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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

i turned 18 in july. i have a suspicion my ex raped me when we were just friends when i was 16 and he was 21 he got me drunk and gave me pills and i passed out to where i couldn't not be woken and i was swore the next morning, but had no proof and i thought he wouldnt do that he is to nice. then we started having intercourse right after i turned 17. then at 17 i got pregnant. during most of my pregnancy he was 22. i had our child at 17 about 3 weeks later i turned 18. then i had to take our child to the hospital his father, my ex, was watching him that night he confessed to have abused our 7 week old child at the time. my child had 15 broken bones, he was thrown in jail and his parents bailed him out till the trial. and i'm so mad i would like to get him in trouble for more things that he is quilty of, because he hurt my baby! In texas can a 22 year old man be prosicuted for being with a 17 year old female.

2006-09-13 20:51:49 · 14 answers · asked by tara a 1

Have a computer in his/her bedroom?
It just seems to be getting more & more dangerous for kids online.

2006-09-13 17:14:23 · 47 answers · asked by smiles2u 2

How'd you avoid it or come to a compromise?

2006-09-13 17:04:22 · 9 answers · asked by Lucy Lu 4

This is just a free-for-all, a chance to share your greatest success, your favorite tip, your shining moment. We can all stand to learn how to do something better :)

2006-09-13 17:01:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lately my 16 year old daughter has been going around barefoot.She gets straight a's in school. We get along very well and I almost never need to disipline her. The other day her and a friend was watching tv on the couch. She was sitting indian style and her feet was black. After her friend left,i asked her how her feet got dirty, and she said she walked home barefoot and that she goes barefoot alot. Is this just a phase?

2006-09-13 16:42:33 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2

2006-09-13 16:41:48 · 18 answers · asked by chicken_plucker69 1

I just asked a question about where to buy a pagent dress for my daughter and the second answer I got was putting me down and basically calling me selfish for doing that. As long as a parent is not going over board like Patsy Ramsey, or is forcing a child who has said that they don't want to do it, I see nothing wrong with it. My best friend in high school was in pagents from about 2 yrs old all the way till she was about 20. She had a storage building full of trophys and never complained, in fact once she turned 18, she entered herself in them. I asked a question pertaining to piercing a babies ears and had tons of people say there was nothing wrong with it, but people are critisizing pagents. How can something that shows off a childs beauty and talent be wrong, but something that causes pain for beautys sake be O.K.?

2006-09-13 14:57:16 · 24 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

I would first like to say I love my husband a lot--but our parenting styles just don't click. We had talked about this before I got pregnant and argued a little but not as much. It almost seems like everything I'm for--he is against. Everything he's for--I'm against. I want to come to a compromise but we are both stubborn. For example, I don't believe in spanking ALL the time--I think it should be used as a last resort. My husband on the other hand thinks in any situation it is alright to spank. I think our sons and daughters should be treated equally--he thinks daughters should have a earlier curfew. I believe in schedule and routine--at every turn--he is trying to brake my schedule or routine. He scares my son--on purpose--just to see him cry (it's cute--he doesn't do this too often.) Here's another example of what we argue about--any child gets distracted easily. Feeding a baby isn't fun--maybe sometimes but not all the time--my husband will sit there and distract him--which makes me have to feed him for a half an hour instead of a quarter. It’s not that I mind feeding him for longer, it just that it’s unnecessary. It’s like anytime I try and set a rule--I will add we’ve agreed on he’ll try to break it. He doesn’t understand that we are parents. I am not the only parent--he is no longer a child. We have to work as a team. My main concern is if my husband won’t respect me, how will my son know to? Kids learn from example and my husband doesn’t seem to lead a good one. Yes, he is funny. Yes, he entertains. No, he doesn’t help me. No, he doesn’t help enforce rules. I’m torn and I just don’t know what to do. Please don’t say--that’s all men. It’s not all men, I believe he can be different. I’ve tried talking with him several times about it. He either agrees and then doesn’t follow through or he says that I am too picky and thinks he does everything wrong. I don’t know how to get through to him. Please help!

2006-09-13 14:42:16 · 19 answers · asked by .vato. 6

I do not. My 2nd cousin is about that old, and he witnesses domestic abuse. He also witnesses his aunts, uncles, moms and dads calling the police on eachother over ridiculous claims just to get the other into trouble. Is this 3ry old boy a lost cause? Should his mom gain full custody and move far away? My family would never look at me th same if I suggested that, but it just doesn't seem that the boy has any positive influenbces.

2006-09-13 14:35:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems like now that I have children of my own, the way I was disciplined isn't the "right" way anymore. Now they say not to spank because it will make the child violent( I was spanked but I've NEVER been violent". When I was younger, I would have to bite down on a bar of soap is I cussed. I'm nearly 21 and to this day I don't cuss in front of my parents. What are they going to consider abuse next; not buying your child a toy? not letting your child get their way? Are we as parents going to eventually get told we're abusing our kids for telling them no?

2006-09-13 14:31:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-13 14:12:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your personal definition of a "good parent"?

What do "good parents" do?


What makes you a "good parent"?

Please put explanations behind your reasoning. Thank you for your responses.

