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Toddler & Preschooler - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

fruits. She is a snacker. Is this normal? What can I do?

2007-08-27 05:55:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Woke up this morning to a loud noise my son got out of his crib. Not exactly sure how he did it, he isnt that tall the crib hits him high chest. There wasnt anything that he used to stand on. I am just really worried now that he will fall out and hurt himself. Do i switch him to a toddler bed or is there anything else i can do? Thanks

2007-08-27 05:33:08 · 18 answers · asked by Heather P 2

Is it ok to brush my 12 month old teeth with just water and a toothbrush? its hard enough w/ just water to actually brush them. and she'll only let me for about 5 seconds.

2007-08-27 04:45:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you feel it will make going to kindergarten easier? I am torn between 2 preschools! =0)

2007-08-27 03:43:23 · 9 answers · asked by samira 5

My daughter is 5 years old and always having nightmares and I dont know why...The scariest thing she watches is Scooby Doo...I dont know what could be causing her to have nightmares and what I can do to keep her from having nightmares (if thats possible). So will help me and give me some suggestions on what I should or can do please?

2007-08-26 19:55:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 2 and a half year old has her molars comming in. She has a clear runny nose and NO fever! She just woke up and had to go and throw up? Can her new teeth that are comming in cause her to get "sick"?

2007-08-26 19:10:01 · 11 answers · asked by Mrs Florek 3

Will a toddlers gums swell and bleed in the back if they are getting a molar in?

2007-08-26 17:17:29 · 4 answers · asked by Yeah Yeah 1

The other day while waiting at the supermarket I asked my 5 year old what he learnt at kindergarten
"I know that an octopus has 8 testicles,"he said
Everyone around laughed.Kids are so innocent and cute.Has your child said something funny recently?

2007-08-26 16:47:19 · 15 answers · asked by tyse13 3

My Yorkshire always tried to hump my 5 years old son's leg or his back. My son think he's trying to play with him, and think it was fun. I told them not to do that, but usually leave out the mating part, should I just tell my son, it's embarassing, because it's a mating ritual?

2007-08-26 14:39:27 · 13 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

I am at my wits end.....my toddler has been especially difficult since turning two (note: he has always been an unusually difficult baby). Lately i cannot do anything with him in public without him throwing major tantrums - screaming, crying, hitting, biting, the whole nine yards. i am a single parent so leaving him at home with a spouse is not an option - i have to go grocery shopping and he has to come along - any tips on how to deal would be very very appreciated

2007-08-26 13:06:02 · 20 answers · asked by Meg 2

My 19 month old just got the chicken pox. I put on the cream but she doesn't understand she can't scratch. It is very stressfull for me, how can I make this an easy time for both of us? I have a 2 month old that also needs care, how can I care for both?

2007-08-26 11:41:46 · 5 answers · asked by Jasmine 4

The other day we were going on a trip with DD's nursery and close to the nursery I stopped for a moment to check something. It's a quiet side road and I stopped just inside a church car park next door to the nursery. There were no cars, and as I said it's a very quiet road, but I still felt safer parking the buggy there than on the narrow pavement, ironically.

Basically a car came into the car park when I had my back turned for a moment, and suddenly my kids were jolted by this car, not injured thank God, but someone had hit the buggy and knocked it (and obviously them) a foot or two...AND CARRIED ON DRIVING! Slowly it has to be said, I know it wasn't a dramatic hit and run, the driver had pulled into the car park to park there, but it was only when I was banging on her window shouting "You've just hit my children!" that she realised! She had no idea of what she had just done.

She was a rather senior lady let's say, and obviously felt terrible about it, and the kids were fine (more upset by my sudden outburst than anything!), and she was shaken when she knew what she had done, but how forgiving should I be? Or how angry?

A member of staff from the nursery came over, and went to get the parent support worker who has been a lifeline to me at times, knows us well. She put her arm around the woman and told her not to worry as no harm was done etc., and not to let this put her off driving. I think the first nursery nurse probably told her that the children were alright, but I was still surprised!

We had already exchanged numbers and the woman said she would appreciate if I could call her on our return from the day out, to reassure her that everyone was fine. I said I would try - I kind of felt obliged to be more polite than I wanted to be because of the nursery teacher being so nice to her!!!

But all sympathy seemed to be for her rather than us...she rammed into my kids pushchair - we were stationary in an empty car-park for God’s sake!

The family support worker, who as I said I know quite well, later suggested that if I liked she would phone this woman to reassure her that all was well, and to try to make sure this didn't knock her confidence as a driver...anyway I forgot to give her the number so she couldn't and I am glad, as I am not sure I want to encourage her to continue driving after hitting my children! They weren't hurt, but they could have been, or worse.
By the way she said she didn't see us, and as I said she didn't even notice that she had hit my kids.

Well, how sympathetic would you be? How angry would you be? What would your reaction be?

Am I right not to want to phone her and reassure her? To be too angry to?

2007-08-26 09:19:16 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have tried and tried to stop him because I feel he is too old. He gets so distressed during the night, he has not slept for three nights, nor have I !, is it wrong to give him what comforts him so much ? It is not the milk (skimmed) so much as the bottle, he would even drink warm water from it. He was so upset he was hitting himself in the chest. Scary ! Am I too soft ? how do I ever get over this ?

