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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 December 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Boyfriend sons are 16 and 15.

The boys are in trouble all the time, at school, at home, they are destructive, smoking pot, and constently kicked out of school.

I dont believe in spanking.
I have never spanked my kids 18 and 16, they have never been in trouble.

My boyfriend has not spanked his kids since we have been together over a year and the trouble is escallating!!

2007-12-06 08:31:30 · 19 answers · asked by Lisa G 2 in Parenting

I swear, some of them have temper tantrums when someone expresses an opinion that breastfeeding a baby in public is in poor taste. I for one don't like to see it, but I don't stomp my feet and start calling people names when they disagree.
Why can't people learn to accept my opinion as well?

2007-12-06 08:29:25 · 34 answers · asked by Mrs. Goddess 6 in Newborn & Baby

I have read some really ridiculous stuff about breast feeding.
1. you won't bond with your child as well if you don't breast feed.
2. your child won't get enough nutrients if you don't breast feed.
3. pumping doesn't provide the nutrients that breast feeding does.
4. If you meet with a lactation specialist, you will be able to master breast feeding, too!

Some people get so worked up about this that it seems as though it is their religion (or cult). Why can't some of these women accept the fact that women who bottle feed CAN have a perfectly close and wonderful relationship with their babies? Why can't some of them accept that some women cannot breast feed - for whatever their particular PERSONAL reason is? I'm not opposed to breast feeding. In fact, I think it is wonderful. I'm just tired of people getting hysterical over it.
Have any of you run into these rabid women on here? What is your take on this?

2007-12-06 08:25:37 · 25 answers · asked by Mrs. Goddess 6 in Newborn & Baby

When you have placenta previa do you only bleed when it's time for your period or do you bleed all through your pregnancy? What happens?

2007-12-06 08:23:36 · 7 answers · asked by monique b 2 in Pregnancy

Help! My husband and I are stationed in ND, our family is from NC. Our baby is due in Feb and my father in law has invited himself to fly up for the birth and stay here for ONE MONTH! My mom will be here for only 1 week. My hubby only has two weeks off of work. I know I won't have the energy to be a good host, or to clean up after my lazy father in law. Does anyone else think one month is a long time to visit. How am I supposed to find time to bond with my husband and new baby with a guest there for a whole month. Please help!

2007-12-06 08:23:05 · 14 answers · asked by Mommy2Be82 1 in Newborn & Baby

My step-daughter, Chloe, and her best friend, Reagan are in 7th grade. Reagan is on the school volleyball team. She made a new friend Ashley, who is in the 8th grade. Ashley asked if she could email Reagan. Reagan added her email to her list. Soon, Ashley told Reagan she had a cousin in a nearby town and asked if she would like to chat with him. Reagan started emailing this guy who was supposed to be in about the same grade. He also began emailing Chloe from time to time. When Reagan's mom checked her computer, she found some inappropriate emails from this guy, one of which said he was or would be outside her house in the bushes waiting for her.

Now, it has since been discovered, with the help of the police, that Ashley and her brother were just playing a trick on Reagan.

My question is this: Should Ashley and her brother be punished for their behavior which caused Reagan's mom to be very worried about her daughter's safety? Why or why not?

2007-12-06 08:20:25 · 15 answers · asked by Loves the Ponies 6 in Grade-Schooler

How old are your kids? How do you keep your sanity? :)

2007-12-06 08:19:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My almost 4 month old has been taking a big sleeping period of 5 hours at first, then goes to 4 hours for the rest of the night for over a month now (she eats every 3 hours or so during the day). She had a viral cold a few weeks ago, and every since then (she is over it now) she has been waking up every 3 hours at night again. Last night I tried to just give her a pacifier thinking that maybe she wasn't really hungry, but she was because I couldn't calm her any other way. Does this mean she is ready for cereal? (She has her 4month appoint. next week so I'll ask him then, but I wanted the opinion of some moms.)

2007-12-06 08:17:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I have a six year old who is becoming extremely adept at passive resistance. I pretty much have to physically move her through the entire process of getting ready for school, moving her from the bed, dressing her, brushing her hair, dragging her downstairs, finding breakfast, putting on her coat, guiding her to the car and buckling her in. I obviously can't just let her stay in bed until she's late, or not have her go to school at all. How do other people deal with that?