Before anyone jumps to conclusions--I'm not looking because I want to be a "good parent" in your eyes. It's more out of curiosity of other people's beliefs.

2006-09-13 13:46:30 · 23 answers · asked by .vato. 6

My Biological Mother! Wanting to become closer?
I want to become closer to my real mom?
I was adopted as a baby.my real mom is actually a cousin of my adoptive family.So my whole life ive know her as a cousin,and looked at her as that.Well now she and i want to become closer and im not getting any younger im 13 almost 14! How can i ?? She lives 2 hrs away from my city,and just got married will she still love me the same?? Also she might have another child someday and will pry love that one more! HELP!! Please and Thank you!! :)

I was adopted b/c she was young when i was born and my father died before i was born.

e-mail is Hayley1125@yahoo.com

2006-09-13 13:46:22 · 6 answers · asked by PolishChikka 1

2006-09-13 13:36:13 · 33 answers · asked by adamvanessen 2

Say your adopted like (me),and know who your birthmother is,and of course the people who adopted you too.Would you say the women and man who created you are your true parents? OR The people who take care of you everday??

2006-09-13 13:32:00 · 16 answers · asked by PolishChikka 1

I have looked into many home based business' but they all want me to invest a ton of money which I do not have.. Please anyone that can help it would be of great appreciation.

2006-09-13 13:29:24 · 11 answers · asked by trurasta420 2


I'm am so sick of this ask Dr. Sears epidemic. Don't these people know that there have been are so many "theories" about rasing children? I mean look at Froids believes back in the day--I'm sure as heck not taking advice from him! Why can't we just think for ourselves and do what we feel is right for our children? How can we be so ignorant to tihnk one person holds all the knowledge about parenting and we should follow it like a cult? Am I a bad parent because I don't agree with Dr. Sears?

2006-09-13 13:24:29 · 6 answers · asked by .vato. 6

My stepson keeps asking me about death.. He is 12 and he keeps asking me what is it like in heaven.. I told him the best to my knowledge..that his soul goes to heaven and he gets to do or be anything that he wants to be that it is beautiful and he will be there with all his loved ones. Also i stressed to him that you are very young and you dont need to be worring about that right now. Even your father and I will be here with you for another 60-70 years to see you with all your children and grandchildren. But he came homw from school today and started to cry asking me a hundred of question about it again saying he is worried about dieing and does heaven have cars,boats playstations..???? he says that all he keeps thinking about it's worring him...what do i do???

2006-09-13 13:20:50 · 8 answers · asked by smiley 2

I'm in a class in high school that teaches u about children if u want to be a teacher, parent, ect.... Out discussion today was about spanking your children and how its wrong. Do u spank ur children, & if u do, why do u do it? Don't u see it as abusing ur children?

2006-09-13 13:16:43 · 33 answers · asked by xo winter-angel xo 3

(Or Dad). If so is it WORTH it? Specify if you were the child or the parent.

2006-09-13 12:59:06 · 24 answers · asked by glamar_mw 2

2006-09-13 12:53:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok there are a few things bugging me. My 26 month old was sleeping through the night at 6 months old. now suddenly everything wakes him up! As it is I am 37 weeks pregnant and I have to lay with him until he falls asleep. Most of the time i just give into him and let him sleep with dad and I. I know he really should be in his own bed but when cars headlights come into his window or the neighbors upstairs turn on their water or anything it wakes him up! I even resorted to putting a TV in his room on low at night and it doesnt help. I cant sleep through him crying for me in the middle of the night. Another thing is (and I am told this is normal) you can tell him "no!" repeatedly, slap his hand, swat his butt, yet he still does what he is not supposed to be doing. Any suggestions? I will try almost anything at this point. my husband thinks I am babying him whitch i could be but I have another one coming and I dont know how I will cope. Please help!

2006-09-13 12:34:36 · 9 answers · asked by mommy of 3 boys 3

My 2 yr old boy had a party last weekend , at a park & a family friend dressed as a clown to entertain the kids, it was most family & some friends he had fun and so as the rest of us ..... My brother-in -law wife thinks parties it's just a way to spend money with no need she has 2 kids 4 & 2 I she had never made a birthday party ..She says that with the money she spends she can buy toys & clothes for the kids.... In a way it migth be true but I think kids do enjoy parties , the games , cake , candy bags & the FUN & happines they express & of course they love to open the presents., besides I think if we can afford at lest a small party at a pizza place or at home to celebrate a birthday will not affect the budget at home It will fun and priceless ....How many of you think parties it just a waste of money that can be used for other things???? AND who thinks if you can afford it , at least a small b-day party to do it???? for the happines & fun of the kids....

2006-09-13 12:09:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-13 11:51:52 · 26 answers · asked by razeumright 3


Around what age should a baby start crawling, first words, sitting up by themselves?

2006-09-13 10:53:17 · 10 answers · asked by adam l 1

He won't eat or drink anything- any suggestions of what to do?

2006-09-13 10:50:57 · 8 answers · asked by mystratz 2

for no real reason other than he has to eat. He eats this stuff alot so its not like he hates it. He's just being a brat, so anyways I put him in his room for a few minutes until he calms down...is this a good way to deal?

2006-09-13 10:46:17 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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