The other day we were going on a trip with DD's nursery and close to the nursery I stopped for a moment to check something. It's a quiet side road and I stopped just inside a church car park next door to the nursery. There were no cars, and as I said it's a very quiet road, but I still felt safer parking the buggy there than on the narrow pavement, ironically.
Basically a car came into the car park when I had my back turned for a moment, and suddenly my kids were jolted by this car, not injured thank God, but someone had hit the buggy and knocked it (and obviously them) a foot or two...AND CARRIED ON DRIVING! Slowly it has to be said, I know it wasn't a dramatic hit and run, the driver had pulled into the car park to park there, but it was only when I was banging on her window shouting "You've just hit my children!" that she realised! She had no idea of what she had just done.
She was a rather senior lady let's say, and obviously felt terrible about it, and the kids were fine (more upset by my sudden outburst than anything!), and she was shaken when she knew what she had done, but how forgiving should I be? Or how angry?
A member of staff from the nursery came over, and went to get the parent support worker who has been a lifeline to me at times, knows us well. She put her arm around the woman and told her not to worry as no harm was done etc., and not to let this put her off driving. I think the first nursery nurse probably told her that the children were alright, but I was still surprised!
We had already exchanged numbers and the woman said she would appreciate if I could call her on our return from the day out, to reassure her that everyone was fine. I said I would try - I kind of felt obliged to be more polite than I wanted to be because of the nursery teacher being so nice to her!!!
But all sympathy seemed to be for her rather than us...she rammed into my kids pushchair - we were stationary in an empty car-park for God’s sake!
The family support worker, who as I said I know quite well, later suggested that if I liked she would phone this woman to reassure her that all was well, and to try to make sure this didn't knock her confidence as a driver...anyway I forgot to give her the number so she couldn't and I am glad, as I am not sure I want to encourage her to continue driving after hitting my children! They weren't hurt, but they could have been, or worse.
By the way she said she didn't see us, and as I said she didn't even notice that she had hit my kids.
Well, how sympathetic would you be? How angry would you be? What would your reaction be?
Am I right not to want to phone her and reassure her? To be too angry to?
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