2007-08-26 08:45:04 · 40 answers · asked by Alexa 2

My son is almost 6 years old and goes to Kindergarden at Lake Silver Elementary School and he needs to wear is t-shirts with his school name.And my daughter she is almost 4 years old and goes to Lake Gem Elementary School and she goes to Pre-Kindergarden.

2007-08-26 08:24:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-26 08:21:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

got to work tomorrow (bank holiday) and my daughter will be with her dad all day.i have to leave all the meals for him(he does'nt look after her very often).Well we have ran out of bread so what could i make for him to take to his mums for her tea(he doesn't cook not even frozen pizza!) she won't eat cheese or cold meat. thanks for any help xxx

2007-08-26 08:09:30 · 13 answers · asked by noot 3

My son is 14 months, and hes ready for a haircut. but he has stranger anxiety and he starts crying if anybody he doesnt know gets near him. I jus wanted to know how you handled it, and what was the best way to keep him calm. appreciate the advise.

2007-08-26 06:50:46 · 7 answers · asked by LL 3

I can't remember. Thanks!

2007-08-26 06:44:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just the name a few:
-tries to flush the puppy in the potty
-hits and bites animals and people
-screams at me
-acts like he is going to hit me
-pushes his 10 mth old brother around by the head
-dumps 1/2 gallon of milk in the toliet
-pours syrup on the carpet
-moves his head back and forth really fast making loud obnoxious noises
-does NOT listen
-destructive of his toys (breaks them)
-stuffs things into his brothers mouth
-throws things (example: my cell phone at the deli lady, his shoes in the fountain at the zoo...)

I am constantly around him. I don't know what to do! I am about to lose my mind! It isn't like he does one of these things each day. It's usually back to back all day long. In the first 15 minutes after we woke up today he smashed his brothers fingers in a door, pulled over the pack and play to let his brother out, locked me out when I took the puppy potty, and then while I was trying to get in, he got into the fridge to help himself.

2007-08-26 04:24:03 · 10 answers · asked by I <3 my boys 5

I have a newly two year old daughter. I am thinking about switching rooms with her. I live in an apartment and saving up to buy a house. But thats not for another 3 years. Meanwhile I have to provide adequate space for my toddler.

Well when I spoke of this to my family. They believe its not necessary and that I "spoil and over indulge" her. HUH?? Now I have to admit I enjoy buying cute INEXPENSIVE clothes for her. She starts dance school in the fall and won 2 photo contests ONLINE lol. Buts thats it. I am strong disciplinarian and believe in good manners for my child.

She is active and her bookshelf is growing, she has a rocker, small table, all would fit comfortbaly in the master bedrom. My furniture will fit easily in the second room. I don't maintain a lot of things such as because too much can be cluttered. All of her toys and dolls have to fit the toy chest or I will get rid of it.

I Try to be a good parent and in doing so I have to consider he needs. Is it too much?

2007-08-26 04:00:45 · 12 answers · asked by kimberli o 1

Normally she takes an 1 hour nap in the a/m then a 2 hour nap in the late aftrnoon. The past few days she has been fighting the am nap but when I do not give it to her she is so cranky and walks around rubbing her eyes. Thanks!

2007-08-26 03:58:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My four year old grandson only drinks milk, about three pints per day he prefers this to solid food. He looks, and is very healthy. Can a person live on milk alone? I try to tell my Daughter to educate him better with his eating habits, but I think she just takes the easy way out.

2007-08-26 00:38:01 · 12 answers · asked by patricia bstarstruck 4

My four year old Grandson drinks only milk about three pints per day he prefers this to solid food.He looks and is very healthy, but is this really good for him, and can a person live on milk alone? I do try to tell my Daughter to try to educate him better with his eating habits - but she seems to be taking the easy way out.

2007-08-26 00:32:03 · 13 answers · asked by patricia bstarstruck 4

Our daughter is 19 months old. She has always been a VERY active baby and toddler...much more so than the "average" child. She's very destructive, climbs on everything, can't sit for more than 5 minutes. She started walking at 9 months, running at 10 months and has been going since. Yet she is, and always has been, excessively clingy. She's always fussing, hanging on my leg. I can't go to the bathroom or make dinner without her at my feet wining "mommy." She also wakes up, about 75% of the time, from a nap screaming inconsolibly. We try putting her back down, but she won't sleep. We try rocking her and nothing works. She's not getting too much sleep as she goes and goes till she passes out. She sleeps 9-10 hours at night and get 2-4 hours worth of naps.
She totally freaks out at the little things and throws major tantrums.
I want to know ..how to deal with it as we have a 10 week old to care for and ..does it sound like these symptoms could be anything you've heard of?

2007-08-25 17:10:04 · 24 answers · asked by happymommy 4

Sometimes it seems as if even they cost too much. Looking for NEW items and not eBay.

2007-08-25 16:54:38 · 15 answers · asked by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6

any suggestions?

2007-08-25 16:36:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't you just feel awful. With my son I let go of him when he wasnt steady on his feet and he toppled over. I pinched his finges in the fridge door. What did you do?

2007-08-25 14:55:20 · 11 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3

This year I want to make my daugther her lunch every other day, but I don't know what is okay to make for her. Can any one that have kids that go to school help me. Or if you are not a parent yourself you can help me by telling me what were your best lunch that your mom made for you. Thanks!!!

2007-08-25 14:41:16 · 8 answers · asked by nikki 3

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