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Toddler & Preschooler - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

My daughter is 2, and will be 3 in December. She can count to 15, knows her all her colors and some shapes, and speaks in semi-full sentences. She sometimes stutters though, when shes trying to talk. ( that worries me). Also, she loves to sing ( and can learn the main chorus to songs on the Radio) and knows the names of all kinds of animals, and the sounds they make. She WAS doing good at potty training. . but now she was regressed back to pee-ing in her pull up. I think shes doing ok for her age, but I want to make sure shes not falling behind. If you believe she is behind other kids, please off some advice on how I can help her. Thanks

2007-08-24 05:05:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My four year old is starting pre-k this Monday. I took her to orientation yesterday so she could meet her teacher and see her classroom. She immediately went on her way to play at the centers. When it was my turn to meet the teacher I called her to come to me so she could say hi and she started getting a fit which by the way she normally doesn't do. Then when she wanted to go back to her "spot" where she was playing, other kids were there so she cried more, it was so embarrasing..lol
I don't know how she's gonna do on Monday. I hope she doesnt act up or cry, I've asked her if she's going to be a good girl and she says she is. Do you think she'll do good? What can I do to better prepare her?

2007-08-24 05:02:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-24 04:08:19 · 10 answers · asked by stop looking at me swan 1

Over the last few days, the little boy I nanny for (15 months) has been running a low-grade fever, has been having diarrhea, and refuses to eat anything. These symptoms could go hand in hand with the fact that he is teething and cutting a molar, but what do I do if he will not eat? He seriously is not even interested in food and I as well as his parents are very concerned. Any ideas? Thanks!

2007-08-24 02:31:48 · 10 answers · asked by Angie 1

For the record im not complaining I am just looking for things that might help. Our baby who is a little over 4 weeks just recently started crying everytime we put her down. She starts falling asleep in our arms and when we try to put her in her bopy or crib she goes nuts. Now I know she is a little to young to play games with us. What do you recomend we do or is there anything we can do. We get mabye a couple hours of sleep a day and it is hard to get stuff done around the house. Please if your just going to be a smart a## or a jerk just keep it to yourself. Thanks.

2007-08-24 02:07:52 · 14 answers · asked by terd2125 2

my toddler does not like afternoon sleeps everyday. when he is really tired he goes down quickly, but some days he just screams and screams and refuses to sleep. when i get him up he is full of beans!! should toddlers have an afternoon sleep every day or do i just go with his needs? im trying to enforce a routine, so is it worth putting him down if even to scream?

2007-08-23 20:51:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-23 17:10:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My one year old gets diaper rashes and I have noticed before that she gets these bumps that are hard behind them. Then they pop and pus comes out then they go away. But then they always seem to come back, they are very red, hard behind them (like they are caked behind them) are these boils? If so is it normal for babies to get them and what causes them? Please Help Me! I'm scared!!!!

2007-08-23 17:04:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

full time mother of one and its so hard to keep him busy with out driving me nuts so please help

2007-08-23 15:23:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How Can I Work If I Go To School From 9-3pm Everyday Accept Weekends? I need to make like at least 15 grand...........anyone?

2007-08-23 15:00:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's only 20 months old and has started randomly saying f**k.
I dont want this to continue!
Do i just ignore it when he says it so he doesnt get a reaction and think its gona get him attention?
Or what should i do?
Iv tried correcting him and saying 'truck' but he knows the difference.
Has anyone been in this situation? Wat helped and did your child stop saying it?

2007-08-23 14:49:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-23 14:43:38 · 12 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3

Going camping with a couple of families, and we're responsible for a meal. Any fun recommendations. Really not looking to do hot dogs.

2007-08-23 14:32:37 · 4 answers · asked by lillilou 7

i wanna go visit my bf in jail but i need an adult....

