere on the planet. If everyone was required to have one it would practically eliminate crime because it would give the cops the ability to track everyone at once. Imagine a bunch of teenagers spraying grafitti late at night. The cops would be able to see who was in the area at exactly what time. No more Illegal Immigration. No more smuggling. Terrorists would have nowhere to hide. So, would you let Big Brother chip you and your kids and live happily ever after? The technology is now here.

2007-03-30 07:12:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok,an overwhelming answer to my last question about athiest being indoctrinated was "we have free will".

If you have free will;what on God's green Earth makes you think Christians and others dont have free will?That is pretty much what your saying when you say people of faith are indoctrinated.That we supposedly dont have free will.Do athiests not think that people of faith also made a choice of thier own free will to believe in God?

2007-03-30 07:06:41 · 22 answers · asked by Maurice H 6

Jesus's life was not recorded till 100 or more years after his death. AFTER his death.

The bible has been changed by kings who wanted to change it to fit their life. Just look at how king henry the VIII split the churches because he wanted a divorce?

Translations being lost

The churches becoming corrupted by the popes at the time who used them for political power and gain.

2007-03-30 07:05:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can Muslims (not all those crazy people who stir up religious hatred) restore their image that has been destroyed? I am a Muslim myself and I just try to correct people's misconecptions about Islam. What else is there that we can do?

No stupid or ignorant answers please, I'm being serious!

2007-03-30 07:05:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the entire world was being taken over by a desease that kills all who come in contact with it. They order everyone not yet infected to go to the hospital for some bloodwork. You find out your only son has the exact blood type needed to make an antidote, and he is the only one left with that blood type. The only thing is they need every last drop of his blood to make enough to save the world. Would you allow your son to die so the rest of the world could live????

Think about it people, that is exactly what God did for us.

2007-03-30 07:04:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ostara,Beltane,Samhain,Yule,Imbolc,Mabon, or Lughnasadh.

2007-03-30 07:00:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you learn how to speak tongues? Or is this something that just happens to only certain people?
Are you supposed to try to learn it? or if u don't then u just don't have the gift.

2007-03-30 07:00:03 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

For me it was giving birth to my daughter. The first time I saw her I was filled with love and suddenly understood how Heavenly Father loves all of his children.

2007-03-30 06:59:52 · 20 answers · asked by divinity2408 4

2007-03-30 06:55:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Baptist and I really do love it, but the problem I have is the whole homosexual issue. I DON'T find it wrong. (I'm not) My brother is gay and I love him. I talked to someone once who said I should try talking to him about it being wrong. But I can't because I love him just the way he is. I'm happy when he's happy. I was also told I shouldn't have my children around his boyfriend, so they don't get bad influences, but they are. I know not to go against the Bible, but I accept him, and I don't want him to be anyone he isn't. he'd never be happy. Does that make me wrong for tolerating it? I want serious answers.

2007-03-30 06:54:49 · 17 answers · asked by muzicizlife 2

Mathew 24:6- You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed these things must happen but the end is still to come. Proverbs 16:3- The Lord works out everything for His own ends, even the wicked for the day of diaster.

Proverbs 15:3-

2007-03-30 06:54:01 · 11 answers · asked by calltoperservence 2

Here in Minnesota, they are trying to pass a bill to give gay/lesbian couples the right to visit each other in the hospital, where now, it is up to the discression of the hospital. Anti-gay activists are arguing that this will destroy the sanctity of marriage. are they saying it will make the divorce rate go up? or do they think that will open the doors for people to marry their sister or their dog? Here's a thought - let every adult in this coutry pick one significant other, no matter who it is or how they are related. That person would have all the same rights as a spouse. The same thing happens when someone dies, you always have the next of kin, and a person can have anyone they want if they put it in their will, so why not when we are alive?

2007-03-30 06:53:34 · 8 answers · asked by Militant Agnostic 6

I LOVE GOD! i worship him everyday but asked if im a christian i say "never", i go to church and i listen and sometimes i pray, but when they ask for christians to stand up...i remain seated.

i was born with club feet (both my feet were broken at birth)
at the age 3 my bones were strong enough for me to begin my ops, my father being from jerusalam (spelling, im soooo sorry) took me to the church near us in his arms, and begged for me to be baptised before the operation, they refused saying "she has never prayed in this church, we cannot baptise her" and quickly had him escorted from the church grounds, by another priest.

he had to baptise me himself in our kitchen sink, i was denied from the church, for not praying but i had just turned 3...and did not have the strength to walk...

i was baptised again at the age 11, and the pope at the time, my uncle in amman got a written letter of recommendation for me to get into a catholic school....u know how?? (read in added details)

2007-03-30 06:53:01 · 14 answers · asked by Katie 5

Here's a question for you:

How do you know that you yourself havnt been indoctrinated into disbelief in God?

2007-03-30 06:51:58 · 19 answers · asked by Maurice H 6


Rejoice knowing he is in Heaven, at peace.

2007-03-30 06:51:44 · 15 answers · asked by Quantrill 7

This is a BLARING and OBVIOUS false prophecy.

Why wasn't Tyre destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar as prophesied by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 26)?
When it was destroyed by Alexander the Great, why didn't it
remain desolate as prophesied by Ezekiel?

2007-03-30 06:49:45 · 12 answers · asked by jeff7272 3

Does Genesis give two accounts of creation? How are these two reconciled?

((This is not a challenge or an attack on Christianity. Just a question.))

2007-03-30 06:48:00 · 11 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

It's a big, "anatomically-correct" chocolate Jesus, just in time for Easter. Check it out:


Of course, people are freaking out:

Nude Chocolate Jesus Angers Catholic League


Now what I'd like to know is...what's the big deal? Do people really think that Jesus was NOT "anatomically correct"? Or is it the omission of the loincloth (which may or may not have actually been present at the crucifixion)? What is the problem?

2007-03-30 06:47:46 · 29 answers · asked by VLR 2

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