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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 December 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My 7 month old son got sick a week ago (Thursday) with typical stomach bug symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea). About two days after he got sick, I got sick, then my husband. For each of us it lasted about 2 days. Then, on Tuesday, we got a call from his daycare that he had diarrhea and a fever. I took him to the doctor and he said he had an ear infection, which could cause the diarrhea. He gave him an antibiotic. Of course, that gave him diarrhea as well. His poor bottom is bright red and he is in pain from the awful diaper rash. He still has a very small appetite and I've had trouble getting him to eat much since he first got sick. Finally today, I thought we were turning a corner and getting better. He took an entire bottle and had a semi-normal diaper.
And then, just as I gave him his last bottle before bed, he gagged and vomited the entire bottle. I bathed him again and he vomited again!
Is he just not over the first bug, or could it be circulating again?

2007-12-06 13:35:11 · 8 answers · asked by John G 2 in Newborn & Baby

Drink coffee, soda, tea, or eat anything with caffeine in it.

A recent study showed that women who drink one cup of coffee daily are half as likely to conceive than a women drinking no coffee. A women who drinks two or more cups of coffee daily is 5 times less likely to conceive than a woman who drinks no coffee.

This holds true for tea and cola as well! A cup of coffee has 100mg of caffeine, can of soda 55mg and a cup of tea 60mg.

If you're trying to conceive, you might consider cutting out caffeine from your diet. I know there are a lot of TTC women on this site, and I hoped you might benefit from this information. Good luck to all!

2007-12-06 13:27:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I am 21 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I do not know how anything feels never experienced it before and I am so nervous. Will someone please help me out and calm my nerves. I'm having a girl and I heard they are easier than boys,lol
Will appreciate the advice.

2007-12-06 13:26:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

im not even dialted a finger tip. but i am 80% effaced. i am almost positive i havent had any contractions yet. i completely pain free, until i lay down. I get this horrible pain in my groin, like i pulled muscles on right on top of my crotch. it is a pretty much constant pain, i usually have to put a pillow between my legs to ease the pain. it isnt back where i would get period cramps either. its right between my legs. it takes me 5 minutes to turn to my other side. i cant really spread my legs appart, because it hurts, but then again i cant leave them together because that hurts too. it is such a horrible pain. it only happens when im laying down. and it goes away after i walk for like 30 seconds.

anyone else have problems like this. they feel nothing like period cramps.

2007-12-06 13:20:37 · 3 answers · asked by carolina sundance 3 in Pregnancy

Was labor with your first or second easier and why??

2007-12-06 13:19:37 · 6 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Pregnancy

Ok so he has been potty training since he was 2 1/2yrs of age he turned 3 in Oct. When he started he had vry few accidents with peeing in his pants...then he was really good about even waking up at night to go pee if he had to. Now for the past couple of weeks almost every other day he just goes in his pants even after i talk to him or give him time out...so he knows that that's not right...is this what they just go through or am I reading into it too much...should I just shut up and let him be a 3 yr old or what....any suggestions?

2007-12-06 13:19:15 · 8 answers · asked by melissa_war77 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

My daughter has slept in bed with me since she came home from the hospital. I love sleeping next to her and I'm not worried about rolling on her or anything like that. But lately I've noticed she won't fall asleep at night unless she is right up against me with my arm around her. How can I get her to fall asleep without me?

2007-12-06 13:08:51 · 19 answers · asked by Freaked out 3 in Newborn & Baby

My friend is 13 and my bro is 15, she is like obsessed with him. My bro makes fun of her all the time when she isn't around. And when my friend comes over she would laugh at w/e he says, sit next to him,licks his popsicle stick after he is done eating it, stares at him constely , and even smells his seat after he stands up. It's really annoying and...strange. My other brothers makes fun of my brother about it and he told me to tell her to leave him alone, but I don't want to hurt her. Should I tell her that he has no interst in her?

2007-12-06 13:08:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

It's gonna be the same old one for me. Go to my two grandparent's house and be with my family. =) I look forward to the cakes and presents. Unfortunetly, I don't always get what I need (or actually use) for Christmas.

2007-12-06 13:07:22 · 12 answers · asked by ちょうど、 アナ-ノエル。 4 in Adolescent

ok so yesterday at class my friend start complain a little about her lip which was hit.

i asked her wat happened
she said that her stepfather hit her in the face about 3 times.she has a minor brusie in her eye too.
where can she get help?but i dont wanna make a big deal bout it.
what should i tell her?

2007-12-06 13:05:35 · 65 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent


2007-12-06 12:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by cha-che 210 1 in Adolescent

Any elaboration as to how/why would be cool.

2007-12-06 12:48:28 · 14 answers · asked by foolofjoy 2 in Parenting

my cousin is having a b-day party and i'm pretty sure there will be beer. i know i WILL NOT drink but i don't want to lie to my parents about where ill be and whats going on but im close to my cuz and dont want to miss her birthday. i just want to go and hang out. oh and my boyfriend that my parents dont like will be there. this would be like the first time i have ever done something like this. what do i do???

2007-12-06 12:47:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I dont think its fair b/c im in 7th grade and some people like just get a cell phone for their birthday but i have to get all A's on my report card and if i dont maintain that status i get it taken away. it would be nice b/c my parents are divorced and sometimes i would like my mom to come pick me up b/c my step-mom is mean but i dont want to make my dad feel bad and call her and it would be easier to text. i also have a long walk home so for saftey reasons and stuff.....tell me if you think i should be getting a phone or not and why please!!!

