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I'm in a class in high school that teaches u about children if u want to be a teacher, parent, ect.... Out discussion today was about spanking your children and how its wrong. Do u spank ur children, & if u do, why do u do it? Don't u see it as abusing ur children?

2006-09-13 13:16:43 · 33 answers · asked by xo winter-angel xo 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

33 answers

i do cause they done something wrong and once i spanked them they learned not to do it again

2006-09-13 13:18:19 · answer #1 · answered by cwb63ss 6 · 4 3

Yes, I do spank my children, and I also know some adults that could benefit from spankings as well!!. I think that any punishment that is given to a child or an adult is a form of abuse (by it's definition, the word punishment is defined as abuse). Example, someone kills a person, and is thrown in jail. Kept away from society in an environment suited for a killer? Hardly. Yet, to be removed from society is a form of abuse, emotionally. Now, one can justify it easily, but is it not abuse. How about chastizement? Even if it's done in a most kind way, how is it accepted by the person being chastised? It, too, is a form of abuse. The key here is how abuse is being defined.

Now, let's look at spanking. Anytime someone is hit, it's also a form of abuse, right? Particularly when it is done repeatedly, there is no doubt there. So by definition, it's abuse, as are the other forms of punishment that are out there. Grounding - abuse. Removal of priviledges - abuse. Writing over and over again "I will not ..." - abuse. OK, I will agree that it certainly does not have the same weight as spanking, but believe it or not, spanking does get much better results than many of the more acceptable methods of discipline.

Children ... well. even adults, are smart enough to realize that if all that happens to them is something that they can handle, then there is no true reason to avoid doing something that is wrong. If you know that by coloring on the wall with a crayon that mommy or daddy are going to tell you that it's not right, and that you should not do it ... this will be knowledge for the child, but what is the incentive not to do it again? Because mommy or daddy will be disappointed? Even if the child/person is made to clean the wall, what is to stop the child from doing it again? Truly, nothing will work if the child's mind is set on it ... even spanking may not work ... but I will tell you ... spanking is generally more effective than the other methods.

Spanking should never be done in anger ... and perhaps it is here that the abuse is taken on a different meaning. Anytime a punishment is being issued, one should not be angry, else the punishment is tainted with anger, and that anger is translated during the punishment. But if spanking is held as a last resort, and is controlled, it is much more effective than many of the other means of punishment. Perhaps it is barbaric, inhumane, ect by the definition of these words ... but it does work, and it does create a more submissive mindset when it comes to being punished, which is why it works so well. To instill submission is to create a greater understanding to ones' purpose in life ... not saying that spanking is the way to that ... but it can be very instrumental in acheiving many goals in a persons life.

So to answer your questions more directly ... yes, I spank my children, the reason why I do it is because it is the most effective means of discipline for them, and I do see it as abuse as defined within the realm of punishment and punishing. In fact, the very definition of punishment is abuse. So clearly, if you punish a person, more than likely, at some point, it is abuse of some sort. Perhaps some are more comfortable with some forms of abuse than others, and perhaps spanking is too high for some ... but having utilized several forms of discipline and punishment, I find that spanking is a very good form of punishment. It doesn't have to be done excessively ... any excessive punishment is also excessive abuse, but when it's done ... it works very very well.

So in your discussion, you were basically saying that punishment is wrong, because punishment is a form of abuse ... you simply used spanking to replace the word punishment to convey the thought.

Hope this helps ya. Good luck, and stay in school!!

2006-09-14 04:06:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spanking your child and abuse are two totally different things. Spanking your child is a punishment for doing something wrong. You only do it if a rule has been broken that the child has been told not to do. It is to teach your child there is consequences to doing the wrong thing.
Abuse is if you hit your child for no reason. If you are angry and take it out on your child, or beat them with an object that does bodily harm. That is abuse.
I was spanked as a child by both parents and grandparents I do not believe I was ever abused. I was spanked because I did something wrong I was told not to do.
If you don't disapline your child then they will turn into an ill-mannered thug that will walk all over you and drive you CRAZY!

