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Toddler & Preschooler - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

2006-07-12 04:43:01 · 3 answers · asked by ciccarelli2004 1

My son screams everytime I ask him if he wants to go potty. How do i convince him first of all to use the potty? How do i get him to enjoy using the potty and tell me when he has to go?

2006-07-12 03:09:12 · 8 answers · asked by cdprock12000 1

My husband is going to school right now to be a mechanic, so he is in school from 7:30am (he usually goes early to study...) to 1:30pm. Then he goes to work until at least 8:00pm during the week. He also works on Saturday from 7:30am to around 5:30pm. Unless my two-year-old son is in a really good deep sleep he wakes up when my husband is getting ready to leave. Our little guy instists on getting out of bed and following his daddy around the house. My husband ususally has a few minutes to sit with him (our son is too tired to try to play anything) and most of the time our son asks to watch one of his movies. So my husband will put one in and finish getting ready, then watch it with him for a few minutes if he has time before he needs to leave. My son follows Daddy to the door and cries when he leaves, he does this whether I'm in the room or not. I know that this is pretty normal since right now he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with his daddy, but how can we help him?

2006-07-12 02:45:20 · 15 answers · asked by Cutie 2

We have been trying to teach my 5 year old colors, numbers, and letters for 3 years. He still doesn't reconize any colors, numbers or letters. He has been in school since he was 3 and has made some progress but not much. He's behind all other 5 year olds. He has also been in speech therapy for 2 years, having been diagnosed with a devlopmental delay.

2006-07-12 02:36:35 · 7 answers · asked by andysmom 1

2006-07-12 02:26:16 · 18 answers · asked by Simple1 6

2006-07-12 02:24:19 · 7 answers · asked by Simple1 6

of unusual ways to entertain a three yr old for the summer lol

that does not cost a lot of money

2006-07-12 02:06:44 · 11 answers · asked by baby baby 2

My daughter shows all the signs they say to watch for: she wants to sit on the potty, she tells me when she is wet and wants her pull-up off right away, she is often dry all night. The day care is ready to start working with her because she shows all these signs, I guess I am too, she just seems so young. Advice and your experience please. Thanks.

2006-07-12 01:43:54 · 25 answers · asked by jenlyn70 4

2006-07-12 01:36:00 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

My three-year-old daughter is afraid to go in the toilet. I've been trying to get her to use the potty for the past year, but she refuses to pee or poo in it. Every morning I would sit her on the toilet, but she would say she doesn't want to go. Then I'd put her diaper back on and she'd pee within a few minutes. BTW she knows when she is going. She just won't go in the toilet. Thank you in advance for any helpful advice.

2006-07-11 21:07:58 · 10 answers · asked by lady butterfly 2

i have to always be holding her hand as whenever i let go she always runs off a head of me, and clearly this is very worrying
any tips on how i stop her doing this?

2006-07-11 20:58:54 · 9 answers · asked by lovelygeorgeoussexy1986 2

If your e year old son learned a bad word that you think came from his daycare how would you go about with addressing his daycare teachers.This has just happened today and I want to talk to his teachers about it.

2006-07-11 20:45:29 · 10 answers · asked by DiamondXxx 6

2006-07-11 19:30:29 · 12 answers · asked by Me me me 1

i feel so bad that she does that will drugging be the answer?

2006-07-11 19:02:57 · 10 answers · asked by KID 1


Im gonna start babysiting soon. How do I change a dipber or help a little kid go to the bathroom?

2006-07-11 18:26:07 · 10 answers · asked by Blondie 1

he slaps the tv, tries throwing speakers, slaps me in the face along with other family members. He yells when he doesnt get his way and even slams his own head into our tile flooring. if i yell he laughs. if i slap his hand he laughs. he wont obey timeout and of course hes too young for me to sit and explain every thing ot him. so im running out of options,

2006-07-11 18:19:31 · 22 answers · asked by ? 3

My little son is turning 4 this month, and is enrolled for the Pre-K program this fall, that is offered through our public school system. All of his friends are going.
He is my first child, and will always be my baby. I am a stay at home mom, so I've never put my kids in Daycare. So this is very new to me What is the best way to prepare him, and prepare ME, to let him go to school?
I swear I'm going to cry all day after I drop him off for the first time.

2006-07-11 17:51:05 · 15 answers · asked by momof2kiddos 4

My 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with a cholesterol level of 202 recently. She doesn't eat too many sweets but does not like fruits and veggies either. She does like whole wheat breads and pasta and dairy products. Oatmeal, farina and Cheerios aresome of her favorite foods, but she also loves mac n' cheese. She is a very active little girl who gets plenty of exercise, sleep and water. What should I do to supplement her diet and lower her cholesterol. I feel very concerned about this.

2006-07-11 17:23:49 · 14 answers · asked by song.bird150 1

My 20mths old daughter dun wan to drink water even on cups. Can I know the way to make her drink water? Can juice replace water? I scared she dehydrated.

2006-07-11 17:13:29 · 20 answers · asked by llceva 1

i want to send my son to playgroup next year but i hav no idea how to go abt..i want it to be near my home ...Choa chu Kang..anyone got any suggestions...

2006-07-11 16:56:39 · 4 answers · asked by devangel1980 3

When did you stop washing their clothes with Dreft, Ivory Snow, etc. and start washing them with Tide or another "regular" detergent?

2006-07-11 16:31:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 4 year old has recently started whinning when i leave the room after putting him to bed ("i need to pee", "turn the light on", i want to sleep w/ the door open" ... please don't comment about how bad of a parent i am that i close the door and turn out the lights)

we are going to a free movie at the mall tomorrow. I told him that if he went to bed w/o whinning he could have popcorn. well... he didn't. So...

If i give him a different snack while we're there is that giving in?

I would be doing it for my own sanity... to not have to hear him whine for popcorn.... and i didn't tell him he couldn't have a snack just not popcorn right?

what do you think? am i justifing my self?

2006-07-11 16:25:50 · 25 answers · asked by nosredna3 2

I have an 18 month-old son who I stay-at-home with. My neighbor has a 2 year-old girl. The girl's mother is going back to work. I offered to care for this child in my home along with my son. Do you think this will have any negative effects on my son, such as in development or quality time spent with me?

2006-07-11 15:39:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-11 15:29:36 · 14 answers · asked by Curious 1

My son is visually impaired. He has partial vision. He is 15 months old and doesn't even say mama and dada when he wants us. I know he knows what those words mean, becuase when I say, let's go get daddy, he perks up and starts looking around for his daddy. He says "uh huh" and shakes his head no. That the closest thing I can get to any kind of verbal response. Have you ever dealt with this before? Do you have any suggestions for me? Do you know of any good online resources that deal with infants and toddlers with visual impairments. I am esspecially looking for something that offers suggestions about how to help my son develop normally. Right now it is mostly his language and communication skills that are effected. Thanks.

2006-07-11 14:45:57 · 5 answers · asked by reteach007 2

All the books say to start feeding solid foods when they have enough teeth to chew, but he only has 2 teeth so far and i have him on stage 2 foods still and he just turned 1. I feel stupid and my sister feeds him stage 3's when im not around, but i just cant force myself to do it! i think i wont be able to save him if he does start choking. Or am i doing it right since he only has 2 teeth???

2006-07-11 13:56:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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