2007-12-06 12:35:46 · 13 answers · asked by MUhockey:D 3 in Adolescent

I just recently posted a question about our misbehaving 4yr old son,and my husband and I deciding to try spanking him.
Well,it just happened,I was trying to get him ready for bed time,I had just finished helping him take a bath and as soon as I got him dried off and put his little briefs on him and before I could get his pj's on him,he started protesting getting his pj's on,so I called for my husband and he came into the bathroom and took our son to the living room and administered a sound but not excessively hard spanking to the seat of his briefs,when my husband was done,with the spanking,our son immediately grabbed and held and then rubbed his bottom,while he was rubbing his bottom,he bent foward and looked down at the front of his briefs.
Is it pretty normal for a youg boy to grab and hold and then rub his bottom after a spanking?
We are trying to figure out why he bent foward and looked down at the front of his briefs while he was rubbing his bottom after the spanking.


2007-12-06 12:33:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Hello! I am 7 weeks preggers now. During my 6th week and the 1st half of my 7th week, I had morning sickness. For most of the time I was nauseas and couldn't eat much (it was even hard to keep down fluids). For about 3-4 days it was really bad throughout all day long. But over the last 3 days or so, I have gotten alot better. I feel almost normal again. Although my appetite hasn't fully returned, I can eat my normal 3 meals plus a few snacks (which I realize are very important now to keep nausea away). I feel almost all the way better now.... Should I be worried that I am not still sick? Part of me is thanking God that I feel normal again, but another part of me worries about me baby....

Did any of you have a short bout of morning sickness? Or did any of you experience something like this that returned?
Do you still think I have all the right hormones there?

I am only 1/2 way through my 1st trimester, so I guess it could return....

2007-12-06 12:29:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

That is extremely inconsiderate. Then they want you to raise their baby like you made that dumb decision. They make you give up everything to raise their mistake. They already hve a kid, so why do they need to ruin their teen's life with a new one. That's terrible. They decide they want a cute cuddly new baby, whether it ruins their teen's. All babies do is cry and make life harder for eveyone. Teens shouldnt have to be co-parents. It's terrible that anyone would do that to their teen.

2007-12-06 12:27:21 · 13 answers · asked by Iiaria 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am not the best science student. I go for extra help daily. My science teacher is not the greatest person to ask for help. So heres the story.
I dont get conversions.
I went up to her n said "Mrs.-----------, i really am having trouble on this."
and she was like "Okayy just try harder"
So i tried hard and nothing happend
"Mrs.-----------, im still having difficult with this area"
she was like "Kate come on its not that hard"
I was speechless, i was going to rip her hair out.
My grade last mrkng prd was an 82
noww its a

thats absurd. I started crying today when i got the results back


2007-12-06 12:22:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Well first off i'm 15 years old and hate my life at my home My friend is turning 18 this January and she is moving to las vegas w/her bf and she said i should come with her cause her bf wouldnt mind (besides he has a roommate that likes me) Im sick of my life @ home i live in utah and i would be in las vegus what would there chances of finding me if i change my name and dye my hair and stuff

2007-12-06 12:09:05 · 62 answers · asked by Brittany J 3 in Adolescent

2007-12-06 12:04:33 · 25 answers · asked by Jake 3 in Adolescent


My five year old has been recently talking back to me and her father more. We have tried saying "Bridget don't talk back to me" but it does nothing. Can you tell me waht you do or what you think will work.

2007-12-06 12:00:48 · 12 answers · asked by Rachel 4 in Parenting

i watch my neice, who is 18 months, almost everday and she never listens unless you yell at her. i dont like doing that but its all she responds to. thats how her parents have her trained. shes a busy body and doesnt know how to sit and even watch a cartoon/movie/listen to a story. she wont take naps unless she is in her crib so she is up all the time. she only drinks bottles and nibbles on food you hand to her. i would like to see her eating food because she is very skinny and at this point i think its time for her to be able to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner with us. im at a loss of how to teach a child that doesnt know how to listen and has no patience. please any advice....

2007-12-06 12:00:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Hi!! Hubby and I have been ttc for 17 months and still have conceived yet. How long did you try before getting that BFP? If it took you longer than a year, did you get pregnant naturally or did you need medical intervention? We may see a specialist in the new year. We have been seeing my ob/gyn but are kind of on a break from all of the ttc stuff (charting, clomid, opk's, etc) for a few months. Just curious as to if it is ok to be taking this long. Thanks for the answers.

2007-12-06 11:53:05 · 30 answers · asked by HONEYB1 6 in Pregnancy

My son is now 7 weeks old. He is sharing the bed with me which I don't mind (I did this with my daughter until 6 months). Anyway, my son has difficulty sleeping. He grunts all night like he has to poop and cries out if I'm not patting his back or trying to comfort him. I give him a gripe water that takes away the gas he has but he still seems to want to poop all night...or something I'm not sure what is going on! As soon I get us out of bed in the morning (at this point I've been up with him several times at night trying to get him to sleep so that I can too) up he's bright and bushy tailed and then poops. I Breastfeed him and have eliminated EVERYTHING that could irritate him so what is going on? I would like to get him on a schedule but he's so sporadic. Any suggestion or do you share the same weird experience?

2007-12-06 11:51:02 · 12 answers · asked by maegan 1 in Newborn & Baby

my parents are divorced and i spent alternative weeks at their homes. this week i am at my dad's and my step mums. my dad is away on business so my step mum was in charge. i had been fighting with me sister and my step mum started to get angry at this so she said we will be punished and sent us to our rooms. later she came up with a paddle and spanked me on my bare bottom. she did the same thing to my sister. is she really allowed to do this. i am 14 and my sister is 16

2007-12-06 11:49:50 · 27 answers · asked by cassie 2 in Parenting

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