My three yr old and i were in a dept. store bathroom. She was just getting off the toilet when the lady in the next stall farted REALLY loud. It was almost like a scene from a movie. Well, kyra thought it was absolutely hilarious and before i could grab her she hopped down stuck her head under the stall and said "eeeee you poop like my daddy" i was mortified
2007-08-26 17:34:52
answer #1
answered by emily o 1
My daughters and I were in the Disney store and one of my daughters saw a doll that she really wanted and kept asking for it and I told her no. Well she got very upset that she was not getting the doll and so I had to take her out of the store and into the mall. I am trying to talk to her and calm her down and telling her maybe we can come back sometime with her money. And she just shouts while crying, "I just want someone to buy it for me"
My daughters love the Beatles, and love to sing all the time. Well we were at the mall eating lunch and my daughters are singing very loudly. And my daughter decides to sing "Happiness is a warm gun, Yes it is" Well a few people just stared.
2007-08-27 00:12:39
answer #2
answered by Michelle 6
Yea...My 6 yr. old. We were at the store and he would ask me if he could buy this or that and I would tell him that I could not buy it because it was not on sale. He asked me how did I know and I said the lady told me. He tried a few more times and again I would say the lady said it wasn't on sale...Well when I got up to the check out I told my sister that I forgot the twelve pack of beer the guys wanted and the clerk told us that the sale ended yesterday and that no other beer was on sale today. I told the lady that I was just going to buy it any way and my 6 yr. old in a very loud voice said : " You cant buy it Mom the lady said it wasn't on sale!!! " Well needless to say I didn't buy the beer...
2007-08-27 00:04:20
answer #3
answered by Bigeyes 5
We were at the zoo, looking at the gorillas. Well, my 4 yr old son turned around and was kind of looking at all the people watching the gorillas. All of the sudden, he points his finger out and says(loud enough to be heard) MOM!!! Look at that big-belly guy!!!
He was just sooo amazed that someone could be that big, I guess??! But it was sooo cute(not to mention funny).
2007-08-26 23:55:42
answer #4
answered by whatuthink? 2
My two year old always leaves the L out of flag.....well one day we were in the check out line and a guy wearing a shirt with a American flag on it gets behind us. My son of course starts pointing at it (him) and says f@g, f@g, f@g......Everyone around us stopped what they were doing and just stared at us. I had to hurry up and explain what he was really saying. After I explained everyone had a good laugh at it.
2007-08-27 02:11:27
answer #5
answered by pg/13 3
The other day at the store, my wife was buying a bra, and my 4 year old daughter was getting it out of the cart and puts it on the counter and says-hes the thing for your boobies mommy, the thing you put your boobies in, the boobie thing. Ah, gotta love kids.
2007-08-27 00:58:40
answer #6
answered by Skywalker_NatureBoy 3
My daughter was almost 4 when I walked into the family room and saw her standing on the couch. I got her down from the couch and told her "Don't let me catch you doing that again" She looked right up at me and said "Then don't look next time Mommy."
2007-08-27 00:45:36
answer #7
answered by Julie 2
My wife and I were watching my five year old grand daughter, Amanda, for the weekend. One morning I found her in my bathroom staring at my teeth. When I asked her what she was looking at, she just shook her head and commented "the tooth fairy is never going to believe this!" I laughed so hard I woke up my wife.
2007-08-26 23:58:35
answer #8
answered by advnturer 6
My son (almost 3) excitedly exclaimed "holy shrimp" in a crowded store the other day.
(Apparently he overheard the phrase on an episode of SpongeBob that his older sister was watching.)
He got quite a few chuckles out of that one. (Though I still told him that wasn't a very polite thing to shout out in public.)
2007-08-26 23:56:27
answer #9
answered by sarah314 6
As with any child (I assume) they question why some people are different colors and look different. One day my daughter was talking to my sisters boyfriend who is african american and she asked him why he was brown. He just simply said back to her, why are you white? She shrugged her shoulders and walked away. She still calls black people brown and as much as we try to explain she doesnt grasp it. People dont seem to mind because she is only 3.
2007-08-27 03:36:27
answer #10
answered by Sarah 2