2007-12-06 08:17:12 · 15 answers · asked by Mythological Beast 4 in Grade-Schooler

Reasons for and against please

Do you think it's okay for a 31 year old guy to date a 16 year old(american's please note this is legal in my country)?
I don't know this guy but I've seen him around and want to ask him out,what do you think?

2007-12-06 08:16:17 · 67 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I would like to see what you all think is the best carrier/wrap for babies older than 6 months. Obviously something that has great back support. There is some traveling i will need to do...and I would like to know which ones you all recommend. Best Recommendation from personal experience.


2007-12-06 08:14:46 · 10 answers · asked by BlueBlue 4 in Newborn & Baby

We've just discovered that our baby that's 17 mo. is allergic to peanuts. We found out after I gave him a little peanut butter on a bread he barely had any and all the sudden he started itching and swelling up, then had difficulty breathing, we immediatelly called 911 took him to ER, we have an epi-pen for him now, but what else can we do to prevent the reactions, we removed everything that had any peanut ing in it from the house, but now what? Do we tell everyone we go to not to put anything out on the table with peanuts, or would that be rude, or what? Shopping takes long too, since we want to make sure that whatever we buy was not made next to peanuts etc. We're going to see a allergist next week, our first appt what should I expect there?

2007-12-06 08:12:37 · 5 answers · asked by acia 4 in Newborn & Baby

My husband is almost insistant that we name our daughter Reagan. I'm not entirely sold on it yet. What do you think of it? Be honest...I can take it.

Also, will it cause confusion on how it is pronounced? I told my friend what it was over email, then she later mispronounced it over the phone. It's pronounced RAYgan...like the president.

2007-12-06 08:11:14 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

2007-12-06 08:09:26 · 3 answers · asked by ANGELTERE 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I was just watching the show "Intervention" and I couldn't stop crying!!!

I am wondering if being overly emotinal can be a very early pregnancy sign?

I am also having other signs..

bleeding gums when i brush my teeth

lower stomach cramps

always hungry!

burping ans gas. constantly!!!

VERYY tired.. always yawning.

feeling wet "down there"

I am only 9dpo today.

supposed to get my period on the 11th. I DID test yesterday in the morning.. it was negative.. I think it was probably too soon though right?

any advice? when should I retest?

2007-12-06 08:08:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is four yrs old. And 6mo. ago, his father left us, since then there has been a lot of changes in his life. i used to be a stay at home home. Now i work two full time jobs, trying to make ends meet. And he is in Pre school. and at first it was great. But lately hes giving them a big problem listening and hes even gotten aggresive with other students. Now his school wants to classify him with ADHD. This is takeing a huge toll on me, and im so worried about this. Can somoen plaes give me your advice? is this ok to do? Will it follow him through out school? Will it do him good? Im very concerned. Hes only four i just feel hes to young to be classified. Any help, advise or words of wisdom, is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you so much

2007-12-06 08:03:57 · 11 answers · asked by nyki 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

I know older people that regret not having children and CELEBS always make it out to be the best thing that happend to them. So what do you think.

2007-12-06 07:59:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Okay, we've been ttc and this morning I was really sick (throwing up) so I took a hpt (it's 4 days before my period, and it was early response) and after 1 minute I threw it away and went to class, but when I got home I pulled it out of the garbage because I was still nauseous and wanted to make sure there wasn't two lines....and there was!! I saw a faint positive.........I'm going to take another test as soon as I can force myself to pee, but do you think it could be positive? I threw it away after only a minute so it's possible that it didn't finish developing until a few minutes later and a positive will last 24 hours. But do you think that it was only positive because it had been so long and not because I'm really pregnant? Please help. I can't take the waiting! I'm very anxious and excited, but I'm afraid to be disappointed! Has anyone had this happen to them? If so, what happened? Were you really pregnant?

2007-12-06 07:59:41 · 22 answers · asked by Jessa ~Noah's Momma 5 in Pregnancy

Im 26 weeks pregnant and i wanted to know if I can take baths

2007-12-06 07:58:55 · 12 answers · asked by Popeye S 2 in Pregnancy

I have had a mirgraine for about 12 hrs now and it hasnt gone away. I cant stand or anything with out alot of pain and i have had a heating pad on my head all night. I called the doc for a prescription of something but im allergic to codine and he wont give me Tylonal 800 or something like that. Does anyone have any suggestions?

