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Parenting - September 2006

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I'm a stay at home mom with a 9 month old son. I'm looking for new learning activities I can do with my son. I can tell he's getting bored doing the same things everyday. any suggestions?

2006-09-14 07:29:38 · 6 answers · asked by autumn r 2

this is a serious matter as thought by me when teaching life means a lot with a girl child of 9yrs.

2006-09-14 06:33:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was paying the cable bill today. My 3 year old son is very active. I had to call to him twice before he came to me. A woman who was behind me said that I should tell him that if he is a good boy I will give him candy. I told her that I don't believe in rewarding kids behavior like that. And she was shocked! She said " You don't! What do you?" I told her that I give a lot of hugs and kisses and praise. That is the only reward I will ever give him or any of my children for that matter.
She told me that I will have problems with him later if I don't start doing what other parents do.

My kids will never get money for doing chores around the house or for good grades on their report card. These thing I expect from them. They will never get a cell phone or car from us. If they want to get these things then they will have to get a job and pay for it them selves. That also goes for name brand clothes. These things are "Wants" not Needs. I will give them all the love in the world.

2006-09-14 06:05:05 · 127 answers · asked by LITTLE 1 :o) 6

Im 8mos pregant i have a 4 year old.lately she cries and wines and clings to me.She wasnt like this before is it normal and what can i do to stop it .please help

2006-09-14 05:57:55 · 19 answers · asked by live,laugh,love 2

My sister told me she is going to kick me in the nuts when i am not expecting it, and laughed. I think she is not kidding because she and most of her friends do it to boys in school.
I told my mother about her threat but she told me that “girls don’t do that” and “grow up and be a man”, and she does not want to hear about it anymore!
That happened to a friend of mine in school, and now he became very withdrawn and never mixed or went out again, he was a very happy outward going guy; I think after that he stopped talking to girls.
I can not be alert all the time, what can I do?!!!

2006-09-14 05:36:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi i am 20 year old single mom and my daughter thinks my roomate/ now boyfriend is her father.My daughter Jamie is 2 years old and fairly well behaved. When i moved into the apartment Kevin my roomate and now steady boyfriend felt sorry for me i had to beg him he was a junior in college and i was a freshmen to let me stay. We are alot like a family but i feeling as if i am lying to her i am getting married to Kevin hopefully next spring. We will be moving and are only staying here till i can transfer.My daughters father though has been coming to visit me finally giving me child support and wants to see my daughter? what should i do she does not know him?My boyfriend has gotten very mad at me for even speaking to him and i dont want problems.

2006-09-14 04:44:35 · 19 answers · asked by claire d 1

of you prepare launch for them,or buy from school.and plese tell me the reason preparing at home.

2006-09-14 04:31:26 · 9 answers · asked by silkartdesign 1

he head butts us & he hits his head of the sides of his cot. if we or anyone else holds him or plays with him he head butts us or anything that he is near. i am frightened that he will hurt himself. how can i get him to stop

2006-09-14 04:28:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just a quick survey I‘m doing for my Childhood: Growth and Development class--I am not here to judge. You won’t be scrutinized for your answers, please be honest. I would like to see if there is a pattern with replies. Thank you for your time. A simple yes or no is all that’s needed but feel free to elaborate.

Did you breast feed?

Do you believe in self-soothing?

Did you co-sleep?

Do you believe in spanking?

Do you follow doctor’s orders always?

Do you believe in a certain method of parenting? (If so, please list method)

How old were you when you had your first child?
a. 0-20
b. 20-25
c. 25-30
d. 30+

Do you feel age has to do with the type of parenting style?

Are you a stay-at-home-mother?

2006-09-14 04:22:41 · 26 answers · asked by Maggie 1

I'm trying to play a practical joke on my son.

2006-09-14 04:09:45 · 8 answers · asked by Dialup, Avatar, Jones! 2

I always told my son, as he was growing up, that his mother and I had been saving for his college fees. Well, his 18th birthday is coming up, and he asked us for his college savings now because he decided to join the Church of Scientology.
The problem is, he doesn't really have any savings at all. I'm the only one who knows this because years ago, on my way to the bank to start up his fund, I spent the money i DID have, to deposit, on a prostitute. And that's where every bit of the money has gone since that day. Once the truth comes out, this will ruin my marriage. My question is, what's that story about a son who asks for money then spends it all and becomes poor and has to come back to his father for mercy? I want to use that on my son to make him change his mind about his fund for a while.

2006-09-14 03:28:34 · 31 answers · asked by Dialup, Avatar, Jones! 2

Trying to make something of myself and help my family...?
I am currently a stay at home mother of two small babies. I want to take courses online to get a diploma so in a year and a half, when my mother retires, she can watch my kids and I can go back to work. My husband and I live off one income and it is really hard. I am looking into taking courses to become a medical office assistant. They offer you a diploma if you take all the courses and pass them. I already have my AA degree.
What I am wanting to know is that, will I be able to get a job with just an AA degree and a Diploma for Medical office assistant????
I want to work in the office of a Doctor, Hospital, or clinic.
I want a career, a good one, when I go and try to find a job.
Please give me your input.

