i do not like common names like, jessica, robert, james, christina ect. i like uncommon, unique.....rare names.
for my boy name i like Armoni Malachi.
Armoni is not posted in a babyname book or on the internet site. i was told its femine but i dont see how. Amani and Imani
and wahnot yes. but not Armoni. nickname Moni.
full name : Armoni Malachi Williams.
for my girl name. Safiya (sa-fie-yah) it is not. sophie at all. it means pure and i think its just uncommon and beautiful.
the middle name is yet hard for me too pick.
Safiya Marie (which is my middle name) but im not so fond of it. or....
Safiya Geneve. i just dont know.
hmmm. any suggestions or ideas?
no rude comments please, you dont want people giving you negitive opinions, neither do i.
13 answers
asked by
Proud Mommy 4/22/O8 & 2/O9/1O
Baby Names