2006-09-13 13:27:20 · answer #3 · answered by charice266 5 · 3 1

yes, I do! Not for every little thing they do, but there are some situations where sitting in a corner just ain't gonna cut it. I'll admit there's a fine line between abuse and whoppin' (or spanking as you say) a child. most of the time, a good 2 or 3 swats on the butt with an open hand is enough to get your point across. i'm happy to say, that in most cases, i'm able to use the "evil eye" on kids and that stops them right there. occasionally, you'll have to make 4 or 5 swats on the butt with a wooden spoon or a belt. it all really depends on the parent and the child. i come from a household where we got our azzes beat with whatever my mom (or grandmommy or grandpoppy) came across, a shoe, the phone cord, the newspaper whatever. i didn't then, nor do i now consider that abuse because in most cases, i deserved it. i don't recommend that whoppin (spanking) is your only "tool" for discipline, but i see it more as constructive than destructive. the age of the child is also an important factor.

2006-09-13 13:32:47 · answer #4 · answered by baybeegrl5 4 · 3 1

I don't have kids yet, but i will spank them if it's necessary. Don't miss understand me...i'll do it not in a abusive way and only if there is a very good reason...but some kids do need certain kind of physical punishment sometimes... Just look at the kids today, parents don't spank their kids anymore, you think they are better now than 40 years ago when parents did spanked their kids? No, they are not. It will hurt you and them for a while, but it will be effective.

2006-09-13 13:25:23 · answer #5 · answered by fireangel 4 · 3 1

First of all, if you want to be a teacher you need to learn how to spell. No I have never spanked my child, never felt the need to. Never allowed things to get so out of hand that I got frustrated enough to want to hit my child. I set down clear and simple rules and either they were followed or my daughter didn't get any privliges such as television, video games, or computer time. She never had a television in her bedroom or games or computer in there until she was old enough to get a job a purchase them herself. Any television, game, computer time was spent in the family room under my supervision. When she behaved (and this started way back when she was little) she would earn an hour of "free" time each day of the week. If she didn't behave she didn't earn the "free" time. On weekends she got 4 hours of "free" time, but then she had to behave in order to earn it all as well. If she only behaved a little she only got a little of "free" time. She missed out on a great deal of the shows her peers would watch simply because it wasn't handed to her on a silver platter.

2006-09-16 23:21:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there's a distinction between "spanking" a new child and "beating" a new child. in my opinion. "Spanking" isn't abuse... "beating" is. i think of its all in the form you do it, and the condition. i do no longer beleive that spanking would desire to be the only sort of punishment.there are a number of different suggestion on a thank you to self-discipline a new child. no longer each and everything warrants a spanking. yet in spite of this all human beings has different perspectives on parenting, i myself won't have the ability to assert what's ideal and incorrect. by using fact each and every new child is different and each new child reacts to punishment different. And sure, some human beings evaluate "spanking" abuse. i do no longer.

2016-09-30 22:29:51 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Glad to hear you're having this kind of discussion in your class! Did your teacher discuss other options besides spanking?

I don't spank. I think it teaches all the wrong things.

2006-09-13 14:27:41 · answer #8 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 2

Sometimes it is a necessary evil. Lets put it this way... I spank when the kids to something that could cause serious damage (to living or inanamate)... other punishments for lesser things. People are always telling me how polite my kids are, what great kids I have, how it is obvious that there is a lot of love in my house. When they ask what my secret is, and I tell them my punishment (and reward) method... its always "Oh, I could never spank my child!" These are the same kids cursing at their parents, hitting them, and throwing temper tantrums in the stores.

So, to recap hitting (any strike done *in anger*) is wrong.

Spanking (done when in control of emotions, for discipline) is fine

2006-09-13 13:57:19 · answer #9 · answered by MotherBear1975 6 · 2 1

I spank my children as a last resort. The topics you are learning in class are "new parenting" techniques. I don't think you should spank a child just because of anything--there should be reasoning--and it shouldn't be done out of anger. I don't see it as abuse at all--if the parent isn't leaving marks.

2006-09-13 13:20:28 · answer #10 · answered by .vato. 6 · 4 2

Yes, I do. I have tried punishing her numerous ways but she just doesn't care. (she's like I was when I was little. I had to be popped on the butt for my parents to really get my attention.) Every child is different and some don't ever need to be spanked, but some do. I don't think there is anything wrong with it as long as you are not actually all out beating your child.

2006-09-13 13:20:42 · answer #11 · answered by teeniey37 4 · 5 2

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