2006-09-14 03:24:12 · 3 answers · asked by Tired-Mom 5

my daughters dad and i split about a year ago..i found someone new and so did he... he only sees her everyother week.. is it possible that her bond with her dad is being affected by this...she doesnt even call her dad-dad anymore..she calles my new boyfriend dad...which doesnt seem to bother me cuz i have a child with him and we refer to him as dad with her. I think that my daughter is picking this up and thinking he is her real daddy..i dont want to disrupt nature but how do i get it through to her that she hads a daddy and my new boyfriend is just someone that is there to support her and protect her in her time of need...HELP?

2006-09-14 02:16:43 · 17 answers · asked by Kristi S 2

and is not charged with attempted murder. She kept the 13 & 9 yr olds home from school, which leads me to believe is was pre-meditated & drugged them & their 4 yr old brother. Her family said she knew what she was doing & she was trying to kill them. Why wouldnt she be charged with attempted murder?? Instead they are giving her on three counts each of corrupting another with drugs and contaminating food.

If you would like to read the full story click below


It is the first story on the page, it would not let me put the direct link to the story itself


2006-09-14 02:02:40 · 8 answers · asked by MANDEE 3

I have been told Im a pushy mom, I defended that and said one is for survival, the other is for self defence and the other is for fun and it is showing my child there is more to life than T.V and computer games, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

2006-09-14 01:55:29 · 30 answers · asked by me! 4

How can i get rid of my left over baby fat? i had my last child 2 years ago now and my baby fat tum is getting me down. Anyone no a quick and easy way to get ride i am a size 10/12 but wont to get back to my size 8/10 help me please...
Oh and before anyone says eat health i already do. xx

2006-09-14 01:44:11 · 14 answers · asked by bobby 1

We've been kind of quiet lately, what do you think we should talk about?

2006-09-14 01:35:02 · 5 answers · asked by siropson 3

2006-09-14 01:25:12 · 19 answers · asked by Sarma 1

2006-09-14 01:18:46 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I shouldn't let the opinion of a stranger probably 1000 miles away get under my skin, but it really upsets me to see people on here take a persons question(s) and determine that they are a bad parent or screwing their kids up for life. I have seen answers to my questions as well as others questions, where other parents are insulting and making judgements on parents, and instead of simply giving their opinion, they are telling them they are causing emotional damage to their kids, that they shouldn't have had kids, and referring them to parenting websites and books. This forum is to get a variety of opinions, not tell someone they are a bad parent based on a brief glimps into their life, by the quesitons they post. If you had 2 moms and one gave her baby solids at 2 months and the other waited until hers was 6 months, or one mom limits her kids movies to G and the other lets her 10 yrs old watch PG13, why is either one a "Bad Mother"? It is just 2 different ways of parenting.

2006-09-14 00:46:14 · 23 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

im filing for sole custody and child support for my baby girl. People that have gone through this, please tell me what will happen? The case is already opened with the "To establich parental relationship" documents and we have a dna test proving he is the father. We are in Los Angeles, California. Court hearing is next month and now I have to serve him with the "Order to show cause" paperwork. Sheriff's dept has tried 3x's and he is dodging them, so it seems. They are going to try again one more time than I will have to have him personally served by a friend - not me. He needs these papers because it has the court date and has to be served by law 9 days before the court days. If he isn't served and tries to tell the court he didn't know about it or make me look bad, can he do that? He is also threatening to use harassment against me. Actually he is harassing me and giving me havoc. He knows I'm not going to pursue harassment charges on him but can he? I think its trival and petty bs

2006-09-14 00:45:40 · 8 answers · asked by melanieucla2002 1

they eat healthy but I still feel like I don't do enough for them doers anyone have any advice on been a good mum

2006-09-14 00:02:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a stepson from a marriage I am no longer in. I brought him up from the age of 1, he is now 9. (His biological father has never been on the scene) He sees me as his dad and i see him as my son.

My question is what can i do legally to have parental rights over him. I don’t think i can adopt him as I am no-longer married to his mother.

I want to make him legally mine so to speak so I have a say in his up-bringing and if anything happens to me he will inherit my stuff. His mother has agreed to me pursuing this

I know I can become his legal guardian but I do not get parental rights. What are my options?

2006-09-13 23:23:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boy is 10 months old and i normally give him formula into is porridge i no your not supposed to give cows milk untill there 1 years old is there any parents that give there baby cows milk in there porridge and what was the outcome i was thinking of trying him in a few weeks

2006-09-13 23:17:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 6 yr old boy. hes so intelligent at school top of the class his behaviour as been better at school but hes completly different with me. we do all sorts of things like go swimming, cinema but that never seems good enough. as soon as i say no thats it he will have a strop but hes so nasty with me. he shouts at me and argues with me its like i would be arguing with an adult.he will be so nasty if front of my friends and especially start when we go out its just getting worse.i have just had about enough of it. even bed time is bad
i would really appreciate any adice off anyone.
thank you x

2006-09-13 22:41:01 · 9 answers · asked by Natalie P 1

If so, what was the situation which the decision was based on? I am trying to find someone to talk to who has experianced a similar situation as I am in. YIM, lucyintheskylsd

2006-09-13 21:43:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is very high maintenance. I'm at the end of my tether, shouting constantly (which doesn't work!), exhausted and undermined by my partner who says I'm too hard on her. Before you even say, I wont be smaking her....

2006-09-13 21:25:27 · 48 answers · asked by hadjama 2

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