Yes (for 3 months)
2006-09-14 04:25:58
answer #1
answered by KathyS 7
Yes, breastfed all children
No. I was talked into doing things that way with my first 3, but I don't anymore.
Yes, I co-sleep. My first 3 slept in cribs from the start and that was exhausting, but now I happily co-sleep and I get lots more rest.
Yes, I believe in spanking, but I believe it should never be done in anger, and I generally use it a "last resort."
No I do not always follow the orders of EVERY doctor. However, I found a doctor who shares similar views to my own, so we do not butt heads on the rare occasions when my children need medical care.
I do not believe ONE "method" of parenting fits every family, however my own parenting practices "in general" line up most closely with Attachment or instinctive parenting.
B. I was 20 when I had my first child, and i was not at all "AP" with him like I am now.
I do not think age has to do with parenting style. There are all types of parents in all age ranges. I think education level has more of an effect than age.
Yes, I am a stay at home mother.
2006-09-14 05:45:40
answer #2
answered by Kathryn A 3
yes I breast feed both my children first for 6 months the second till 9 months ( she wouldn't have a bottle), self soothing?? Not sure but 1st had a dummy, second used her thumb. Yes cos I breast feed they sometimes slept with me while they were feeding, still get into bed with us if they have had a bad dream!!
I don't believe in smacking as it teaches your child that it is ok to smack and violence doesn't get you anywhere. Most of the time I will follow Dr's orders. My method of parenting is really;-
to try and be a good parent,
teach them right from wrong,
love and support them
and never judge them.
Allow them to be their own person.
Discipline them when they need it,
encourage them
and love them uncontrollably.
Be kind and patient
And just tr your best.
B- I was 22 when i had my first.
I think if you are a older parent them you have more patience, tend to be more relaxed. I am a stay at home mum although it can be very difficult at times. I work 2 evening when the children are in bed and my partner is home. Gives me a little 'me time'.
Hope this helps?? X
2006-09-14 04:41:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Did you breast feed? No - milk never came in
Do you believe in self-soothing? No, not babies. They don't know any better. They are just babies.
Did you co-sleep? Yes
Do you believe in spanking? Sometimes - depends on the situation
Do you follow doctor’s orders always? Nope
Do you believe in a certain method of parenting? (If so, please list method) Raise them the way YOU want to, not what others believe or tell you
How old were you when you had your first child?
c. 25-30
Do you feel age has to do with the type of parenting style? No
Are you a stay-at-home-mother? NO WAY! i love working.
2006-09-14 04:32:31
answer #4
answered by jevic 3
No formula - fed
When newborn ages to baby 5 to 6 months then self-soothing is acceptable in certain cicumstances.
Yes, I did co-sleep for the first 5 months, then I put her in the crib and in 2 nights she starting sleeping through the night again.
Abosuletly no spanking, time out works just great
As a parent there are times to just trust your gut and not the doctors. Examples: starting solids, baby powder.
Everyones parenting is different.
b. 25 with my first child
Age does not affect what kind of parent you are going to be. You make that decision.
I am proud to be a stay at home mom, yes it is tough financally, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
2006-09-15 14:00:04
answer #5
answered by babygirl4us 4
Did you breast feed?
Do you believe in self-soothing?
In some cases.
Did you co-sleep?
Yes, for 6 months with my first and 8 months with my 2nd.
Do you believe in spanking?
Yes, between the ages 2-9, in some situations.
Do you follow doctor’s orders always?
Usually. Exceptions I can think of: The nurses at our first hospital were against co-sleeping but as soon as we got home we ignored them. I had been told to wake up my baby every 4 hours to nurse. Did that with my first until the night he WOULD NOT wake up (he only woke enough to glare at me and go back to sleep). Decided that was BUNK with my second, let the baby sleep until HE decided he was hungry, was a lot more rested myself and the baby did FINE! He got on a good sleeping schedule sooner, too.
Do you believe in a certain method of parenting? (If so, please list method)
Whatever works for you. Every parent is different so not every method will work for every parent. Dr. Dobson gives a lot of good advice though.