2007-08-23 14:18:39 · 10 answers · asked by autum 2

what should my 12 year old sister carry in her purse

2007-08-23 13:07:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He'll only sleep for about 15-30 minutes, then wakes up shrieking. He wants to be held all the time, which is fine, but none of us has slept for days; I took him to his Dr yesterday,and he did a blood test and everything was normal. I even went to the ER last night because I was so worried. he has no fever, no skin rash, no bug or animal bites, nothing.The ER doc said he might have a severe stomachache causing all this. He falls asleep throughout the day, which is weird, and is generally just not himself. Anyone have any ideas about what this could be? Thanks

2007-08-23 12:24:17 · 12 answers · asked by jessica t 2

I work at a daycare, and everytime we round up the kids to change their diapers, there seems to always be one kid that'll get changed, and then 5 minutes later poop! LOL So right when we think we're done changing, we catch a whiff and then have to go around poking and pulling back diapers again! Is there "this baby" at any of your daycares?lol

2007-08-23 11:01:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter has always loved anything detailed since birth...like lace or ribbons and now....BEADS on my clothing. She screams if she can't carry my shirts around with her everywhere, and I am afraid she will tear off, or worse, EAT the beads.

What do you recommend as a toy for her?

2007-08-23 10:52:00 · 4 answers · asked by gg 7

I love puzzles for him, things like that... he LOVES anything that rolls, he has a very hard time wiht attention (as Im sure most children do, I watch other children same age who can pay much better attention). Need suggestions on toy that wont get him too discouraged and will teach him normal skills that age.

2007-08-23 10:44:10 · 8 answers · asked by Mommyof3 BGB 5

The most disgusting thing my daughter has done is when she was having "nakie time" she pooped on the floor then truned around and started stomping in it! GROSS!! LOL! She also likes to splash it the toilet when the lid is up... luckily its always flushed & usually she wont lift the lid if it is down... She also stuck her foot in her potty chair once after she used it to go pee, & it got stuck and pulled the insert out & her pee went all over her & she started crying LOL! I took her foot out & give her a bath.

I was told that when my sister was a toddler she would pick corn out of COW PATTIES & eat it! LOL YUCK!

What nasty things have your lil rugrats done??

2007-08-23 10:20:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son says he was raised "too nice" and wants to toughen up his son. What does he need to do?

2007-08-23 10:05:00 · 11 answers · asked by Yarnlady_needsyarn 7

how many ounces of milk does a child this age be taking in? she will only drink 2 bottles of milk a day, her morning & night bottle, 9 oz in each,18 ounces all together. sometimes after her nap, she will (very rarely!) have an afternoon bottle of about 6-7 oz. PLEASE do not criticize, since this brings me up to my next question. how did you wean your child COMPLETELY off the bottle? though, she does drink from a cup, like her juice & water. what are some ways to get her not to have that milk bottle at night time, to fall asleep to? we brush her 12 teeth everyday and night (sorta pointless at night since she goes to bed with milk bottle, thats my problem) i know prolong bottle feeding causes tooth decay, which i wanna try to stay away from.she takes a pacifier at night, so that may help for awhile. but jus wanted to see, how other parents exp. handled these areas? and again how many ounces of milk(in a cup hopefully soon!)should she be getting?and how to stay just on the cup only? thx.

2007-08-23 09:31:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son refuses to sleep in his own bed. He says there are monsters in the closet (says it with a big smile on his face.) I can get him to fall asleep in his bed if I lay on the floor next to him, but when I wake up in the morning, he is right next to me again. What can I do to fix this?

2007-08-23 09:07:32 · 11 answers · asked by Alaskan Dragonfly 2

She will fall asleep on the floor with a pillow and a blanket but she will not even crawl up in the be to go to sleep.She stomps around the room crying and saying bye bye. we put a gate in front of the room but she climbed over the on. we changed gates and so far she has not escaped. should I close the door and leave her be. please help cause i need sleep I work the night shift and she is up sometimes when I get home.

2007-08-23 09:03:21 · 8 answers · asked by james h 1

she did dance last year, does not want to return. was thinking of acting classes, but can not find any in my area. i called karate studios - did not realize how expensive that was. she's intested in soccer, but that's not until the spring. i need suggestions please!

2007-08-23 08:30:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 2 1/2 and potty trained, however, during the night he still wears a diaper. How do I get him out of this habit?

2007-08-23 08:12:48 · 8 answers · asked by ENQUIRING MIND 1

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