2007-12-06 07:58:20 · 10 answers · asked by irishcuttie226 2 in Pregnancy

I'm looking into getting in to school to become a Radiation Therapist, and I was wondering what would happen when I decide to have more children.

Would I have to quit my job? Are they required to allow me leave? I don't understand what I'd do because administering the radiation could effect me child!

Also, if I got pregnant without knowing, would the previous daily exposure while working be enough to effect the egg and/or sperm (immediately... before fertilization), or the fetus?

2007-12-06 07:53:01 · 17 answers · asked by Candikane 2 in Pregnancy

I have no clue what to get my dad and my older brother!
I'm already getting my dad a new bill fold and a new shirt, but I need to get him something else.
The only music he really likes is Bob Dylan and he has all his albums and box sets. He doesn't like electronic things. I was thinking about getting him a new belt buckle but I'm not sure.

I'm getting my brother a new wallet and shirt too. I was also thinking about just giving him some money since his low on money and he's in college but I dont think it would accept money from his little sister.
He likes punk rock stuff and he's a pilot. He's 21 if that matters. He has an xbox 360, are there any new good games out for it that I could get him?

I have $350 to spend on them. Any ideas would be greatly appericiated!

2007-12-06 07:47:43 · 18 answers · asked by Small♥Town♥Girl 6 in Adolescent

My 16 month old loves to "repair" things. He tries to take apart toys, chairs, anything that looks mechanical. He already has a toy drill and tool set which he loves, but I would like to find a toy that is take apart and put together for toddlers. Any suggestions?

BTW - he has a Mr. Potato Head and likes it well enough, but I was hoping for something more mechanical in appearance since he LOVES Daddy's laptop and other gadgets.

2007-12-06 07:46:16 · 3 answers · asked by C.D.N. 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I was watching Dr. Phil today, and a woman wanted to sell her posessions to get treatments that MIGHT help her get pregnant. I understand that adoption is expensive too, but it's more certain than treatments. Why is that not an option for so many people?

2007-12-06 07:44:08 · 9 answers · asked by wilsonmatthewf 3 in Trying to Conceive

I am aware that many moms here are proponents of extended breastfeeding, and I was wondering why. I'm not challenging or criticizing or anything, I'm just wondering about personal experience and beliefs. Do you breastfeed longer because of health benefits, because it is what the child wants, because it is what you want, because your child isn't eating enough in other areas, etc.

I'm excited to see your answers so that I can better understand this.

2007-12-06 07:42:04 · 15 answers · asked by rainwriterm 7 in Newborn & Baby

I was wondering if this is something that has happened to other mothers. It seems that my breastmilk makes my 4 month old baby spit up/ throw up. I have had to supplement with formula since he was born and he spits up more with the breastmilk. The dr said it is reflux and has taken all dairy out of my diet as well. I just had my wisdom teeth out so I stopped breastfeeding for a total of three days...all free of him spitting up. Now that I have started breastfeeding again it has started again...any ideas on what is causing this??

2007-12-06 07:40:12 · 16 answers · asked by Garrett's Mommy 2 in Newborn & Baby

I went to the doctor today b/c I suspect pregnancy. I keep getting negatives on urine tests, however I am having symptoms. So I went to my doctor and she first did a in office pee test. I asked her if that was more realiable than the over the counter tests she said yes b/c they test the potency of the urine b/f testing. She also said she had never heard of women not getting a positive and still being pregnant on a pee test (her in office tests). I have heard SO many women on here say do the blood test, you can get false negatives on a urine test....what about doctor urine test? I am SO confused. Even if I am NOT preggo, why did I have to basically demand anblood test and why did she say there urine test IS accurate and basically say "your not pregnant, but if you insist"? I am confused. Anyone not been able to register a positive on "doctor" preggo tests and had blood work come back pregnant? I think I might get a new doctor. Any feedback?

2007-12-06 07:39:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

What a wonderful XMAS present.One of the ladies say she's been TTC for 11mths and she finally got her BFP!So baby dust to us all!Been TTC#2 since April.7DPO hoping for a BFP next week!

2007-12-06 07:38:53 · 7 answers · asked by dccuttie75 6 in Trying to Conceive

I dont know if I'm having a boy or a girl.I have a few names in mind.




What do u think???

2007-12-06 07:35:14 · 67 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

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