How old were you when you had your first child?
c. 25-30 (26)
Do you feel age has to do with the type of parenting style?
Nope, temprament.
Are you a stay-at-home-mother?
Yes, now. Worked with my first until he was almost 2 (except maternity leave).
2006-09-15 09:37:24
answer #6
answered by Ecaria 4
yes I breastfeed, but also supplement with formula now that she is 6 months old.
yes i believe in self-soothing when they reach around 3 months.
i only did the co-sleep during naptime, bedtime is in her bed, and naptime was only when she was 0-3 months.
yes i believe in spanking, but only as a last resort and never as a threat to scare a child.
no i don't always follow dr. orders. sometimes i take the advice of other mommies, or i go with my on instict.
the method of parenting i believe in is what you feel is right. i don't think you should do something just bc someone has told you to.
i was 20 almost 21 when i had my daughter 6 months ago.
in some cases, age does have to do with the type of parenting style used. but i also believe a persons upbringing and surroundings play a role in it.
yes i am a stay home mom of 3 stepkids and one child of my own. wouldn't want it any other way.
2006-09-14 10:28:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Did you breast feed?
Yes (3 kids)
Do you believe in self-soothing?
To a point. But there are time in EVERYONE'S life, including adults, that just a warm touch would mean the world. You have to learn what's best for YOUR child.
Did you co-sleep?
At times.
Do you believe in spanking?
Do you follow doctor’s orders always?
Usually. But at times, there's nothing like intuition...LOL. I know I was misdiagnosed LOADS during my youth and my Mom was spot-on.
Do you believe in a certain method of parenting? (If so, please list method)
How old were you when you had your first child?
26 years old.
Do you feel age has to do with the type of parenting style?
Are you a stay-at-home-mother?
Yes. ALthough they are all in school now.
2006-09-14 06:32:36
answer #8
answered by iam1funnychick 4
I did breast feed for only three months due to an infection. I do not belive in self soothing. When my son was first born we co-slept but now only if he does not feel well. I belive in spanking a child but defintly not beating. I dont always follow doctors orders sometimes you just know what your child needs. I dont think there is a certin kind of method I belive in just love. I was 20 when my son was born, and I do not feel that has anything to do with the way i am raising him. I am a stay at home mom I dont like the idea of a stranger who I dont know very well taking care of my son all day
2006-09-14 04:50:34
answer #9
answered by Day500 2
1. Yes I did, for over 2 1/2 years. He turned 3 in aug. He weaned him self off of me in late April of this year.
2. Yes and no. I will only allow a baby to go so long before I will pick it up to see what is wrong.
3. No
4. Yes, I do. It is a good form a discipline, I do it when it is needed. And my son is worned at least once before he gets spanked.
5.Yes, I do follow my Dr. Orders.
6. I parent the way my parents parented me.
7. C- I was 30 when I had my son
8. No
9. Yes I am a stay at home mom! Wouldn't have it any other way.
2006-09-14 05:15:03
answer #10
answered by LITTLE 1 :o) 6
1. I tried to breastfeed but didn't have enough milk to breastfeed exclusively, so we combination fed- 1 bottle, then 2 hours later breastfeed, then 2 hours later a bottle...alternating.
2. I believe in self-soothing to a point. But our daughter would get so whipped up that she would only settle down if we picked her up. Also, I wanted her to know we were there for her to comfort her.
3. We did co-sleep while I was breast feeding, kind of. She would go to sleep in the crib, but when she would get up to breastfeed, we would lay down in bed and fall back to sleep together. Then again for a few months when she had many ear infections we had her sleeping with us.
4. We believe in spanking only in extreme situations.
5. I follow doctors' orders, but use my intuition as well.
6. I like Dr. Sears, but did not follow one method exclusively.
7. I was 32 when she was born.
8. I don't know if age has to do with parenting style.
9. We both work full time, but until she started pre-kindergarten last year, we had our daughter in a home-care situation where she was cared for in the home of our neighbor who is a retired pediatric nurse. She only ever had 5 kids at a time, and our daughter was with her for 4 years.
2006-09-14 04:37:55
answer #11
answered by ItsJustMe 7